There's really no answer that will work for everyone. Different things work for different people. And Fletch, that's some cocktail you got going there! I think a similiar recipe for detoxing would be an EvacuQuick. It's a 3 step process that you buy in a single box. Like you mentioned earlier, you best be hanging around a toilet!
Newest thing on the market on a prescription basis is the Nicotrol Inhaler. It's very similiar to a cigarrete and you simply inhale the nicotine filter inside. Keep in mind that the nicotine is NOT what causes damage to your system, it's all the other chit that they put in them; tar, smoke, residue, etcc....etc....
I will tell ya Jack, that it would probably be a good idea to go to your family doctor and get yourself a prescription for Zyband(Wellbutrin). If your insurance company refuses to pay for the Zyband, have your pharmacist to run it through as Wellbutrin. It is the exactly same drug but used for different things. Zyband is strictly used for smoking cessation while Wellbutrin is used for depression. This medication would really help you curb your craving for nicotine. While taking the medication, you'll find yourself smoking fewer and fewer smokes a day. Around two weeks into your therapy, you should eventually quit altogether.
We are all creatures of habit, and if you change or alter the situations you find yourself in when you smoke the most, your chances of stopping will increase. You stated along time ago that you find yourself smoking the most when you are on the computer. You're probably not gonna like this, but you need to take a break from the things that make the situation worse. Lots of folks smoke more when they're drinking and my suggestion to them would be to not drink while they're going through this transition. HOWEVER, if you are not committed to stop, then this would not need to be done. I see people all the time that want to quit, but they're really not committed to succeeding. A good faith effort just won't get the job done. You have to be totally committed to it!!
About the only thing that I can tell ya for sure, is the fact that you
WILL die earlier in your life due to complications of smoking. If you get yourself a real good case of emphyasema, you'll wish you were dead! Lots of folks have compared it to breathing in a paper sack for the rest of your life. Most don't die from smoking itself, but rather from the complications that arise due to smoking.
It's a battle that can be won, but it takes a fully committed mentality in putting the things down, and down for good! After you lick it, I would then start the detoxification process and get yourself back on the road to a healthy body! I'm not really familiar with Fletcher's products, but I have no doubt that they will do what he described. Start taking a REALLY good multivitamin and a powerful antioxidant. You need to start supplementing your system will large amounts of vitamins and minerals.
If there is anything that I can do or there is some information out there that you're unsure about, just give me a shout, and I'd be happy to help out!