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ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
I got it on good authority that in the Lions/Vikings game the "fix" is in... Take the Over and the Lions.
Elvis was hanging out with Jimmy Hoffa and D.B. Sweeney and they got Randy Moss on the phone and told him to make sure this game comes in like they want it. Moss said he had to have 20 bucks, and the guys said that would be OK.
Once they got the OK from Moss, Hoffa called me and told me to get down on this game as fast as I could, because he didn't know how long they could keep this powerful information under their hats......
Oh, yeah.... I already told Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Loch Ness monster, too-- so if your gonna play this game, I'd do it as soon as you get done reading this....


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 1999
All you have to do is blow one coverage on defense. Just allow your man to score one time. You think, well hell, 50,000 for one blown coverage, what the hell. THERE YA GO, THATS HOW IT WORKS

I'm assuming that you mean this is the only incident of a "fix" that is supposedly gonna take place. I'm sorry, but this ONE individual can't possibly control every circumstance that will take place in a particular sporting event. Does the guy still receive his $50k if his team is already getting beat by 35? What happens if this guy's one blown coverage doesn't have any impact upon which team beats the spread. You've proved my point actually better than I could have! What would happen if another player was participating in a "fix",, but the fella was on the opposing team? Do the two fixes cancel each other out resulting in an honest matchup?

Your post makes for a good story, but it's nearly impossible for only ONE individual to affect the outcome of a game...

hello there

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 17, 2001
Games are fixed okay, just face it. This is a world of money, which means their is corruption, I know it's hard for some of you to take cause you bet your precious money on games and you'd like to think everything is on the up and up, you like to think that people you communicate, associate, or watch on your tv set is fine and dandy.

There are things happening in your neighbors homes that are nasty and obscene, but you may not want to believe it cause it's your neighbors. Maybe your neighbors torcher animals, hang themselves on hooks to get off, or abuse and dasturdly deeds. Or there might be something sick or twisted in your own houses, but ofcourse no one will find out about it cause no way in hell you will leak the info. Some of you look at internet porn and who knows what the hell you do with it or video tape yourselves doing who knows what, but you can keep that a secret. There are scientists probably poisoning a certain population of the world or purposely not giving us cures for illnesses so doctors can prescribe pharmeaucuticals that can make 10 times more money from medicine rather than offering the cure.

Look, face it everyone, just like FIXES, their are a lot of sick, twisted, devious, absolutely God forsaken things happening secretly in this world that stay hidden...but it does go on...oh yes, just like FIXES, these things DOES go on a lot more than people think.

[This message has been edited by hello there (edited 12-13-2001).]
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