El Paso mall shooting: At least 19 people dead, 40 injured


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO
I think you'd sleep just fine with no gun, too.

As I have gotten older........ It makes me feel secure, and being on the marine corp pistol team. I could shoot a squirrels nuts off with one shot. :142smilie


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO

Starting with the President of the USA all the way down to the Dog catcher.
OS, there is NO NEED FOR ASSAULT WEAPONS for the general public ...........EVER

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
OS, there is NO NEED FOR ASSAULT WEAPONS for the general public ...........EVER

so we have to vote out every one of the SOB's who takes money from the NRA and who sides with the issue.

There is a way ............


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Gary, My man....... do you know what country you live in? This is not France, or Italy. Do you know how many people hunt in this country? Banning military rifles.......hell yes! this is my rifle , this is my gun, This is for killing and this is for fun...... True words have never been spoken and this is a Marine corps quote , If we ban all assault rifles, I get that. Never will all guns be banned. It will NEVER happen in this country. And, I have a 45 cal with two 7 round clips loaded by my bed side. Why? I dunno except that I sleep like a baby at night. :0008

Okay, let's ban all military rifles, bump stops, and require background checks for all gun and ammo purchases. Sounds like a start.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Lets ban all knives while we are at it

Lets ban all knives while we are at it

You can't fix stupid and you can't predict crazy, still think its a gun problem? :0corn


LOS ANGELES (AP) — A man who was "full of anger" went on a two-hour stabbing and robbery rampage in Southern California, killing four people and wounding two others, authorities said Wednesday.

The 33-year-old Garden Grove man was taken into custody after he came out of a 7-Eleven in Santa Ana, southeast of Los Angeles, and dropped a knife along with a handgun that he had taken from a guard, police said.

The violence appeared to be random and the only known motives seem to be "robbery, hate, homicide," Garden Grove police Lt. Carl Whitney said at a news conference.

"We know this guy was full of anger and he harmed a lot of people tonight," he said.

The suspect and all the victims were Hispanic, he added.

The attacks on more than a half-dozen places took place over about two hours in Garden Grove and neighboring Santa Ana.

The two people who were injured were listed in stable condition late Wednesday night and were expected to survive, Whitney said.

Detectives were interviewing the man and also expected to be at the various crime scenes through the night in order to collect evidence for a court case, Whitney said. Surveillance cameras caught some of the carnage.

"We have video showing him attacking these people and conducting these murders," he said.

Whitney said the man lived in a Garden Grove apartment building where he stabbed two men during some kind of confrontation. One man died inside an apartment and another was found wounded on the balcony and died at a hospital.

Whitney said a bakery also was robbed.

The owner, who asked not to be identified, told KCAL-TV that she was charging her cellphone at about 4 p.m. when the man drove up and apparently mistook her for a customer.

"He went directly to the register and tried to open the register ... he showed me a gun," she said. He took all the money and fled.

"I think I was very lucky because he thought I was a customer, not the owner," she said.

The man also robbed an insurance business, where a 54-year-old employee was stabbed several times and was expected to survive.

He was armed with "some sort of machete knives" when he confronted the woman, Whitney said.

The woman "was very brave," Whitney said. "She fought as best she could."

An alarm company saw the robbery on a live television feed and called police.

"They could see that the female victim was on the ground with blood and multiple injuries," Whitney said.

The man fled with cash and also robbed a check-cashing business next door, the lieutenant said.

Shortly after 6 p.m., the attacker drove up to a Chevron station, where he attacked a man pumping gas "for no reason," Whitney said. "There was no robbery."

The man was stabbed in the back and "his nose was nearly severed off his face," the lieutenant said. Bystanders rushed to help the man, he said.

Undercover detectives tracked the suspect's silver Mercedes to the parking lot of the 7-Eleven store in Santa Ana and within a minute of their arrival the man came out of the store, carrying a large knife and a gun that he had cut from the belt of a security guard after stabbing him, Whitney said.

The man had followed the guard into the store and stabbed him several times during a confrontation, Whitney said.

Police ordered the man to drop his weapons and he complied and was arrested.

Police then learned that a male employee of a nearby Subway restaurant also had been fatally stabbed during a robbery, Whitney said.

