Decline of the American Empire


Say Parlay
Forum Member
Dec 6, 2001
Kansas City area for who knows how long....
You obviously don't work with tools. I do and I can tell you that no self-respecting mechanic would use anything but Snap-On or Craftsman hand tools, both made in the USA. Nor would any self-respecting electrical engineer or electrician use anything but Klein, Xcelite, GB, etc. hand tools, again... all made in the USA.

I was just responding to "not made in USA" that muff alleged (from list in his post above). Direct your corrections to him.

I'm a trained auto mechanic and I preferred Hazet over Snap-On, when I had them available!

I've met some electrical linesmen who prefer Knipex pliers over any US brand.
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Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
I was just responding to "not made in USA" that muff alleged. Direct your corrections to him.

I'm a trained auto mechanic and I preferred Hazet over Snap-On, when I had them available!

I know some electrical linesmen who prefer Knipex pliers over any US brand.

Nope, wrong again terryray. I use only USA made mechanic's tools. In fact I'm still using the complete set of Thorsen (then made in the USA) tools which I was given for my 16th birthday.

But go ahead, terryray, slip on your Chinese socks, fire up your Chinese coffee maker, turn on your Chinese TV and then piss and moan about how "they", working class folks, don't pay enough taxes. Nevermind that American union workers paid the taxes that repaid the WWII debt, Korean and VN war debts, built the Interstate System, sent all those vets to college, built the huge Social Security suplus, provided the investment capital for a thousand companies, and made us the most formidable economy ever seen on earth.

I hope you get a nice dose of Chinese made Heparin too, and your dog gets a bowl of food laced with Chinese melamine. You'll both die, but at least your poison will have been ChineseCheap.

Ricardo, my ass.
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Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
But go ahead, terryray, slip on your Chinese socks, fire up your Chinese coffee maker, turn on your Chinese TV and then piss and moan about how "they", working class folks, don't pay enough taxes. Nevermind that American union workers paid the taxes that repaid the WWII debt, Korean and VN war debts, built the Interstate System, sent all those vets to college, built the huge Social Security suplus, provided the investment capital for a thousand companies, and made us the most formidable economy ever seen on earth.

Ricardo, my ass.

"Hey Terryray, you gah' some
'splainin to dooo..."


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Hey Tramp...

Hey Tramp...

Tramp... I ordered this today. If you haven't read it yet, check it out on Amazon. It looks very good.

Tramp... I decided to download the audio version of this book as well. I'm listening to it now. It's very good but I think doggie's head would explode before he could complete a single chapter. The book exposes imperialism (and by proxy, neoconservatism) for what they are -- a pure form of tyranny.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows

Is it just Neocons that are imposing Tyranny? :shrug:

There's really no difference between the two, uhhh, Republicrats?


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

Is it just Neocons that are imposing Tyranny? :shrug:

There's really no difference between the two, uhhh, Republicrats?
Good point Lumi.

Neoconservatives have elevated the game but U.S. imperialism certainly isn't restricted to Republicans. In just the last 60 years, Iran, Guatemala, the Congo, Cuba, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Greece, Chile, El Salvadore, Nicaraugua, Iraq and Afghanistan have each felt the heel of our imperialist boot.

And yes, Obama (and Congress) are complicit in continuing our imperialistic foreign policy.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Good point Lumi.

Neoconservatives have elevated the game but U.S. imperialism certainly isn't restricted to Republicans. In just the last 60 years, Iran, Guatemala, the Congo, Cuba, Brazil, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Greece, Chile, El Salvadore, Nicaraugua, Iraq and Afghanistan have each felt the heel of our imperialist boot.

And yes, Obama (and Congress) are complicit in continuing our imperialistic foreign policy.


Let's go further back into history done by our own President with the ILLEGAL CONFISCATION OF GOLD !

Executive Order 6102 is an Executive Order signed on April 5, 1933 by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates" by U.S. citizens.

