Florida Student Tasered

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Typical --and I thought the pink code ladies did some wailing--He's real brave with the chin music till confronted then squalls like an infant "help me-help me-somebody help me"--had dejavu of the protestors outside fence at Oakland when I returned from service--spitting and yelling till we reached the opening in the fence then scurried like **** roaches.

--sad point is these dweebs can determine outcomes of wars with their pandering politicians.

If you think the enemy ain't got em pegged--think again.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
In a civilized society we are suppose to look at the response of the authorities to various situations like the kid in this video, Rodney King, Kent State, Mei Lai, etc. Civilized societies require appropriate responses.

Uneducated, emotional, knee-jerk reactions indicate individuals with limited intellectual capacity or those with a high degree of psychological frustration with a need to vent (or both). In general, big city police have a tendency to overreact to situations and often times do not show sufficent restraint (ie this video).

Individuals on this forum who show the same tendencies are Wayne, Ctown, Intense Operator, Weasel etc. Then tend to react with force instead of restraint, emotion instead of intellect, and entrenchment instead of compromise.

Their world is black and white. In Wayne's ideal world, this kid would have been tazed till his heart stopped. If your interested Wayne, my ideal world would have turned the mike off once it appeared he was not asking a question based on the format set up at the q & a and escorted out. Same with the protesters at that NYU speech with the right wing author you were yacking about several months ago. Protestors should have been escorted out of the hall by the cops (not tazed).

You see Wayne its all about reason.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 7, 2003
Deep in the heart of Texas
Civilized society? He most certainly was anything but civilized. Mei Lai? Great similarities here That little wimp was flailing around and resisting arrest. Given his diatribe the phasers should have been set higher than just stun That little shit got his 2 minutes of fame. Wear your Vietnamese hat and sip some Kool-aid.

Teddy Dupay

Forum Member
Dec 9, 2005
edit admin

Official "Don't Tase Me, Bro!" shirts now on sale. Shirts will be $15. To order, either message an Administrator with your size and choice of color blue or orange or post your order on the wall. Payment can be made by cash or PayPal in advance or by cash upon pickup. If you are out of town, PayPal and your shirt will ship early next week.


Send PayPal payment to edit admin

T-shirts created by Premier Productions.

Get your shirts in time for the Auburn game.

Shirts will be distributed Friday September 28 beginning at 7:00pm outside Swamp Restaurant. If you are unable to pick up your shirt, an additional time will be set up for gameday on Saturday.

Artwork coming soon.
-Front reads: DON'T TASE ME, BRO!
-Back reads: Gators Don't Taser Gators.

edit admin
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
God forbid a guy asks a difficult question that might make a politician feel uncomfortable. Completely unnecessary use of force from university wanna-be cops.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
My 1st question is why the post of video above that blurs and blots out most his antics-what is this the utube version for liberal blogs --
lets look at entire clear video--Now which shows the entire pic and which tries to hide facts from viewers?????


Appears to me the only cheers he got was from students when they stopped this self promoting liberal.

Glad to see you chime in Haskel--heres "Your" view of civilized in living color--this guy is mirror image of what you stand for--brave until confronted than carry on like 6 year old being spanked--

and let me bring back to you your other liberal freedom of speech advocates Edward--appears liberal freedom of speech doesn't apply to those speaking nor those wanting to listen but only to the disruptive cowards trying to blot out everyone elses freedoms.--more of liberal advocates at work.


---Tasered student videotaped by own camera
5:24 p.m.

One of the many videos circulating of a University of Florida student being Tasered by police was shot with the student's own camera.

Clarissa Jessup, who was standing near Adam Meyer just before UF Police took him into custody during U.S. Sen. John Kerry's speech at UF, said Meyer asked her to film him asking Kerry a question just before he approached the microphone.

That fact has given rise to rumors that Meyer, who aspires to work in national media, was performing an elaborate stunt. But Jessup, who says she never met Meyer prior to the forum, says she thinks he simply wanted a video of himself talking to Kerry.

"I don't even know this kid," said Jessup, rebuffing any notion that she'd collaborated with Meyer to film an incident he knew would escalate.

-- Jack Stripling/The Gainesville Sun
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Deep in the heart of Texas. Well thats not surprising. Anyway, thank you for your post which of course, speaks for itself. Point well taken. Now go back in your corner of the bar with that five day beard and sip on that lone star. After all its almost 7:15 am central.


Once again, focus on the reaction of the authorities not the individual. As I said, the kid should have been arrested not tazed. Same with the protesters in NYC.

Your the one with the 1st amendment problem. I know you want people just goose stepping along to white supremacy music and believing totally in government and corporations. Once again, whose side would you have been on in 1776?

