Do you smoke?...Plan on QUITTING?


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
I'll start
Yes, since I was 9 years old (quit twice for a year each time) 1 pack a day. I'm now 54 and Monday is quit day again!!!!!!!!!!!


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Jul 13, 1999
i can't quit and they are really bothering me too. i cough for an hour every morning. i'm close to 3 packs a day. i know it's killing me and just can't stop. any ideas?


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Jack remeber when we had post on this a while back and I told you I had quit.Lasted 45 days and I gained 32lbs. Probably used that as excuse to start back.It is amazing all the things in life that can kill us that we have no control over and we subject ourselves to one we do have control over.Nastiest of habits but hard to buck.Would give $5,000 in a hearbeat if I could snap my fingers and never have the urge again.


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
I've always considered myself a tough sob but even though I only smoke 1 pack a day Its Got Me.......and has for so freakin long I'm sick of it. Seems its the only thing I cannot control.........TILL NOW....F--K this! I can handle the week or so of pain but walking a couple of miles each day will help!(positive reinforcement)will add some diet changes right away so my mindset will be positive in several aspects at the same time.
C'mon Jack...........join me.......I wanna see my grandkids..So DO You! We'll keep tabs on each other.. C'mon Jack..Misery loves company



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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
C'mon DTB,
Join Jack and I

Diet too...I know about the weight thing.
I'm starting at 230 lowest in years and gonna take it lower....with fruit and limit carbs to 150 per day.
C'mon DTB...Misery loves company and we'll be f-----G miserable together

Palmetto Pimp

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Feb 12, 2000
I used to smoke over a pack a day....When the price went up like 2 years ago I quit cold turkey. Didnt have any for like a year... My wife still smokes so I might have
some here and there average of like 1 cigarette a day maybe, and I can live with that, I will never buy another pack I know that..way too expensive.

To MadJack.....3 packs a day!!!! Man that is just awful. Just wake up one morning and throw that shit out.(I know easier said than done.)But at least I think you can calm it down to 1 pack or somethin. Three is ridic!!! Dont let the cigs control you..When you want one just wait a little more than you usually would and you will start cuttin down. Or like say you have one at like 8 when you wake up. Just tell yourself ok Im not gonna have another one until 9 oclock. And before you know it you will realize you can control you habit(by cutting down) or maybe even quit.

Bear....GOOD LUCK you can do it. You dont need em man, theyre nasty and plus think of the money youll be saving.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
hey belive me i know what you guys are going through,donot smoke but have just as bad addications,and your right its hell but when you get to the point where you see it is killing you if you don't stop then you will have something worth fighting for.
don't laugh but a couple of things that will help out first go to a health food store or herb shop and buy a bottle of liveRX its the best liver toxin out on the market,it will help clean your insides,its made buy mrm(metabolic response modifiers. this stuff is great for a healthey liver for everyone food also has somebad toxins in it.
take 2 tablets twice aday for 5 days then you can take 2aday for the rest of the bottle i use it everyday,its well worth it,and my dr said my liver is back to normal after being in bad shape.
2nd buy a bottle of sea salt it must be sea salt you can get it at a food store or health store, mix 2 TB spoons with 1 quart of warm water when you wake up on a weekend,drink it taste bad but it cleans out your whole inturnal digestive track and colon,kidneys and liver,the salt doesnot stay in blood stream so no harm even if your bp is high,but must be sea salt.dont plan on going anywhere for a couple of hours except to the can about 6-10 times but it gets rid of the stored up toxins in the body and you will feel can do this every month,also must be on a empty stomich.
3rd buya bottle of skullcap liquid herbal extract at a health food store and kava kava liquid extract,mix it with 4-5 ounces of warm water and drink every couple of hours this will take the edge off keep you from having headaches and get rid of the nic craving. skullcap is also great for headaches that reaccure and are bad also helps with hangovers.its very good.
if you do this i promise your chances are above avg that you will be able to stop without the side effects which make it hard but you must want to out walk anything each morning,i have lost 30 pounds the last 2.5 months i work out at 5 am each day with jeri and 30 mins of cardo i am at my playing wt of 220 and that has not been the case for 6years and have engery and indurence,
good luck you can do it,its better the being dead and in a few months you will feel like a kid again its great,in a week you will see the changes,the first few days the bad feelings you will have is the toxicans coming out of your body might feel like the flu but its just your body healing itself.
you will be happy you did this ,none of these items will give you anyside effects,very safe for all to use.

[This message has been edited by fletcher (edited 08-05-2001).]