The brutal and puzzling attack came just days after a pair of mass shootings in Texas and Ohio left 31 people dead and stunned the nation. The shooter in El Paso, Texas, apparently posted an anti-immigrant screed before killing 22 people at a Walmart on Saturday. Less than a day later, a man opened fire on a Dayton, Ohio, entertainment district, killing nine people before police shot him dead.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Is there a more amoral, evil man on this earth than Mitch McConnell? Senator from the sorriest excuse for a state in this country, Kentucky. Home of the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.

This scumbag has been elected by the morons of Kentucky (sorry Handi) for over 30 years. I remember back in the 90's he was instrumental in the defeat of campaign finance reform basing his opposition on the 1st amendment. Basically responsible for keeping money and corruption in power. Yet the citizenry of Kentucky, home of coal and tobacco and one of the worst education systems in the country, continue to elect this bought and sold piece of fucking garbage.

Now if you want to know what I really think.....


Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006

Trump?s openness to extensive background checks for gun buys draws warning from NRA

Josh Dawsey, Seung Min Kim 5 hrs ago

President Trump has repeatedly told lawmakers and aides in private conversations that he is open to endorsing extensive background checks in the wake of two mass shootings, prompting a warning from the National Rifle Association and concerns among White House aides, according to lawmakers and administration officials.

Trump, speaking to reporters Wednesday before visiting Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, where weekend shootings left 31 dead, said there ?was great appetite for background checks? amid an outcry over government inaction in the face of repeated mass shootings.

Trump?s previous declarations of support for tougher gun controls, including after the deadly Parkland, Fla., shooting in February 2018, have foundered without a sustained push from the president and support from the NRA or Republican lawmakers. Even Trump?s advisers question how far he will go on any effort.

NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre spoke with Trump on Tuesday after the president expressed support for a background check bill and told him it would not be popular among Trump?s supporters, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to freely discuss internal talks. LaPierre also argued against the bill?s merits, the officials said.

The NRA, which opposes the legislation sponsored by Sens. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.) and Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), declined to comment.

Advisers to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he would not bring any gun-control legislation to the floor without widespread Republican support. Trump has waffled, current and past White House officials say, between wanting to do more and growing concerned that doing so could prompt a revolt from his political base. Even some supporters of the Manchin-Toomey bill, which would expand background checks to nearly all firearm sales, say it is unlikely to pass.

?I don?t think the president or his Republican allies are going to become out of nowhere advocates of aggressive gun control,? said Matt Schlapp, who leads the American Conservative Union and is a close ally of Trump.

Trump has focused on guns extensively since the shootings, calling lawmakers and surveying aides about what he should do ? outreach that began Sunday evening. White House officials say there has been a series of meetings on a response, convened by acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, including a session Tuesday morning. The president has discussed with aides the idea of a Rose Garden bill-signing ceremony for gun-control legislation, a notion that seems premature to many in the West Wing.

Trump also asked lawyers about what he could enact through an executive order, officials said.

?He seems determined to do something and believes there is space to get something done this time around,? said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who said he had spoken to Trump ?four or five times? since the shootings. ?The president has a pretty *common-sense point of view. He?s never been a sports or gun enthusiast. But he is more determined than ever to do something on his watch.?

Manchin said that Trump called him at 6:30 a.m. Monday and that the two spoke again on Tuesday, when Trump said he wanted legislation before September, when the Senate is scheduled to return.

Trump did not express explicit support for the Manchin-Toomey bill but asked a range of questions. Most of the recent mass shootings were carried out with guns purchased legally.

?He was inquisitive, wanting to know why it hadn?t happened. He wanted to know all about it,? Manchin said. ?I told him we couldn?t get enough Republicans to help us.?

Manchin said he told Trump that he would need to back any gun-control legislation or it would fail again. Those comments were mirrored by almost a dozen GOP and White House aides.

?If you don?t stand up and say, ?This is a piece of legislation I support,? we?re not going to get enough cover to have Republicans stand tall. They won?t be able to do it,? Manchin said.

On Tuesday, Trump outlined some NRA concerns in a second call with Manchin. ?We talked about that,? Manchin said. ?I told him, we don?t expect the NRA to be supportive. Mr. President, in all honesty, when you did the bump stocks, they weren?t for you. They were against that, too. You didn?t take any hit on that.?