You do seem to have a problem with English. Read my post numbnutz. Are the synapsis firing?

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
The facts are : the kid was speaking, the police moved in for no reason , what did he do to cause the police to move in ? Things got out of hand after that.... There was no reason to move in on this kid.... DTB : I don't know how you can draw a correlation between what those people did to you and others when you came home from Nam. This kid wasn't calling anyone names or spitting. Kerry said let me answer the question ? This is America ? Why this reaction over speech ?


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Typical --and I thought the pink code ladies did some wailing--He's real brave with the chin music till confronted then squalls like an infant "help me-help me-somebody help me"--had dejavu of the protestors outside fence at Oakland when I returned from service--spitting and yelling till we reached the opening in the fence then scurried like **** roaches.

--sad point is these dweebs can determine outcomes of wars with their pandering politicians.

If you think the enemy ain't got em pegged--think again.

Old wounds never close. You need help. This is a snap shot of sad shit !


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
5 police for what ? What did he do for them to approach him in the first place ? I don't see it. I watched it 5 times, I don't see it. Yes he was stupid to resist arrest but why move in and arrest him in the first place ? America or Tiananmin Square ?
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Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
the kid was out of line, unruley, disrupted the whole program and he resisted being escorted out of the auditorium. tazed? HELL NO! they should have shot the fuker!




Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
I don't know how any American that believes in what America is supposed to be about can view this and not be disheartened ? My why do we allow rant was fueled by stuff like this ! We are allowing are basic foundation to be systematically dismantled.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Add Jack to the psychopaths of the world. Not surprising coming from a Ravens fan. I just heard he was tazed while handcuffed. Makes sense (if you live in Germany in the 30's that is).



Staff member
Forum Admin
Super Moderators
Channel Owner
Jul 13, 1999
Add Jack to the psychopaths of the world. Not surprising coming from a Ravens fan. I just heard he was tazed while handcuffed. Makes sense (if you live in Germany in the 30's that is).


get used to it, eddie. the police are taking over. even the rent-a-cops!

better start "respecting" the authorities, OR ELSE!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
the kid was out of line, unruley, disrupted the whole program and he resisted being escorted out of the auditorium. tazed? HELL NO! they should have shot the fuker!



I agree 100% he should not have resisted arrest. He did nothing to be arrested.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
The facts are : the kid was speaking, the police moved in for no reason , what did he do to cause the police to move in ? Things got out of hand after that.... There was no reason to move in on this kid.... DTB : I don't know how you can draw a correlation between what those people did to you and others when you came home from Nam. This kid wasn't calling anyone names or spitting. Kerry said let me answer the question ? This is America ? Why this reaction over speech ?

Evidently your speaking after viewing the "liberal" version of video distorting all his resistance.

The facts are---
The kid was
--asked to stop=didn't work
--mic cut off didn't work--
_-tired to be escorted out--didn't work
instead raised his arms shout--squalled liked baby and did everything--except dispaying any form of courage--to resist

--and how does the king of liberal logic Brantz interpret it--

"The facts are : the kid was speaking, the police moved in for no reason , what did he do to cause the police to move in ?"

Look at the link I put up that shows it all and see if you force yourself to believe your own eyes.

--and on the old wounds--
Lets just say I prefer those who lets their action define their character--I'll take the troops that put it on the line every day--you can have the loud mouths who courage extends only to what the can hide behind--whether it be a keyboard or group of activist--and when challenged you get the courage of a 6 year old--help me help me --ow ow ow.

As the old chinese proverb says--

Show me who you walk with--and I'll tell you who you are ;)
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Evidently your speaking after viewing the "liberal" version of video distorting all his resistance.

The facts are---
The kid was
--asked to stop=didn't work
--mic cut off didn't work--
_-tired to be escorted out--didn't work
instead raised his arms shout--squalled liked baby and did everything--except dispaying any form of courage--to resist

--and how does the king of liberal logic Brantz interpret it--

"The facts are : the kid was speaking, the police moved in for no reason , what did he do to cause the police to move in ?"

Look at the link I put up that shows it all and see if you force yourself to believe your own eyes.

--and on the old wounds--
Lets just say I prefer those who lets their action define their character--I'll take the troops that put it on the line every day--you can have the loud mouths who courage extends only to what the can hide behind--whether it be a keyboard or group of activist--and when challenged you get the courage of a 6 year old--help me help me --ow ow ow.

As the old chinese proverb says--

Show me who you walk with--and I'll tell you who you are ;)

I looked at your link again. the police put their hands on him and then he reacts. why to they put their hands on him ? what came first and why ?