First rule of bitcoin


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
It's about Binance. . . not crypto. They provide access to crypto but the crimes that were alleged weren't crypto related.

They were crimes for allowing US citizens to Binance's main platform with more sophisticated products and for allowing people on OFAC's watch list to transact with each other. Once you realize what the crimes were, you realize that US Dollars really aren't yours as they can be limited and you can't transact with people that the US doesn't want you to. Then you should realize that Bitcoin is the money and everything else is just an IOU.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
And I'll say this again for the 100th time on here, for those of you that think Crypto is the fucking shit, go for it, do your thing. Make your money, lose your money, do whatever the fuck you want.

Just stop with the "ya better get used to it", "it is coming", "you'll have no choice it will only be Crypto", "it is the wave of the future it can't be stopped", and "Crypto will be all that is left" garbage.

I think Cryto complete bullshit, the biggest scam to ever hit the Earth, and others think it is better than pussy and chocolate, ok fine. Just fucking stop with the cult talk. 🤦‍♂️
I'll say this for the first time. I can speak truth about crypto in the crypto forum. I don't care if your ignorance costs your money - I only care when your ignorance costs other people money.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
It's about Binance. . . not crypto. They provide access to crypto but the crimes that were alleged weren't crypto related.

They were crimes for allowing US citizens to Binance's main platform with more sophisticated products and for allowing people on OFAC's watch list to transact with each other. Once you realize what the crimes were, you realize that US Dollars really aren't yours as they can be limited and you can't transact with people that the US doesn't want you to. Then you should realize that Bitcoin is the money and everything else is just an IOU.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
I'll say this for the first time. I can speak truth about crypto in the crypto forum. I don't care if your ignorance costs your money - I only care when your ignorance costs other people money.

Dude, give it up, you just can't let it go can you. You seem upset.

I have an opinion that Crypto is a giant scam, that is where I stand. But you just can't accept that can you. Just because one person expresses their opinion that you don't agree with doesn't mean they are ignorant in a particular issue. There are 100's of millions of people out there that think Crypto is complete bullshit, and in those millions of people are the smartest minds on the planet, including Economist and others of the like. Hell one of the richest men on Earth, Warren Buffet says to stay far away from Crypto (and he made his money from investing).

And for the record I know just as much about Crypto as you do, just because ones opinion differs from yours doesn't mean one is ignorant. And I have listed a zillion reasons on here why I think Crypto is garbage, but just because you don't agree with those reasons doesn't make those thoughts ignorant.

If anybody is ignorant it is those that keep saying "it is the wave of the future" and "you better have Crypto or you are screwed" and stuff like that. Talk about ignorance.

Now go drink your Kool Aid.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
I can speak truth about crypto in the crypto forum.

What you think is the truth. You post some good points and some accurate information, then you add some information that is total bullshit and yet you convince yourself it is all the truth, it isn't.

I learned about 10 years ago never to debate a Crypto fanatic, you'll never change their mind, once you are locked in, it doesn't matter so I don't call you out on the inaccurate information you post. It ain't worth it.

You are convinced Crypto is oh so great, you are convinced Crypto will take over the world, fine. When those disagree with you it doesn't mean they are ignorant or uneducated or whatever. In fact one could argue that the one that is ignorant is the one that refuses to see the other side.

Anyway, no need to be so upset, take a deep breath, do some Yoga and calm down, you'll be just fine.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Everyone will have to buy Bitcoin. . . . and it will be at the price they deserve.

it's just irresponsible not to have 3-5% of your overall investment strategy in Bitcoin and/or Ethereum. There's only one way out of the global debt crises and you better be holding something that gives you a chance.

Just keep the above in mind when BobbyBlueChip posts his stuff on here.

That tells you all you need to know right there.

And we also have this quote on here:

"You guys WILL be using it one day, nothing can stop it."

And I am the one who is closed minded and ignorant, ya ok🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

The above is why I don't even bother debating Crypto lovers.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I get it. You're opinion is the only one that matters. Your ignorance is only challenged by your hypocrisy.

