Most cops are good and needed unlike what some of these anarchist's think. No one deserves to be treated the way George Floyd was, it was disgusting to watch that video and see so many people do nothing about what was happening. That being said most of these escalated scenarios stem from a person committing a crime and then resisting arrest or flat out just not complying with what the officer is asking them to do. Why is that o.k.? Cops have the right to do there job, the few shitbag cops shouldn't make you want to defund the whole police department just the same as a few shitbag black/white criminals shouldn't stereotype a whole race.
Agree again,,,I would say my "friend" list would be 70/30 white to black,,I have asked several of my black friends have they ever feared the police,,Not one,,,not one,,said yes,,but they clarified it with they also have never committed a crime,,,or been on drugs ,,or fought with the police,,nor did they march or riot,,,FWIW,,,I know it is a small ratio of people, but,,,,