Dungy death=my view..


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
I think Worm is right on about the kids (and over all population) of today. I have a small business myself. It involves working overnight, dropping your pants (just kidding), can be a bit labor intensive, you need to now HOW TO COUNT, have a decent drivers license, AND WANT TO WORK, NOT DO EVERYTHING TO AVOID WORK. Nobody of any age, race or gender seems to be able to do the above.

Many of the best people I've hired and that have moved on to actual full time careers are people NOT BORN in the US. These people have a work ethic. They have drive. They are not looking for the easy way out or trying to bs me (which won't happen).

In general, people cry at a moments discomfort in their life and are inable to OVERCOME ANYTHING.


Registered User
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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Scott, sure the kids of today are different from those of the ww2 era. They have to be , look at the adults of today, people like you cry about the kids of today, what do you expect. Educate your kids, spend time with your kids and love your kids and others and see what you get. The kids I know for the most part are decent because their parents are. The only thing that I said was Todays Military is just as courageous as any generation and I will stand by that.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
bryanz said:
Worm, you put it out there,so I'm calling you on it. My experience says you have never seen any action. Maybe I'm wrong but it's just my experience . You don't have a clue.

Talk about putting your foot in your mouth. Calling worm out like that when he was wounded in action? Man what a prick you are.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Any officer that would choose the words to describe the men he served with in combat is either unfit or never served. I'll stand by that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agent 0659

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Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
I think Worm lost his eye in combat serving our country, if I remember correctly. Of course I'm taking his word for it but I believe him.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
I don't know because today is the first day that I ever heard that he served. If he did God bless him. I just can't believe that a leader of men could spout that garbage at the top of this thread.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
bryanz said:
Any officer that would choose the words to describe the men he served with in combat is either unfit or never served. I'll stand by that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you can stand corrected. You are judging whether or not a man served his country by 1 paragraph? As I said, you are wrong and as a man you should apologize to the worm.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Saint, It's not uncommon for some to embellish their service records. Words Have Meaning, by those used by your friend the Worm, my experience says something is wrong. All I have to go by is the Worms words. Don't you think the Worm was wrong for the words he used at the top of this thread ? Maybe your not but I'm man enough to call him on it.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
I will stand corrected if I ever had proof that he served in the capacity that he said he served; and chalk up his rant to ignorance. I have the utmost respect for those who have served and can't believe a man that has displayed his intellect as the worm has done here,served in the capacity that he says he did.

Roger Baltrey

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Forum Member
Sep 13, 2005
One thought guys, we don't need World War to build good strong young men and women. If there is another major world war, millions could be wiped out. Life is getting better, what's wrong with that? Happy holidays!


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Lord knows, no ignorant folks ever joined the armed services, bryanz.......and if they did, they could never make a post on the internet that would fail to meet the high standards of a citizen such as yourself.

Yes, I'm sure that our military has nothing but the finest men and women "keeping us safe" from the red menace, yellow horde, or whatever color insurgent "we" are fighting at this time?

You keep speaking in code about what has "tipped" you about worm. I was never in the military, so I never had any training that would help pick up those clues. I assume you must have been in counter-intelligence, so help the rest of us out, Lt Col Markinson.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
So let's get back to the question worm brought up in his original post. I'll throw this view out there. I think every generation looks back on the ones succeeding them and feel like it's all gone to hell. I think this is a bias that you have towards your own generation. I mean, when I graduated high school and then went to college, even when I came home and saw the new group of kids in high school (who maybe were only 5 years younger), I found myself asking 'what in the hell happened to these kids, I was never like that'. The reality of it is that I'm just looking back from a more mature state and with bias that when I grew up we did things right. I will agree that times are much different now than 50 years ago and the respect for elders is not there as much, but at the same time I also think that it is also a common thing for people to look back on the 'glory days' with a blind eye.

Roger Baltrey

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Forum Member
Sep 13, 2005

You hit the nail on the head. By the way, most of the folks in charge right now grew up after Vietnam and there was no major conflict during that period. From my standpoint the people who grew up in the 70s turned out okay.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
yyz said:

I beg to disagree. I don't think this descent started until the late 60's.

Okay, so I ask you this. The people around my age (26) are a product of the so-called "golden generation". I feel that at the age I'm at, I'm a true reflection of the morals I was instilled with by my parents. If that's the case, then the fact that today's generations are growing up poorly means your generation did a crap job of raising them. Sure, I grew up with sex and swearing on TV, the internet, and all of the things that have led to the so-called demise of my generation. I would say I'm a pretty moral person. Why? Because despite those negative influences, I had parents whose number 1 priority was that I was raised right. In the cases where children are influenced so much by the aforementioned things, i fault the parents for letting it happen, not the kids who are a product of it. When I was younger, the word "crap" was not allowable on tv. Now you can pretty much get away with anything. The simpsons was a big deal because bart simpson would say crap for kids my age on tv. When I was 13 did I choose to let TV change its standards? No, it was a bunch of suits who were from your generation. Catch my drift?
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Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
So "my generation" set yours up to fail?

Lack of family, moral values, and religion, are what ruined the fabric of this nation, not Matt Groening. (He is also a product of a weakened system.)

As you said, each family owes their own. If we had more of that, we would be just fine. Sadly.....we do not.

We have a country of citizens growing up less educated than the group before them, and they bring forth the next generations. We are a lazy country, who has not had to work for anything in decades. We "get by" on reputation, while corporations sell the very soul of the nation, piece by piece, over seas. The United States will have sold itself into inferiority over the next few decades, and the Chinese will make sure we have cheap TV's to keep us placated while they take over.

Your're worried about what you see and hear now on the television? Turn it off, and start worrying a little more about what's going on outside your front door. We have a slightly larger concern facing us as a nation than what Johnny wears to school, or what language he addresses his teachers with. Slightly higher issues on the plate than Dusty's mom attending a spinning class, rather than making sure he's home after school.

If you don't see that, maybe mom and dad didn't do as good of a job as you thought.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
yyz said:
So "my generation" set yours up to fail?

Lack of family, moral values, and religion, are what ruined the fabric of this nation, not Matt Groening. (He is also a product of a weakened system.)

As you said, each family owes their own. If we had more of that, we would be just fine. Sadly.....we do not.

We have a country of citizens growing up less educated than the group before them, and they bring forth the next generations. We are a lazy country, who has not had to work for anything in decades. We "get by" on reputation, while corporations sell the very soul of the nation, piece by piece, over seas. The United States will have sold itself into inferiority over the next few decades, and the Chinese will make sure we have cheap TV's to keep us placated while they take over.

Your're worried about what you see and hear now on the television? Turn it off, and start worrying a little more about what's going on outside your front door. We have a slightly larger concern facing us as a nation than what Johnny wears to school, or what language he addresses his teachers with. Slightly higher issues on the plate than Dusty's mom attending a spinning class, rather than making sure he's home after school.

If you don't see that, maybe mom and dad didn't do as good of a job as you thought.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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