All day, every day.
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I talk to my dad and two brothers all the time, especially on birthdays and holidays. Their all dead now.
I talk to my dogs all the time, just like they're people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Completely normal- I do it all the time- I tend to carry on conversations with the cat too. :facepalm:
Because you are a bigmouth, loudmouth asshole!!! Who Knew!
Was just chatting with myself about how the Browns will beat the Ravens this weekend, we conquer :0corn
:facepalm:Because you are a bigmouth, loudmouth asshole!!! Who Knew!
Oh look, another unsolicited attack on me by the Internet tough guy, what a surprise. But you're the good guy trying to prevent bullying and all that right?fatdaddycool is that you ?
I do it all the time, but I usually do it silently in my head. I do have one exception though, I tend to say fuck out loud if I don't get my way on something.
Sometimes I'll talk to myself (out loud, but not real loud) if I'm trying to sort through a problem solving activity.
:facepalm:Because you are a bigmouth, loudmouth asshole!!! Who Knew!
Last time I'll ask nice kod. Keep your jejune comments to yourself.
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I assume everybody does whether they admit it or not.
Do you have conversations with yourself?
Do you ask yourself questions?
Do you use I and me or we and us and our, or a combination of all?
Here's an example of one I had a few minutes before posting this thread. I was on the deck.
"Oh shit I have to leave here at 10:15 for my haircut." Maybe I'll leave early and grab a bite to eat or maybe we should wait until I get back and just make a salad"
"Let's go check the forum for a few more minutes and then hit the road." maybe check the games for tonight to see what I'm gonna bet." "Fuck we have to go to the bank too, I guess we better leave about 10 after."
Am I nuts? :0002
Is this normal?
I assume everybody does whether they admit it or not.
Do you have conversations with yourself?
Do you ask yourself questions?
Do you use I and me or we and us and our, or a combination of all?
Here's an example of one I had a few minutes before posting this thread. I was on the deck.
"Oh shit I have to leave here at 10:15 for my haircut." Maybe I'll leave early and grab a bite to eat or maybe we should wait until I get back and just make a salad"
"Let's go check the forum for a few more minutes and then hit the road." maybe check the games for tonight to see what I'm gonna bet." "Fuck we have to go to the bank too, I guess we better leave about 10 after."
Am I nuts? :0002
Is this normal?
:toast:All living things do talk to oneself before taking any decision to do anything. Even plants do as they take decision in the direction of the growth of both stem and root. This is fundamental and normal.
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