In March, the administration administratively banned bump stocks, the devices used to make semiautomatic rifles fire rapidly like machine guns.

A White House official said Trump had asked some advisers and lawmakers this week about whether the NRA had enduring clout amid an internal leadership battle and allegations of improper spending, as well as what his supporters would think of the bill. The Washington Post reported this week that LaPierre sought to have the NRA buy him a $6 million mansion in a gated Dallas-area golf club after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, in which 17 students and staff members were killed.

Toomey said he has spoken with the president at least three times since the weekend shootings. He declined to elaborate on the conversations, although he stressed that Trump hasn?t specifically endorsed the bill. Their conversations have been more general, he said, but Toomey noted that they had been ?encouraging? and ?very recent.?
?I will just tell you generally the president is open-minded about this,? Toomey said.

Some measures ? such as a ban on assault weapons ? have been ruled out, White House officials and legislative aides say. Recent polls indicate a majority of Americans support some form of a ban on assault rifles, though there is a large partisan divide and fewer than half of Republicans support such measures. A July NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll found 57 percent of the public supported a ban on ?the sale of semiautomatic assault guns, such as the AK-47 or the AR-15.? Fewer than 3 in 10 Republicans supported the proposal, rising to a slight majority of independents and more than 8 in 10 Democrats.

?There?s no political space for that,? Graham said. ?So I don?t think he?s going to go down that road.?

However, about 9 in 10 Americans support requiring background checks for all gun purchases, including more than 8 in 10 Republicans, Democrats and independents, according to polling.

Trump was vague about what he would do in his comments Wednesday, and current and former White House officials said he is often ambivalent on what he should do after shootings.

After the Parkland shooting, Trump expressed support for background checks for gun purchases and greater police power to seize guns from mentally disturbed people. But he faced significant resistance from the NRA and Republicans and abandoned the ideas.

On Air Force One after the October 2017 shooting in Las Vegas that left 58 dead, Trump said he wanted to enact a law to keep such shootings from happening again and would question others for ideas but did not have specific proposals.

After shootings, Trump regularly would poll aides about what measures would have political support, but if they did not gain backing, he was not inclined to lead the charge.

?He would not be blocking it, but he?s not going to be the one forcing it to happen,? one official said.

Some of the president?s more-moderate friends and donors have pressed for more-robust gun-control measures. But Trump has also told advisers that he cannot lose any members of his ?base.?

?Republicans are headed for extinction in the suburbs if they don?t distance themselves from the NRA. The GOP needs to put forth solutions to help eradicate the gun violence epidemic,? said Dan Eberhart, a Republican donor.

In public, Trump has promoted ?red flag? laws ? also known as extreme risk protection orders ? that allow family members or law enforcement to petition a judge to ban gun access for someone they believe is an imminent threat to themselves or others. Seventeen states and the District of Columbia have such laws already in place, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which advocates more restrictions on firearms.

White House aides said such a bill was the most likely outcome and had the most support in the West Wing. Schlapp said that Trump could persuade Republicans to support some measures seen as less restrictive.

?It?s the best route forward because it can pass, the president will sign it and it can actually stop the next attack,? Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who drafted legislation to encourage more states to pass their own red-flag laws, said in a phone interview Wednesday. He began working on the legislation after the Parkland shooting.

?If you look at all the studies that have been done, you see that invariably, with perhaps the exception of Las Vegas, they all exhibited signs and warnings to people around them that they could do something,? Rubio said.

Yet any effort on Capitol Hill to implement firearms restrictions is likely to face, at a minimum, skepticism from conservatives concerned about any measure viewed as restricting gun rights.

Early on in his administration, Trump moved to loosen restrictions on gun purchases by people with mental illnesses, signing legislation overturning an Obama-era regulation that barred certain people with mental health issues from purchasing firearms.

Some Republican officials have pointedly noted that Graham didn?t consult other GOP senators before forging ahead with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on a plan to advance red-flag legislation through the Senate Judiciary Committee.

A handful of Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, through aides and in public comments, have indicated they are open to policies that would encourage states to implement such laws.