The murders of JFK, RFK, and MLK. :(

All three dark days in our history, clouded by mystery and unanswered questions.

Both Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy warned us about the Military Industial Complex and Secret Societies.

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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Bush Nominates Iran-Contra Coke Smuggler and Honduran Death Dealer, John Negroponte t

Bush Nominates Iran-Contra Coke Smuggler and Honduran Death Dealer, John Negroponte t

Iran-Contra traitor and Iraq war engineer, John Negroponte. Before he was the American ambassador to the U.N. from 2001 to 2004 and top official in Iraq for much of the past year, he served as ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985. It was there that Negroponte -- if a wealth of well-corroborated and documented evidence is to be believed -- covered up a pattern of gross human rights abuses by the country's CIA-trained forces. Under Negroponte's direction, military aid to Honduras rose dramatically, from less than $4 million to $77.4 million. To keep the aid flowing, the American embassy in Tegucigalpa needed to reassure Congress annually that Honduras was not a gross human rights violator. This he did. Negroponte's 1983 report to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for instance, argued that the "Honduran government neither condones nor knowingly permits killings of a political or nonpolitical nature" and that there were "no political prisoners in Honduras."

The snow job worked, and under Negroponte's watch "U.S. military aid [for Honduras] jumped from $3.9 million in 1980 to $77.4 million by 1984. But in truth, as Sarah Wildman reported in The New Republic, the Honduran army, especially the U.S.-trained Battalion 316, engaged in widespread human rights abuses, including kidnapping, torture and assassination. Negroponte worked closely with the perpetrators and covered up their crimes, according to Ambassador Jack Binns, his predecessor." Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting has noted that neither the Washington Post nor the New York Times mentioned Negroponte's connection to Battalion 316 in the months between Negroponte's being nominated as U.N. ambassador and his confirmation in 2001.

Likewise, the story of Battalion 316 was conspicuously absent from press coverage of Negroponte's nomination last week, with only a few stories casting a sufficiently critical eye on Negroponte's past. Despite the investigative firepower of major news outlets such as CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post, it was up to the AP to file the only story to fully take into account the outrage expressed across Central America over Negroponte's nomination.

Mainstream media coverage also largely ignored Negroponte's role in helping to cover up a horrific massacre conducted by U.S.-supported death squads in El Salvador in the town of El Mozote in the province of Morazan. The massacre was reported in The New York Times and The Washington Post on the eve of Congressional hearings on funding for the Salvadoran military, whose elite forces had carried out the massacre. Top Reagan officials, including most particularly Elliott Abrams, sought to discredit the reports with McCarthyite accusations, and were supported by their allies in the conservative punditocracy?which was then just a fraction of its current size and scope. They succeeded and the funding went through, in part due to the cooperation of then-Ambassador to Honduras John Negroponte. The gruesome details of the massacre were later excavated by a Salvadoran truth commission, and reported on by the New Yorker's Mark Danner, with the dead numbering over 500 civilians. (Of the 143 human remains discovered in the sacristy of the Mozote church, 136 were judged to be children or adolescents, of whom the average age was six.)

During the controversy, State Department officials received a confidential cable from

Negroponte reporting on a visit by a U.S. embassy official and a House Foreign Affairs Committee staff member to a refugee camp, where many of the survivors of Morazan had fled. The cable described the refugees' account of "a military sweep in Morazan December 7 to 17 which they claim resulted in large numbers of civilian casualties and physical destruction, leading to their exodus." Negroponte himself noted that the "names of villages cited coincide with New York Times article of January 28 same subject." He noted that the refugees' "decision to flee at this time when in the past they had remained during the sweeps ... lends credibility to reportedly greater magnitude and intensity of ... military operations in Northern Morazan." The State Department, however, decided to keep this information secret. By the time of the second certification report?which appeared six months later, in July 1982?the massacre reports were ancient history.

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I can't tell you how I know this dick head, but when I saw this, I had a really bad day, or 5. :sadwave:
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