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
I have a buddy who quit using the relatively new Nicotrol Inhaler. Whenever u have the urge to smoke, u just squirt one time in each nostril. U can use the inhaler up to I believe 40 times a day. With each successive day he would "squirt" fewer times until he quit "squirting" for good.

Another good way to quit and the way my Grandfather did back in the late 70s is to NOT buy cigarettes but rather buy the tobacco and papers separate. Don't roll any extra cigarettes. That way if u want to smoke, u have to roll it. That's rather a pain in the butt and not nearly as easy tamping on the pack for another butt.

Jack, u mention 3 packs a day. I once had a friend who had an uncle in Florida that we would visit for Spring Break, fishing on the Okeechobee, and various other fun stuff. Anyway, this uncle of his smoked 4 PACKS A DAY!! His brand was UNFILTERED, FULL FLAVOR CAMELS. This man would wake up in the middle of the night, make a pot of coffee and drink the whole thing, smoke about 1/2 a pack, then go back to bed. He would then light his first cigarette of the day and light each successive cigarette with the ash of the old cigarette. He always had one burning.

Good luck quitting guys. The only vice I have ever had (luckily) is gambling, but I know from having plenty of smoking friends that it is a TOUGH gig to give up.

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Some great advice! I'm going to add the best multi-vitamin....anti-oxidant....phytonutrient formula that I can find to this makeover regimen and try to reverse some of the damage. May even start lifting some small weights for 1/2 hour a day. Your detoxifying suggestions were just what I was looking for. I'm also looking for info on stuff that has a chelation effect..that is stuff like garlic that will actually melt a little plaque off those artery walls. Thanks and wish me luck!
Congratulations on your progress!!!!!!!!
Sounds like where I wanna go....NOW.
Good luck today!


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Feb 5, 2001
A freind of was doing 3 packs a day and got hypnotized and quit.
Didn't have the urge the rest of that day.
Next day he drove 1,000 or so miles to the Canadian border - no urge.
When he got to the border he thought maybe he oughta buy some before crossing, but no urge, so he didn't.
That was about six years ago and he says he has still never had the urge.
Also - other people smoking doesn't bother him.
It was his second time getting hypnotized.
The first time it didn't stick.

He talked me into trying it.
It worked for me for two weeks.
Then one saturday night a gal from up the road showed up at my house with a twelve pack and a pack of marlboro lights - my brand.
I sat there and looked at those smokes and thought what the hell, her old man has to come right by here if he gets out, and her van is sitting in my driveway and he's gonna kill me anyway.
That's how I got started back.
Pretty lame, I know.

I gained some weight during that two weeks and continued to gain for a couple more weeks after I started back.
The total came to 20 lb.
I still carry most of it.

Good stuff from Fletcher, I think.

[This message has been edited by bmc (edited 08-05-2001).]


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
bear and others you can go here and find some great products. ,this is one of the best compines out there for product and research, we used these products at fl and w.georgia.
learned about them from DR. william spohoskey us sports academy in ala, its where i finished my ms at. a great place for sports reserch one of the tops.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Bear Maybe we set day like labor day.At times I can not smoke and it doesn't bother me.Believe it are not I probably smoke more when computer is on than I do rest of the day.
Fletch Thanks for advice buddy.
Clint Rolling own is good idea except my trooper buddies would accuse me of having roaches in the ashtray LOL


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Jan 12, 2001

I do. Nasty habit. I smoke a bout 7-8 cigarettes a day. I smoke a full pack on days when I drink though. I managed to quit for 3 months last summer - not one, and then I started back up again, its a bad addiction. Makes me hate going to the dentist as well having him bark at me for smoking. Once cigs hit $5 a pack - which they are close to now I have vowed to try to quit for good, hopefully it will work.........



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Jul 26, 1999
New Orleans
Been smoking a pack to 1 & 1/2 for sometime now. And if you ask me when I am gong to quit, I could probably say..."When they quit making the damn things." a buddy of mine once said to me. So I have my suspicions there is no "how", as such, when it comes to this kind of thing. I do, however, try to do 2 things that I can control somewhat, that help me a lot I think. That would be juicing and exercising, and you don't have to overdo it with either...just get started and go at your own pace. I like to juice grapefruit juice in the morning and then later in the day (after exercising), mainly vege juices (a combination of Carrot, Apple, Celery, Beets, Parsley, & Green Pepper) the minimum do Carrot, Apple, and one greenie type. I 'made' 50 (as they sometimes say in Cajun country) earlier this year...and what I mentioned above may be one of the main reasons I managed that...cause smoking isn't the only bad habit I've had. If this post helps only one fellow human has been worth it!


