Tons of views written about the young son of Indy coaach Tony d.....I am going to throw something out there I have never told......I met a lot of angry black guys in the service...tons...God knows why they joined-some I think joined just to have a legit reason to bitch about the U.s.a.-really......anyway...I was a officer- a Pilot-(copter) lots of cool guys respected me because i chose to care about them , life, shit etc......when these guys who hated everything got there first taste of a firefight or "action"the were the one that totally changed the most....really i saw so many guys who were bitter, gangster,ugly guys become either heroes or or total cowards....there was no in between............I tell this because I feel that the youth of today (25 and under) grew up with no hardships===none...think about it,,,this age group grew up with computers,stable economy,good health care etc......I am scared of the young youth of today...look at the swtories of the 18 year old that served in WWII and look at what the 18 year olds are doing today ......what a opinion....just putting it out there...take care....