Do you smoke?...Plan on QUITTING?


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
congrats bear on 1 day a nonsmoker

Just finished my 20 min aerobic workout and feel great. Now I'm done for the day, this program is so great.

Keep up the great work and always keep your goal in mind and it will motivate you.

Hangin in there with ya!!


Registered User
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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Well..........great news....Jack and DTB may be joining this little party soon. I had to "just do it" cause my Labor days never come. Thats just me though.....I find that I'm never ready for this and it helps if I tell the world because I can always talk myself into tomorrow. Now my wife and kids etc would be disappointed if I dont do it and of course I gotta show good. 2....not as bad as day 1 but I could use a smoke right now. Bad mood (like this is someone elses fault) (I like smokin)
(Just lemee smoke and dont bust my chops.)These are the thoughts.....I forget immediatly all the physical reasons that led me to quit...WELL I"M NOT SMOKIN! period
I'll buy roses next week
. Keepin busy definitely helps and so does this thread!
Jack, DTB...........soon...I'll bet there will be more by then. Have a good one. I'm not even lookin at a game till I've got this under my belt. GREAT DAY GENTS!

hello there

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Jul 17, 2001
What if you smokers couldn't have access to a cigarette for an entire week, how would you act or behave differently???


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hey Bear,

I'm gonna' join the crusade.

I'm playing golf today at Quicksilver Golf Club (what a course!) and I'm leaving my smokes on the front porch swing.

I aint takin em and I aint buyin any.

Gonna see if I can make it to the course, play the round, and get back home again without hurtin anyone.

Like Allnet says, "A group is better than any individual."


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
You WILL be tested...I don't have to tell you
I'm into day 3 and its much easier now than that damned first day. YA gotta get that BIG first one and the drug just keeps callin. F..K that! Right now,I could use a smoke but it seems to be a little repulsive on its own. Coffee, would make it great, but I'm off that too.......makes it easier cause those 2 are like bread and butter. Well,now I can think about smoking,talk about it and the craving is not strong enough to break me down....50 something hours and still 100% go.
Buddy...I really wish you well today but There is something that Fletch said thats important at least it is for me. If you have truly decided to be a non smoker.....dont sweat it if you lapse...(i came very close on several occasions but decided I didnt want to start over) NO BIG DEAL.. just pick up and continue till its done....GOOD LUCK!


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Day after Labor Day it is Jack!
Believe Bear has taken right approach in
A: Committed to family that he is quitting and
B:picturing himself as non smoker.

Have went to a couple of hypmotist previously and the one that seemed the best had approach of how much better I would feel vs how bad they are for you.To this day i'll see someone in traffic with a cig hanging from their mouth and think that I look just as disgusting to others.
Carry the torch Brother Bear.You'll have it licked by time we start.


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
I think this thread should always be kept near the top of the General Discussion Forum.

Something this beneficial to so many deserves a "bump".

I just drank a big glass of water.

I'm really gonna' try to do the right thing.


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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Got my copy of "Body For Life" and I'm with ya on this! Does appear to be a scam when ya look at the results but Your they guy who has been there and done I'm with ya. Gonna read it tonight and start tomorrow!
Can't wait!
BUDDY...................Hows it going? I'm anxious to hear.It really takes some balls to stand up and do should feel proud of the effort. I'm feelin proud now even though i'm far from outa the woods. Still crave but Its much easier to dismiss now and I'm not nearly as cranky. I'm lookin forward to accomplishing much more than Kickin butts now.
To all....Thanks for the support..It damn sure makes it easier.


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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
FWIW, I was a life long smoker and found it took personal motivation to quit. Booze and drugs were the same way. I started young and when I finally hit bottom I had blown a family that loved me and reached the point of considering suicide. It took me wanting to live to finally reach out to AA for help. Had one slip after 30 days but went back because I really wanted to live:to put my life back together. It was too late to save the maraige and even now family is not close but the healing process is contiunuing: I just did too many things to alienate them. That was almost 20 years ago (Feb 5, 1982) I've been clean ever since.

Smocking was the same. When I was 46 I tried to play basketball with my 2 sons and realized that I was in horrible condition and that if I did not take better care of myself it would kill me. I set a date to quit about a month off (March 31, 1993), told everyone I knew I was going to quit because I wanted to live a longer healthier life, got the nicotine patches and hard candy to help the oral habit and on that date I became a non-smoker. I reinforced it by immediately trying to smell taste all the things I could not before. I also tried to smell the filthy smell associated with smoking and worked at trying to realize that what I smelled on other smokers is the same that non-amokers smelled on me: it really stinks. I gained some weight but decided that it was worth it and I could lose the weight later. went from 170 to 225 but am now back to 185 and work out 3 times a week. If I had continued to smoke I do not think my health would have improved and I know I would not be in nearly the physical condition I am in today: not great but pretty good.

In short, breaking addictions is a personal battle but I really believe the following:
1. You have to do it for selfish reasons. It has to be for you: not because someone else wants you to.

2. Look for support from family and friends.

3. Stay away from things associated with your addiction.

4. Change your daily routine.

5. Find ways to reinforce the reason you became a non-????. For instance, when I quit drinking and doing, I would tell myself every morning that I knew where I was and where my car was. (One time I woke up in Mexico missing about 3 weeks in my life.) When I quit smoking I would start the morning by taking in several deep breaths and reminding myself that my lungs were improving. I would do the breathing thing several times a day when the desire to smoke hit me.

