It is always obvious whne a subject or topic hits the vein of society or in the case the posters of the forum.
I would have mutliple ideas and thoughts to throw out, but I will be more succinct then my typical replies in these types of subject as I was not an active participant from the start, but do have thoughts.
Now these are going to be presneted as just questions to provoke thought, not one to justify a thought or a side?
1) What generation doesn't think their's is the one with the most opportunities, and the abilitiy to seize those opportunities when looking back in history?
2) What generation doesn't (besides their own) think that the other generation's all had issues and were glad they did not have an active contributiong role?
I mean those two questions albeit very similia,r still reprsent (and I think saint said this) the typical view we had upon or high school graduating class, after we grqaduated. Looking at clothing trends, music, conversation style, etc. we (our generation in this example our class) thought we were better.
The comparative stage is so different in these cases is that it is staggering. One generation lived in poverty, one generation provided the most millionaires within a certain time frame in history, most genrations had some type of war whether it be a divisive war, or a country coming together type of war. But within all of those differences, and as technology changed, cosnumer pricing changes, the shifting from a stay at home mom family to, yuppies, to DINKS (dual income no kids), to working families, to latch key kids, to well you get the picture...
Bottome line society changes, people choose to adapt to it or not based on there set of ideals and beliefs. Can you productively raise a child in this society with the internet boom, and information free fall. Sure you can. No different than the parent's growing up through the 60's and 70's in there free love, sex, rock n roll atmosphere. How about growing up through the depression and the rates of suiced and single parent families with nothing to there name... wouldn't that be tougher? We just like every other generation get an opportunity to adapt and develop, and it's through you own personal growth, that wil dictate what happens. So don't be afraid of it, be on top of it... and enjoy the experience.
BTW: I have been often on the side of discussing the benefits of what true parenting can do for a child's growth scholastically, personality, drive etc., and I would still say it is that positive impact tha really makes a difference 90% of the time... but in this case of James Dungy it appears to be the latter 10% where a good family, doing the right things... seems to have not driven the message home or was not accepted by a son. Unfortunately... that happens, and is very sad! But try not to rip the kid, as we don't know his demons, his inner workings, nor his personality other thatn news accounts, just be happy it wasn't your child, and reach out to those you know may need it.