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Double Two

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Mar 18, 2001
Pelham, Alabama USA
This is why I thinks it helps to keep an accurate record with your selections. I post my record in EVERY thread so people know what the results are w/my attempts. :yup Anyway...



Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 20, 2011
I just don't understand, everyone wants plays and such but chastises others because of various reasons... don't like their style, size of bets, the way they type, accurate record.... well I agree an accurate record should be kept, if it's not why does it bother someone.. just don't take or look at their plays then and move on. If you think someone stinks or is a loser, either go against them or leave well enough alone. I don't see why creating drama and hissy fits is the answer, but what do I know I'm only 30.. prob not as mature as most of you above... this is why I don't post plays in the "popular forums" because so many good cappers get chased away and don't want to deal with the BS that is brought into their thread.. this holiday season after reading threads like this i am so thankful for a real, honest thread like that one I have going . No arguing, no fighting, no toxic people creating an "edge" or fight/argument.. plain and simple regardless of what someone says they bet, if they win why Complain, if they lose... no one forced you to bet it and if they don't have a record how can you complain.. basically what this comes down to is "I'm better than you" and "I've won this and that" ... I dislike bashing and bragging and smart remarks but if you brag when you win about your previous records you better be ready when you lose for the replies.... the reason I post my plays in my thread is to get and give information and to hear thoughts of others... I see some of these threads where people politely pose questions and comments about someone's play and they get their panties in a bunch about staying out of "my thread".. you post on a public forum and they get all pissed over people "in your thread".. I think there has been 600 replies or so in my thread for 5 months and not a single negative post... maybe the true answer is, soccer fans and cappers are the best behaved ;)

Merry x-mas

Ps bottom line is- don't be an asshole, there is no need to go into someone's thread and post a comment after someone loses regardless you what think about how much they bet .. their win or loss amount doesn't affect you as you're betting amounts should already be set


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2016
That was really well written PK....good luck with your picks this year. I got a few years on you but not many.
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Packer Fan
Forum Member
Nov 15, 2000
Hey PittsburghKid, perhaps your being about 300 units (!!!!!) ahead for 2016 accounts for the positivity in your threads. Thanks! You've made money for anyone who even glances at your picks.

Crumbs, thanks for posting and nailing some big picks. Don't let the detractors even slow you down.

Merry Christmas, all!!!

Roger Baltrey

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2005
I actually found if extremely amusing. Merry Christmas and let's win some money:00hour

big brown

Forum Member
Oct 26, 2008
Naples FL
I just don't understand, everyone wants plays and such but chastises others because of various reasons... don't like their style, size of bets, the way they type, accurate record.... well I agree an accurate record should be kept, if it's not why does it bother someone.. just don't take or look at their plays then and move on. If you think someone stinks or is a loser, either go against them or leave well enough alone. I don't see why creating drama and hissy fits is the answer, but what do I know I'm only 30.. prob not as mature as most of you above... this is why I don't post plays in the "popular forums" because so many good cappers get chased away and don't want to deal with the BS that is brought into their thread.. this holiday season after reading threads like this i am so thankful for a real, honest thread like that one I have going . No arguing, no fighting, no toxic people creating an "edge" or fight/argument.. plain and simple regardless of what someone says they bet, if they win why Complain, if they lose... no one forced you to bet it and if they don't have a record how can you complain.. basically what this comes down to is "I'm better than you" and "I've won this and that" ... I dislike bashing and bragging and smart remarks but if you brag when you win about your previous records you better be ready when you lose for the replies.... the reason I post my plays in my thread is to get and give information and to hear thoughts of others... I see some of these threads where people politely pose questions and comments about someone's play and they get their panties in a bunch about staying out of "my thread".. you post on a public forum and they get all pissed over people "in your thread".. I think there has been 600 replies or so in my thread for 5 months and not a single negative post... maybe the true answer is, soccer fans and cappers are the best behaved ;)

Merry x-mas

Ps bottom line is- don't be an asshole, there is no need to go into someone's thread and post a comment after someone loses regardless you what think about how much they bet .. their win or loss amount doesn't affect you as you're betting amounts should already be set

PK I have many years on you. And the way you said it sounds a lot better then the way I said it I just wish it would stop good luck and merry Christmas
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