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) appeared the most skeptical, with a spokesman saying merely that Sasse has asked to review the legislative language from Graham. A spokesman for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said the lawmaker ?believes red-flag laws are one of the tools states can consider, but that there are dangers depending on how a state implements these laws,? expressing concern about protecting ?due process and our constitutional rights.?

Democrats, while generally supportive of red flag laws, questioned how much congressional efforts would actually help states ? particularly conservative ones with Republican governors ? enact them. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that Democrats would demand a vote on legislation expanding background checks that had already passed the House and is opposed by the Trump administration in tandem with any Senate vote on red flag laws.

?The question is, what difference can the federal government make in what is largely a state decision?? said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), one of the most vocal advocates of gun control in Congress. ?I?m all for federal action on extreme risk protection orders. I?m just not sure it?s going to move the needle.?

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Red Flags and I'm thinking about it..


Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
1. Strike down the Second Amendment.."A well regulated Militia... farmers with powder rifle turns into Joe Blow with AR-15,AK-47's and FN SCAR ready to be the neighborhood hero but he has never even stared down his wife in a Walmart argument. Ya don't get a gun Cuzzzzz ya want one.

working on #2

#2. NO automatic or semi automatic weapons can be sold or possessed by those in the USA. No military or weapons of war as well.

#3. Those convicted of crimes using a gun of any kind starting from a given date are HUNG IN A PUBLIC SQUARE...We don't house you we don't feed you we don't even see you anymore.

#4. Well we have to look to where change has worked and Japan is a great example.
You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%.

There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too - and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.

Renew every 2 years and testing ..eye and reflex along with recheck of criminal and driving record.

That's not all. Handguns are banned outright.

Furthermore convicted of a driving offense with Pot or Alcohol involved and you right to own a rifle is revoked.If you don't have sound judgement behind the wheel you damn sure don't have it with a bullet in your hand.

#5. working on #5. we gotta grandfather some stuff and collect and buy ..

As a Nation we simply can't have these weapons available anymore ..We have tried it the Wild Wild West and the My Guns My Way........No More Stupidity....Sorry...Enough Bloodshed and Save All of US..

Your Prayers and Tears...We Realist Don't Want Them Anymore...What We Want Now Is Your AK -47

Staggering #'s to deal with...how to deal with the PROBLEM THAT NOBOBY WANTS TO DEAL WITH.

US gun stock
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-05/us-shootings-gun-buy-back/11383084The sheer number of guns is part of the challenge. The United States has the largest civilian-owned stock of guns in the world. At the end of 2017, the Small Arms Survey reported there were an estimated 393 million firearms in the United States ? and that's not even counting guns owned by the police and military. That represents 45.8 per cent of the world's civilian-owned guns.

Yemen has the second-highest rate of gun ownership per person in the world, with just 52.8 firearms per 100 residents.

More than 40 per cent of US adults live in a household with at least one gun. About half of all civilian-owned guns in the US are owned by just 3 per cent of US adults. These gun owners have an average of 17 guns each. Most other gun owners average about three guns at home.

Buyback programs are not real successful but some like the one in Boston with Debit Card/Gift Card for working hand guns had success.

6.The pressure has to be a moral one finally ...with some Government led rules..It can't go on ....If Americans love their guns more than their fellow man at their deepest moral fiber then ...one can only hope there is a true leader to step forward to change the course of History.

7. thinking gotta come up with ideas to STOP or at LEAST CURB THIS

18 of the deadliest mass shootings in modern US history

Mark Abadi,James Pasley Business InsiderLas Vegas, October 1, 2017 ? 59 dead, more than 850 wounded

Orlando, June 12, 2016 ? 50 dead, 53 wounded

Virginia Tech University, April 16, 2007 ? 32 dead, 17 wounded

Sutherland Springs, Texas, November 5, 2017 ? 26 dead, 20 wounded

Sandy Hook Elementary School, December 14, 2012 ? 26 dead, two wounded

Killeen, Texas, October 16, 1991 ? 23 dead, 27 wounded

San Ysidro, California, July 18, 1984 ? 20 dead, 16 wounded

Parkland, Florida, February 14, 2018 ? 17 dead, 17 wounded

El Paso, August 3, 2019 ? 22 dead, 24 wounded

University of Texas-Austin, August 1, 1966 ? 15 dead, 31 wounded

San Bernardino, California, December 2, 2015 ? 14 dead, 22 wounded

Edmond, Oklahoma, August 20, 1986 ? 14 dead, 7 wounded

Fort Hood, Texas, November 5, 2009 ? 13 dead, 30 wounded

Thousand Oaks, California, November 7, 2018 ? 13 dead, 18 injured

Virginia Beach, Virginia, May 31, 2019 ? 12 dead, four wounded

Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh, October 27, 2018 ? 11 dead, six wounded