But, just a few facts. . . . You were wrong when BTC was $100, when it was $1,000, when it was $10,000 and you're wrong now. And just in case you weren't aware, you're in the crypto forum, dink.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
I get it. You're opinion is the only one that matters.

But, just a few facts. . . . You were wrong when BTC was $100, when it was $1,000, when it was $10,000 and you're wrong now.

Once again, you are way off, you have posted three things in this thread (along with other threads) that are absolute lies, but I won't even call you out on it because you are blinded by your Crypto cult bullshit. 🤦

1. My opinion is an opinion, and I have backed up that opinion as to why I think Crypto is a complete scam in various threads. One could say your ignorance is so blinding that you can't see what is right in front of you, but hey the Kool Aid fogs the mind, so I get it. I mean you are in so deep that you actually think Crypto will take over, and that is the ignorance at the highest of levels.

2. Since the beginning of Crypto I never once commented on the "price" of any Crypto "currency", so not sure why you constantly bring up Bitcoin "prices". How could I be wrong about something I never commented on. You know you are grasping at straws when you try to convince yourself about somebody being wrong by just making up lies about them.

You seem to be the one that thinks your opinion is the only one that matters.

You are upset, but I get it, I have been there. Everything will be ok, it takes time, but eventually everything will be just fine(y)
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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Everyone will have to buy Bitcoin

And I am the one who is ignorant, and I am the one that is closed minded, yeah ok:smilies21

Just go read that line over and over again and tell me again who is the one that is has their mind closed off. Really, all of us humans will have to buy Bitcoin huh, yeah ok🤦‍♂️

Why can't you be like the rest on here and just let it go, do your Crypto thing and be happy. But no, you can't, you gotta go full cult mode over and over again. It takes away any credibility you have when you post moronic statements like that.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Your ignorance is only challenged by your hypocrisy.

You'll need to be more specific as to what meaning of hypocrisy you are referring to, after all, there are a variety of meanings to the word hypocrisy:

1. Hypocrisy is a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or the opposite of what they do or say at another time.

2. Hypocrisy - The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

If you are referring to number 1 - I don't think I fall into that category, think it is pretty clear where I stand. I mean as far as I know I didn't scoop up any Crypto in the last couple days, nor did I hit the Coinhub Bitcoin ATM at my local 7-11 this month.

If you are referring to number 2 - One could argue we tie on that one, so I'll own that one with you. :smilies8


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Very solid counterpoints.

I have posted this stuff before and I'll post it again, it won't change anybodies mind, but since you asked so nicely and were so impressed with my counterpoints I'll expand on em. But as stated it changes nothing, not one word I say will do fuck-all, once anybody is on the Crypto train they'll never get off. And vice versa, I'll never ever ever have anything to do with Crypto and here is why (posting this for like the millionth time):

- Crypto is not a productive asset
- Crypto doesn’t produce anything tangible
- Crypto is an unregulated and unlicensed (some love this, I do not)
- Nobody knows exactly how Crypto works, not one person does, and that is scary (well scary to me, others love the fact nobody knows).

Oh and if you look on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website, which list red flags for Ponzi Schemes, Crypto checks six of the seven points they list. I myself try to stay away from Ponzi Schemes, hence, no Crypto for me.

As for Bitcoin, even if BobbyBlueChip showed me the light and I was all about Bitcoin, I mean I had the shirts and everything, I even got tattoos and shit, I'd never get into it because Bitcoin destroys the Environment. Just for that one reason alone I'd love to see Bitcoin vanish, so yeah, I'll never ever have anything to do with Bitcoin. But for those making zillions of the Crypto train, more power to ya, it ain't for me.

And I'll say it again for the 100th time, do your Crypto stuff, have a blast, just don't tell me that if you don't get Crypto you are fucked, and all that cult bullshit.


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Jul 13, 1999
Maybe you should calm down, kick. Jesus Christ. YOU can’t let it go. Thanks for fucking up my thread.
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