Gambling question / handicapper vs handicapper. Opinions wanted

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Now that u are retired and have long stretches of nothing to do go chart some craps tables see if you see any thing. We did this when we started.. found some significant numbers... did it again 10 years later...not much variance.. dif set of 10,000 rolls same results... But No that wd require some werk and effort.
do you think there is any one out there to do that work...hell no!!!! pull a slut machine lever play poker get a system ya can learn in 20 seconds ..het Keno that shd werk how bout lets just play the pass line and wait for a miracle.... better yet 6 deck black jack... oh yes last >>>>>>> troll some sports forum and get rich for free 10 15 games a day..>>> you shd win lots a coin...... fu^k flippin burgers and if some ass hole doesn't hit 90% tell him he cant speak English so u cant understand him... Or maybe ...He didn't steal the plays correctly... or he "is" stealing the plays or his Ouija board went bad... or the final one ..tell they dumb fuck u can "Cut and Paste " better than any Monkey alive and then show the loser some TiITS !!!!.... Then get some mouthwash from your day job.... The Morons are multiplying ..... Donald Duck they are right behind ya !!!!
I'd like to request a video of you typing out a response on Madjacks. Thanks.


Thread banned
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Well i was of that same opinion....... Ya can't control dice till i was proven wrong after being called stubborn and closed minded. I have seen it many many times and ridden with it thats just fact...but yes there are times when it does not work worth a shit..... If it was not a threat to casinos why are they so adamant about your release point.... 3rd waring and you are outta there ...and this has been the case at every casino i have been to all over the US and overseas...there is something to it..i just don't want to invest the time to get good at it

I do well as it is and have won 20 str sessions before i get a "Hot Shooter" and get drilled........ The first time i went to PR i was going to stay 6 weeks...From day 1 i was making so much money I stayed 4 months....... NOT 1 SHOOTER .......ZEEERO MADE MORe than 3 points in 4 months.....

..That was it for LAS VEGAS FOR ME.......

You are easily fooled or your credibility is shot. I'm leaning toward the latter. 100% true story, I once had three hands in a row I tossed 40+ times. I know this for sure because the casino had a promotion where you won a bounty if you tossed over 60 times so they keep track on the board.

Had you witnessed those three tosses and I told you I was a dice setter you would likely believe that bullshit when in fact that all it would be, bullshit. I haven't had a decent toss over 12 since then.

I don't think there is a more random occurrence on the planet than dice landing on a craps table and if you think otherwise it says a lot about you and the BS you spew on this site.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Well i was of that same opinion....... Ya can't control dice till i was proven wrong after being called stubborn and closed minded. I have seen it many many times and ridden with it thats just fact...but yes there are times when it does not work worth a shit..... If it was not a threat to casinos why are they so adamant about your release point.... 3rd waring and you are outta there ...and this has been the case at every casino i have been to all over the US and overseas...there is something to it..i just don't want to invest the time to get good at it

I do well as it is and have won 20 str sessions before i get a "Hot Shooter" and get drilled........ The first time i went to PR i was going to stay 6 weeks...From day 1 i was making so much money I stayed 4 months....... NOT 1 SHOOTER .......ZEEERO MADE MORe than 3 points in 4 months.....

..That was it for LAS VEGAS FOR ME.......

No one made more than 3 points in 4 months? Was the table closed?

I was just in Vegas for 5 days, and had several rolls with more than 4 passes. The casino has a "replay" wager, where you can bet on the same point being made 3 or more times, and you get paid. My best roll had me make the 6 four times, the 4 twice, the 5 once, 8 once, 9 twice. The roll was almost 40 minutes. Hardly a shift goes by when the dealers don't tell someone, "You should have been here an hour ago."

You seriously need to stop with the bullshit.

Handi Capper

'That Said'
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2004
northern Ky

I do well as it is and have won 20 str sessions before i get a "Hot Shooter" and get drilled.......

ez to remedy
win or lose max 5 bets per shooter 20X5=100u 5X1=5u :00x33
dark side bettor myself, its a grind but....
20-1 may be a dream, ive found 3-1 more reasonable


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
No one made more than 3 points in 4 months? Was the table closed?

I was just in Vegas for 5 days, and had several rolls with more than 4 passes. The casino has a "replay" wager, where you can bet on the same point being made 3 or more times, and you get paid. My best roll had me make the 6 four times, the 4 twice, the 5 once, 8 once, 9 twice. The roll was almost 40 minutes. Hardly a shift goes by when the dealers don't tell someone, "You should have been here an hour ago."

You seriously need to stop with the bullshit.

We are products of our experiences..and your opinion is noted.......Do what works for you.... Any bizarre scenario u can imagine has happened at one time or another have never seen any number hit more that nine times in a row.... that was a 4 but i did see a hispanic that cd not speak enlish hit 11 yup 11 11's 50 bucks a pop.... he went home broke..... done...gotta get my fades in.......fer the evening.........


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Nashville, TN
with the huge spreads in Baseball, win/loss is not a big factor

both put up like 5k and at the end of a specified time, the one with the most balance wins the bet ... doesnt how much or how you bet, its your total roll at the end of the set time period :0corn


Forum Member
Oct 15, 2015
How'd this thread turn into an attack and intense debate thread?!?!

I say give me action, and I'm in!


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
probably because you're browsing threads from a month ago at 5 in the morning looking for some more "about me" discussion.

Just got in from the Casino Sparky... had breakfast and wasn't sleepy.... Always here to help those that need it........You AIR HEAD I IS however are hopeless.. Hows the Lemonade Stand franchising going... Do banks do financing for 8 years olds.. jus curious.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Hammer just got owned.

That day ain't happened yet and prob never will. Added note.. For those that think they are funny.... Go do a routine at any club on open mike night see how ya do. Just like here ya won't hear any laughter.
a recording or better yet a video wd be great.. I have!!! Only human that ever owned me was Red

so i retract the never to one....Carry on!! best you can.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Ya can't fix STUPID !!.. Later !!! Any of you folks getting close to posting a pick..2 maybe.. . A season.. A Winner ?????...Thought not. That takes talent and intelligence. Trolling can be done my a Monkey....

I'm 42-1 over the last 7 weeks.

I feel shitty, though. It's two lame streaks of 21 with a loss in the middle.


I've got 5 plays for tonight, but I don't have time to post them. I'll let you know how I did later......


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
You could win at 99 percent clip and lose money

You could win at 1 percent clip and win money

Percentages mean nothing (unless your username is Thunder).

Oh and most people don't keep an accurate record anyway.

kickserv = here to help

And umm....this is a gambling hell ya take the bet, just make sure you get paid. to help:0008

That is all.......carry on with your daykurby

You have that right.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
I'm 42-1 over the last 7 weeks.

I feel shitty, though. It's two lame streaks of 21 with a loss in the middle.


I've got 5 plays for tonight, but I don't have time to post them. I'll let you know how I did later......

Post person.............have posted mine for 24 years free...... never a losing month or season.....After a grueling round of "Pitch and Putt" ...... ta get urself up ta snuff {also get a clue} go back over those last 14 years Great reading Pay close attention to key words...... "One Play" "Hammerlock" ... "Blowout" "Wire to Wire" "over after 5 " "tursdie"

Last but not least and i know u will love this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hammertime !!!!!!!

Way better N breakin ' a 100 at da "pitch n Putt"" Hammer has left then building !!!!!!!


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
You have that right.


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