God or Evolution ?

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Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
I just read Times magazine about Evolution and got to wondering what fellow MJers think.

If God is your answer what religion , if any, are you ?

If evolution is your answer than obviously your an Atheist.

I, for one, do believe in God but not organized religion. I was bapitized Mormon but only practiced for about a year. Many moons ago.
I don't practice under any religous group.
The wife and kids are Catholics and my father inlaw is a Catholic Priest.

Believing in God as well as the Bible makes this world that we live in a bearable place. If neither existed or evolution was proved beyond any doubt.....

I would hate to see what impact that would have on everyone.
>Nothing to live for
>Sin all you want.... rape , murder, steal you won't be judged in the end.

anyway interesting article

what say you all ???


not banned
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Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
SC's Quote

The wife and kids are Catholics and my father inlaw is a Catholic Priest.

I'll answer this and several other posts when i have time to breathe again after this dang sale, but for now........HUH???? what am i missing here, SC?


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Mar 13, 2000
SC: What makes you think that not having a God would make for a world with "nothing to live for....sin all you want..." . I assure you I am an extremely moral human and I do not believe in a God.....gl to you, and may your God go with you.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
God or Evolution?

The pope firmly believes in evolution.

That's what makes those signs on the back of people's cars that say "Darwin" inside fish (the Christian symbol for Jesus) so funny. The idiots think that they are so smart yet they are just stating their belief in the same belief that the leader of the organization that they are ridiculing believes in. (Might have to read that about four times to catch the drift, but I assure you that it is proper English.)

I love when those who believe that they are enlightened are made to look like dimwits by their own actions.

Many Atheists appease the afflicted and many Christians blow up abortion clinics. Being religious has nothing to do with being decent.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Father inlaw went to Canada
to become ordained. He used to be a abusive alcoholic. Get that and they say "Only in America"

IK you sir would be in the minority
extremely moral human being ?
Never sinned ? or sin ?

I would love to shake your hand.

BTW what, if anything, do you look forward to in death ?

Since you don't believe in "my God" surely you don't think you will get past his gates

.....and am not calling you surely.


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Aug 15, 2000
Man, too many interesting topics of late?

Please stop and let me do some work!

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over 50 $1.75
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Belief in God, evolution and the Bible do not allways go hand in hand.

Neither do atheism, hopelessness and immorality.

About 6 years ago I was an allmost rabid Pentacostal Christian. (Pentacostals put the 'fun' into fundamentalist). Now I occaisionally attend the "Religious society of Friends" (Quakers). I tell ya, once that 'old style religion' is stamped on ya it's hard to escape thinking in it's terms and sets up a battle between intellect and 'feelings'.

IMHO the bible does not withstand scrutiny as a 'literally true' document (set of documents). I know plenty of people who do believe it literally, but it takes a mental gymnastics I can't manage.

Nor does it provide a 'clear' explanation or truth. Or, for that matter, does it often provide a 'moral' moral code.

I don't know if i've got time for an extended debate but decided to jump in anyway.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Eww I feel the pot sirring
gotta love it

Blue Chip your talking about radical so-called religous fanatics.
Real Christains don't kill

If it wasn't for belief in the Bible throughout history this world wouldn't have survived.

Pope believes in evolution?
Son, throw away that pipe


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Some time ago, Bryant Gumbel asked Larry King, "If you could ask God one question, what would it be?"

Larry King replied...

"I'd ask Him, did you have a son?"


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
"gods" were created to keep people in line. Kinda like a "boogie man".

"Fk up, and your going to a bad place!"


You know what happens when you die? You rot!

People have an answer for everything when it comes to religion.

"Who created you if there is no God?"

"I dunno.....who created God?"

"He just WAS!"

Great debate there!

"Why would a god allow the suffering that goes on in the world?"

"It is a test we must all go though."

I finished taking tests when I graduated.

"Where is this 'god'?"

"Oh, he's out there!"

(Yeah....and so are you!)

Religion, as I stated earlier, was invented to keep people in line.

"He's every place all at once!"

What? Is he the I.R.S.?

"You're lucky you weren't killed in that car wreck!"

"God was watching out for me!"

I guess he was taking a shit when all those other folks got killed in car accidents?

God help me, I wish I didn't feel this way....


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Nov 4, 2000
Senor, this seem like a strange question or subject coming from you. Your always much closer to gambling subject. Amen.


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Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Senor Capper:

Real Christains don't kill

Define 'real' Christian. How about 'kill' -- including wars, death penalty?

Originally posted by Senor Capper:

If it wasn't for belief in the Bible throughout history this world wouldn't have survived.

Huh? People wouldn't be around without the bible having existed?

In the words of a famous Australian politician "please explain"


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Originally posted by Senor Capper:

Pope believes in evolution?
Son, throw away that pipe

'In October, 1997 Pope John Paul II delivered a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences regarding the theory of evolution. The document touched on a number of important issues?scriptural, epistemological, and scientific?which are of supreme importance to Catholics. Inevitably, it was the least newsworthy item in the Pope?s message?that the Church has no problem with evolution so long as divine causality is not excluded?which produced screaming headlines around the world. "Pope Vindicates Darwin!"'


