Florida Student Tasered

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Do we have all the" its not my fault crowd "contributing yet.

Somehow with liberals its never the perpetrators fault.

I've always thought tasers were to be used in non life threating situations. This pussy continued to resist arrest even to point he couldn't be cuffed while in prone position--he had ample opportunity to walk out or be escorted in civil manner--he chose not to and suffered the consequences--

What is it about liberals anyway that makes them think no one is responsible for their actions--they always find a way to justify bad behavior:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
Do we have all the" its not my fault crowd "contributing yet.

Somehow with liberals its never the perpetrators fault.

I've always thought tasers were to be used in non life threating situations. This pussy continued to resist arrest even to point he couldn't be cuffed while in prone position--he had ample opportunity to walk out or be escorted in civil manner--he chose not to and suffered the consequences--

What is it about liberals anyway that makes them think no one is responsible for their actions--they always find a way to justify bad behavior:shrug:

put down the pipe, step away from the bong. Nam is over... this is 2007...
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

You're right. Should a put a bullet in him. That'll teach these commie pinko faggots.

I keep on picturing you as Slim Pickins, waving a cowboy hat while riding that nuclear bomb being dropped on Russia in the movie Dr. Strangelove. What a great world it would be if only every one thought like white male southerners from Bowling Green Kentucky.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2006
Do we have all the" its not my fault crowd "contributing yet.

Somehow with liberals its never the perpetrators fault.

I've always thought tasers were to be used in non life threating situations. This pussy continued to resist arrest even to point he couldn't be cuffed while in prone position--he had ample opportunity to walk out or be escorted in civil manner--he chose not to and suffered the consequences--

What is it about liberals anyway that makes them think no one is responsible for their actions--they always find a way to justify bad behavior:shrug:

i think that you are missing the point.
and I am not a liberal, so dont throw a label on me and try to discount what i say as "liberal drivel" becuase i dont like a whole lot of things about "liberals" much myself

the question is about the use of force. obviousally this kid needed to be detained and escorted out of the building for being disruptive and rurining a public forum for others
the fact that he did not walk out of the building or be escorted out "in a civil manner" does not give poliece the right to taser him into submission.
He spoke out and deserved to "suffer the consequences", but what are justifiable consequences.?
squirming excessively when trying to be handcuffed (when obviousally he was not a dangerous threat to anyone) is now consequented by tasering?
i find that pretty irrational, and frankly a very dangerous precident to set

it isnt about a liberal saying that this kid shouldnt take responsibility for his actions; its about a poliece officer having the appropriate response to an action--the appropraite reaction to a situation.
that is what cops are trained for
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Why do you keep posting videos of stories completely unrelated to the threads?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
only unrelated to you Smurph--but you been sipping that Tanqueray with Tony so I'll excuse you :)

While you got your thinking cap on let me ask you a question---

You have a speaker before a listening audience interrupted by radical elements--why do liberals feel if the radical is escorted out-- his freedom of speech is being violated but the speaker and those that came to listem to him--have no rights:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
nobody in this thread is saying that his 1st amendment rights were being violated. The only point here is excessive force. And no, this has nothing to do with the "jena 6" case. They are seperate incidents. I know this is tough for you to grasp. Like gw, it all just runs together into a pinko, liberal, commie blur. It makes it easier for you to understand the world. I get it. But the reality of the world is that it is not all black and white.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 19, 2006
You have a speaker before a listening audience interrupted by radical elements--why do liberals feel if the radical is escorted out-- his freedom of speech is being violated but the speaker and those that came to listem to him--have no rights:shrug:

where did anyone argue that point. No one is saying that.
we are talking about tasing.

everyone agress that this jackass kid should be thrown out of the room for being unruly and making a scene and distupting the assembly, etc etc

i have yet to see a valid reason for tasing the shit out of a kid who was not dangerous and could have been hancuffed-maybe not handcuffed in 2 minutes, but that scrawny bastard could have definatly been cuffed, and we all know that.

so back to the orignal question: why in hell was that kid TASED into submission?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"so back to the orignal question: why in hell was that kid TASED into submission?"

