Well, think about it. When have you heard of USA case and deaths reported by rate? I assume, like most of us, the answer is never. In total deaths and total cases we are world leaders, but by rate we
Are 15th in the world. Media reports total deaths not deaths per capita to further the agenda to paint us in the most negative light possible
Now, look at vaccinations. Have you seen vaccination reporting By tally, or by per capita rate? Like most of us, all you see is the reported is the vaccination rate. Looking at the numbers, we are second in the world in number of fully vaccinated citizens. But, by rate we are 27th. Coincidentally, our national media, which for the past 18 months has reported our death count By tally, is ONLY reporting our vaccine count per capita rate. Again, using whichever numbers paint is in the most negative light.
I see this, and I am not surprised. Conspiracy guy see this, and it further validate their stance that our media and our government or not to be trusted