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
cruncher you are like me with the jucier.i jucie everything,it has made a big difference i do the carrot with everything and spinch allot, i put it all in there seeds and skins.
and for working out its not about killing yourself its about doing more then you do now and enjoy it. but you need to have some wt training in your work out. doesnot have to be heavy,this will help speed up your metabolism and also help with bone denisty wich is importent as we age. as for the cardo you can get on a tred mill and walk at 4.5 mph for 20 mins aday 5 days a week and within amonth you will have more engery and will feel more relaxed.
good luck to all remember this is a time to enjoy,and if you feel good things tend to just seem better,we are not trying to be a pro athlete, we are just trying to better quailty of life. and i have worked out most of my life till the last 6 years and thats when i got myself in trouble,now that i am back at it i feel great,i forgot how good it feels to spend 45-1 hour aday to workout,the whole day just seems much better,i am more relaxed and not nasty and a cranky person when things are not my way.and my sleep is much takes us about 35 mins to lift we do a body part aday and 20-30 mins of cardo m-f sat and sun are rest days.
try it if you don't feel better in 30 days then quit but i am sure you will fell better and enjoy it so you will keep it up.


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Aug 24, 1999
There's really no answer that will work for everyone. Different things work for different people. And Fletch, that's some cocktail you got going there! I think a similiar recipe for detoxing would be an EvacuQuick. It's a 3 step process that you buy in a single box. Like you mentioned earlier, you best be hanging around a toilet!
Newest thing on the market on a prescription basis is the Nicotrol Inhaler. It's very similiar to a cigarrete and you simply inhale the nicotine filter inside. Keep in mind that the nicotine is NOT what causes damage to your system, it's all the other chit that they put in them; tar, smoke, residue, etcc....etc....

I will tell ya Jack, that it would probably be a good idea to go to your family doctor and get yourself a prescription for Zyband(Wellbutrin). If your insurance company refuses to pay for the Zyband, have your pharmacist to run it through as Wellbutrin. It is the exactly same drug but used for different things. Zyband is strictly used for smoking cessation while Wellbutrin is used for depression. This medication would really help you curb your craving for nicotine. While taking the medication, you'll find yourself smoking fewer and fewer smokes a day. Around two weeks into your therapy, you should eventually quit altogether.

We are all creatures of habit, and if you change or alter the situations you find yourself in when you smoke the most, your chances of stopping will increase. You stated along time ago that you find yourself smoking the most when you are on the computer. You're probably not gonna like this, but you need to take a break from the things that make the situation worse. Lots of folks smoke more when they're drinking and my suggestion to them would be to not drink while they're going through this transition. HOWEVER, if you are not committed to stop, then this would not need to be done. I see people all the time that want to quit, but they're really not committed to succeeding. A good faith effort just won't get the job done. You have to be totally committed to it!!

About the only thing that I can tell ya for sure, is the fact that you WILL die earlier in your life due to complications of smoking. If you get yourself a real good case of emphyasema, you'll wish you were dead! Lots of folks have compared it to breathing in a paper sack for the rest of your life. Most don't die from smoking itself, but rather from the complications that arise due to smoking.

It's a battle that can be won, but it takes a fully committed mentality in putting the things down, and down for good! After you lick it, I would then start the detoxification process and get yourself back on the road to a healthy body! I'm not really familiar with Fletcher's products, but I have no doubt that they will do what he described. Start taking a REALLY good multivitamin and a powerful antioxidant. You need to start supplementing your system will large amounts of vitamins and minerals.

If there is anything that I can do or there is some information out there that you're unsure about, just give me a shout, and I'd be happy to help out!

Its Gravy

Forum Member
Jan 18, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
Man, Smoking all those cigarettes i just a wager on your life that you CAN'T WIN. Not only is it disgusting,it smells awful and its hazardous to your health. Strange, how people fail to read and understand the labels and warnings that come with cigarettes. I urge you all to quit, COLD TURKEY...cmon its just mind over matter. Substitute your smoking by going to the gym for 1hour per pack you USED to smoke each day

Good Luck
Cigs Suck


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Great Advice,Great Advice!
C'mon guys...who's with me?
Next week at this time we'll be over the hump. What say? They'll be mistaking me for Hardy....on that show. I'm very psyched and tomorrow is "kick butt" day. I've told everyone I know so I cant really set a new date. I've done that 100 times already anyhow. I drove my walking route for 2 miles to start and the weights are out. Just have to find the total package for supplements. I'll have at least another dime in my bankroll for next years football opener and life will be sweet. I'm ready to "kick butt"


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
I just got back in and have to go out again
at 5..........BUT...I'll be on that site tonight like a fly on horse...t. Thank you my friend...its exactly what I'm lookin for.I'll let you know what I come up with.
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