Santa Fe High School, Texas, May 18, 2018 ? 10 dead, 13 injured

Dayton, Ohio, August 4, 2019 ? nine dead, 27 wounded

8. Special Insurance for Gun Owners...Proven fact the more guns create more killings and more crime. See Alaska for perfect example.
So Insurance must be taken out for EVERY WEAPON YOU PURCHASE and a rate based on price and it's lethal assessment.

9. Gun Violence Awareness Alert and Control thru our Cell Phones....Every time a murder is committed with a gun in this country you cell phone goes off like an Amber Alert .Why.??? Because we as a Nation have become so numb to the fact that we are a Nation of KILLERS.
So to re-enforce the need to control gun ownership in this country we must alert you when another citizen is gunned down and the urgency the control the distribution of any firearms.
Last edited:


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
You can't fix stupid and you can't predict crazy, still think its a gun problem? :0corn


If we could fix stupid, you'd have hope. Yes, I still think guns are a problem. They are designed to kill and are extremely efficient. 22 dead in El Paso. 9 dead in 30 seconds in Dayton. 4 dead over the course of HOURS when the assailant uses a knife. Wake up. If someone loses their mind around me, I sure as hope they have a knife rather than a gun.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006

Steve Breen/The San Diego Union-Tribune


Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Sadly the next slaughter OF HUMAN LIFE by a weapon capable of killing 600 in minutes will happen somewhere in our Nation and our leaders still do NOTHING TO BEGIN THEIR ELIMINATION FROM THE CITIZENS



Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
We could have very easily been the lastest shooting site.....

We could have very easily been the lastest shooting site.....

Thomaston ? A 25-year-old man from Connecticut was arrested Thursday evening, charged with threatening to bring a gun to the local Wal-Mart which resulted in an early closure of the store.Jeremy H. Rogers, of Norwalk, Conn, was arrested shortly before 7 p.m. Aug. 22 and charged with felony terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, felony terrorizing, and felony possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.His arrest came after New York State Police alerted police in Rockport that Rogers had sent a video via Facebook messenger to a woman in New York showing him wearing a ski mask and holding an AR 15 rifle. In the video, he is quoted as saying "F... it, I'm going to Wal-Mart," according to an affidavit filed in the Knox County court in Rockland.A second video showed Rogers, without a mask, making disparaging comments about a woman and pointing a gun at his head, according to the affidavit.Rockport police were alerted because family members said he had recently moved to Rockport.Thomaston police were notified and Thomaston Police Chief Tim Hoppe said Wal-Mart was informed both in Thomaston and Augusta. The Thomaston store closed at 9 p.m. Wednesday out of caution, the chief said. The store opened as usual on Thursday.Hoppe worked with Rockland police and were able to track down Rogers' location to a residence on Mount Pleasant Street in Rockport.Another video was then found on Facebook of Rogers shooting off the semi-automatic AR-15 rifle into the air on the grounds of the Mount Pleasant Street property.Police went to the property and found it was heavily fenced with barbed wire atop the fence.A criminal background check of Rogers found he had convictions in 2016 in Connecticut for a criminal possession of a firearm, and causing risk of injury to a child, according to court records.Local police obtained an arrest warrant and arrested Rogers Thursday evening.He made his initial appearance in the Knox County court on Friday where Judge Barbara Raimondi set bail at $50,000 cash.


This is the 2nd time in a year our small area has been threatened.....Last year the police grabbed a man with a loaded gun before he was able to enter one of our schools.....


Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
According to the Bushmaster AR-15 manual, the firearm has a maximum effective rate of 45 rounds per minute ?

3 minutes in a classroom

3 minutes in a car show

3 minutes in a boat show

3 minutes in a WalMart

3 minutes in a casino

3 minutes in a movie complex

180 SECONDS.................

135 ROUNDS...............


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