6. start immediately telling others who you were able to quit. It really serves as a great reinforcer and may help others to quit.

7. Be proud of your accomplishment and see yourself as a non-??? rather than an ex-???. I am not an ex addict I just do not use drugs.

Works for me and hope it helps someone wlse.



Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
DTB, remember when u quit this time to NOT come over to the house when my Father-in-Law is here, lol. I still feel a little responsible for that. Didn't u start back the last time right in my driveway? Y'all were reminiscing about Vietnam, he was puffing away, u asked him for one, and the rest is history. I'll tell him to stay at home in the future when u come over!

We'll have to walk the golf course for sure this fall/winter to help u keep the weight off as well. That will be a good workout and an incentive to play more (like we need that!)

Stock up on the Nicorette gum, and u can do it again.

Congrats bear, and hope u r able to stay off the butts.

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.


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Jul 13, 1999
DTB- I'm definitely in! Day after Labor Day. I really think I'm going to do it this time. REALLY! This thread might be something I remember for the rest of my life. Thanks for all the inspiration, guys! Mental preparation begins immediately.



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Jan 17, 2000
Fairfield, CT., USA
Day 4...this still sucks but cravings continue to subside.They are there (less frequent,strong last night)and by now everyone is staying away from me and I don't blame them.I'm actually getting over that but am still quick to fly off the handle.This can make a person VERY hard to live with. No mistake..nicotine is a very powerful drug; and smoke,( the stuff in that shit is flat out bad) I musta been f-----g CRAZY! Very glad I did this and I owe my family for putting up with me these last several days.
Jack, DTB, Buddy and others..... when your ready....THIS IS A DOABLE THING.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Keep it going Big B

Snoozing great post.I quit drinking the hard stuff when I missed my garage in 86.Got tired of thinking how stupid I acted next day.Do drink a few beers with the buds occasionally but have none at home.Never did miss the stuff.
Clint wasn't your father-in-law.Went from 202 to 235 in 45 days.An excuse to start back

Jack Started cutting back 2 days ago in preparation for D-Day.I am sure your family will be pulling the hardest for you.


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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Bear, DTB, Jack - If YOU realy want it you can do it. Accept that the habit did not develop its hold on you overnight and it will take some time for you to brek its hold.

Keep breathing deep when the urge hits and just say no. There are a million reasons to start back and only one to quit and that is because YOU WANT IT. Remember why you are quitting and how hard it was to stop the next time you feel like, "well i will just have one."

Anyone besides Bear, Jack and DTB going for this. It would be great if there were more. It is easier with a group.

Good luck.



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Jul 13, 1999
To this day i'll see someone in traffic with a cig hanging from their mouth and think that I look just as disgusting to others.

i do the same thing. how 'bout at the airport, where they give the smokers a glassed in room without ventilation and it's so smokey you can't even see acrossed the room for all the smoke. it's disgusting, yet i'm right there with them.

how about that first burn hole in the seat of your brand new car, your favorite shirt, the recliner, the bed? we must be nuts!

how about leaving the restaurant in the middle of dinner to catch a few drags in 5 degree weather outside, burning the wife's new carpet, coughing your head off in the middle of the night and every morning when you wake up.

when you light one up when you ALREADY had one lit up, missing a key part of a movie because you slipped outside for one, when your son tells you to PLEASE quit about a million times in the last few years, etc. etc, etc.

it's gonna be tough but i hope to pull this off, thanks to you guys!!


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000

You will definitely enjoy the read and it will inspire you. One thing, don't worry about all the supplements they recommend taking, just like alot of the previous posts it is wise to be taking some vitamins etc and if you already are you don't need what the book offers.

Don't get me wrong they work, my wife and I did the program together and they really helped but a little pricey.

If you have any questions just post them here and will be glad to help, oh yea if you are wondering we did enter the challenge, but never sent in our photos, we didn't feel the changes we made would win but they sure made a big difference in our appearances and left us awestruck that this could take place over 12 weeks like the book and pictures showed.

Good Luck and Keep Up the Good Work


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000

You sound ready my man, why wait till Labor Day that is another month of doing what you just described. I think they call that procrastination. That's another month of 3 packs a day, maybe if you can't start right away start cutting down and maybe start a exercise program very slowly so when you are really ready to start you will be way ahead of the game.

Try to start now, you can do it, but if not you know we'll all be with you when you do.


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Feb 12, 2000
I agree with CT here. Everytime I tried to set a date to quit, it never worked. I was sitting at the bar the other night and was telling someone that I was going to quit on August 1. They go into another covnersation while I puffed on another cigarette. By the time, I finished that one I had convinced myself to quit right then. Going on 7 weeks now, but damn I am starting to feel good. I was going to start exercising, but I did not want to shock my body. One more week, and the exercise begins.

Instead of stuffing food in my mouth when I crave, I drink a ton of water. I piss more than an 80 year old on Free Prune Juice Wednesday, but it's worth it.

It's so cliche,but you really have to quit one cigarette at a time. I feel like I quit everytime I turn one down.

Keep fighting boys, and add one to thelist of partners in this battle.

Sic 'em


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Jul 13, 1999
[bold]I piss more than an 80 year old on Free Prune Juice Wednesday[/bold]

LMAO! but, i thought prune juice makes you go poop
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