Do you honestly think that human knowledge has the depth to formulate an answer to the question of a God? It can't no matter how hard we try. It's called faith. If you don't want to have it fine, but don't look down on those who do.

Plus, nobody whose fate ends up with him residing in Wisconsin could ever have a belief in Higher Power

[This message has been edited by BobbyBlueChip (edited 07-31-2001).]

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Damn guess I shoulda bet the over
(story of my life)

DJV just wanted to get the 'ol heart pump'n

Fred the names Lanny not Webster.

Kill includes killing plain and simple...
not defending ones self.
oh and I said the world wouldn't be around (as we know it) without the Bible.

Yes YYZ it does keep people in line.

wooooooohooooooo bring em on !


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Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Senor Capper:

Kill includes killing plain and simple...
not defending ones self.

So you're talking about self defence without killing? Turning the other cheek?


Originally posted by Senor Capper:

oh and I said the world wouldn't be around (as we know it) without the Bible.

That clears it up, not. Whatcha mean Senor?

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Sure animals can evolve into other animals but in NO way does the Pope nor the Church believe in Ape evolving Human creating the Human race.

As far as the Death Penalty goes...
thats an easy way out for "lifers"
I am a firm believer in let them do hard time
and not in the luxury prisons.....I'm talkin "Tent City" like in Arizona, chain gangs and all.


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Forum Member
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Senor Capper:
Sure animals can evolve into other animals but in NO way does the Pope nor the Church believe in Ape evolving Human creating the Human race.

Senor, that's exactly what the pope believes.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Thats "defense" thought all sports fans know that one.
heh heh

anywayz guess I have to spell this one out for you too
killing = murdering
DEFENSE = protecting

see the difference ?

It is my opinion that the world would be a far worse off without the Bible.
Evil would out number the Good by ahhh lets say (Pep help me with the numbers)
5000 to 1 ?


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Aug 24, 1999

I believe there's another classification that would involve numerous others. "Agnostic" and "Atheists" are entirely two different things.

Have a hard time with this one as well. Raised a southern Baptist but have recently joined the Disciples of Christ, which is a very liberal group of people where men and women share equal roles in the church.

I don't think the answer can really be answered because of the numerous definitions of "God". My God and your God could be entirely two different things. There's no telling how many definitions of "God" exist. I do know that "religion" has given my God a bad name.

I believe in a higher power, which I guess you could call a God. Although evolution is an interesting subject and one that has quite a bit of scientific evidence, I also think you can make a strong case for God's son. Why can't both of them exist??

With football season starting to crank up, I doubt there will be any who will listen to this, but as soon as you have enough time, I encourage you to read a book called, THE CASE FOR CHRIST by Lee Strobel. It's basically a book about the life of Jesus Christ and his interviews with 13 of the country's top Christian scholars. Strobel undertook this mission because like numerous others, he was a spirtual skeptic.
Strobel was a writer for the Chicago Tribune and the book consists of interviews between Strobel and biblical scholars such as Bruce Metzger. These interviews compose a case brief defending Jesus' divinity, and urging readers to reach a verdict of their own. It's a journey in which Strobel tries to seek answers for such questions as: Was Jesus the son of God? Why do bad things happen to good people? How does an all loving God let children starve? Was the resurrection factual? It really is a thought provoking book and one that should be read by folks who need answers to the tough questions.....

Here's a summation of the book I found over at Amazon:

Lee Strobel knows firsthand. It was as a reporter for the Chicago Tribune and an avowed atheist that he first investigated the greatest news story of all-the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, in The Case for Christ, he presents compelling evidence and expert testimony for the claims of Christianity. As a seasoned journalist with a Yale law background, Strobel systematically tracks down his leads and asks the blunt, tough questions readers themselves would want to ask-questions that can make or break the Christian faith. He refuses contrived, simplistic answers. Instead, he pieces together hard facts through interviews with more than a dozen of the country's top scholars.

Written in the style of a blockbuster investigative report, The Case for Christ is apologetics at its most imaginative-gripping, compelling, marshaling expert testimony and incontrovertible evidence. With unerring instincts, Strobel ferrets out
Historical Evidence: Do we possess reliable documents concerning the life, teachings, and resurrection of Jesus?
Scientific Evidence: Is there archaeological substantiation for the historical accounts about Jesus? Did Jesus perform miracles?
Psychiatric Evidence: Did Jesus really claim to be God? What evidence is there that he fit God's profile?
Fingerprint Evidence: What does prophecy have to say about Jesus?
Other evidence: Jesus' death, the missing body, eyewitness accounts, and claims of personal encounters.

The Case for Christ reads like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it's not fiction. It's a riveting journey to the truth about the most remarkable event in history: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And it's a revealing, personal testimony to his power to transform people yet today-even the most cynical, hard-bitten journalist

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