Appeared to me the reason was he continued to resist every other method--even after warned of being tased he still continued--until he got it--
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Forum Member
Apr 7, 2002
actually Dogs this is the longer version of the tasering incident, you had the shorter one linked ... after watching this, the kid asked questions everyone with nuts wouldve asked... was he a lil hyper, yes, but his questions were RIGHT ON ... did he deserve to be cut off, NO ... should kerry have come roaring down from stage to help, yes, he wouldve looked like a great guy ... but im guessing he was compromised by the stinging innuendos, i.e. the truth hurts



Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
actually Dogs this is the longer version of the tasering incident, you had the shorter one linked ... after watching this, the kid asked questions everyone with nuts wouldve asked... was he a lil hyper, yes, but his questions were RIGHT ON ... did he deserve to be cut off, NO ... should kerry have come roaring down from stage to help, yes, he wouldve looked like a great guy ... but im guessing he was compromised by the stinging innuendos, i.e. the truth hurts


Yeah I bet Kerry is kicking himself for not being more proactive. Could have been a huge PR win.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Poor guy.

Yeah, those "excessive" cops. What are we ever going to do?

I love how the lot of you say, "They should have just cuffed him!" Being a person in the business of cuffing people, let me tell you something. It isn't all that easy when the person doesn't want to "accessorize" his jewelry collection.

Short of me "fighting with you" to apply them, they are not getting on. That's a fact that is lost on most of you.

If these officers would have wrestled with this guy to a greater extent, they subject themselves to harm, and worse......the individual. A great majority of work related injuries to police officers come from placing people under arrest.

The taser is considered a non-lethal control device. You got that? A control device. It is used to keep the officer safe, and bring the subject UNDER CONTROL.

In this case, like several.......the subject needed a second application in order to gain his compliance.

The main problem this kid had? He was being filmed! He figured that would give him the blanket of being able to do what he wanted, and not be touched by the cops!

"They wouldn't try to do anything while being filmed!!!!"

Well, unless the school, city, etc, give in.......this kid won't win a dime, (IMO) for any police misconduct. This was a textbook arrest.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Why did he even need to be arrested? :shrug:

When the police reasonably request that you "come with me", whether you think you should or not......whether you think you "have the right" to keep running your gums, etc, you are obligated to go with them.

If you are driving down the road, and refuse to pull over when they put their lights on behind you......it's along the same lines. You are refusing their request.

This guy was NOT going to be arrested initially. He was being asked to step away from the podium, and leave. He refused. They used "empty hand" force next, which is to say, they attempted to help him from the scene.

At this point, he would still have likely been let free at the door with a verbal warning about his disruption. He decided to pull free from the police. Now, he forces their hand, pure and simple. At this point, I have no idea what you intent is! I HAVE TO SUBDUE YOU!

You make fun of those rent-a-cops, but I can promise you a "street cop" group of five would have hit him like a defensive line the second he broke free from the officers' hold! He would have been saying "Ow! Ow! Ow!", alright, because they would have bent him like a pretzel, and cuffed him in two shakes! (Side note: It would have hurt a lot more than a taser.)

AND, you'd still be saying, "HEY! What did he do?"

People who think the Right to free speech means that you can say whatever, whenever, need to get real. That's not what it is, and you should know that.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
For the last time - THEY WERE NOT COPS. They were campus security. Actual cops use tasers much more reluctantly.

And again, all this guy was doing was talking too much. He posed no physical danger to anyone. Should we go around tasing everyone who talks too much? If that's case, I'm in big trouble.:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
--haven't seen anyone one make note yet that he had given his camera to lady to film event just prior to getting the mic--would any logical person assume he knew scene was going to be created--I guess not to some--the same will tell you averting 6 security guards from bringing you under control isn't resisting arrest either ;)

He's your typical attention whore who showed his true colors when confronted--help me help me --ow ow ow :mj07: