God or Evolution ?

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Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
Thank you Neemer I will take you up on that.
When I started this topic I just wanted to read others opinions then a debate started a knock this topic off course
but you got it back on track and so am I

Gracias Muchacho


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Mar 16, 2000
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I don't look down on the religious, really. In fact, I keep my thoughts on this subject to a minimum, due to the backlash I could get for speaking my mind.

I only gave those examples because I needed to make a point for my case. I don't run around like some folks who have no faith, and tell people who believe in a "higher power" that they are dolts.

If you, or anyone else chooses to believe in some "invisible man" upstairs, I can handle it. I think it serves a purpose, as I said:

Keeping people in line.

Like I said, I have tollerartion for you guys. It bothers me not a bit what you believe in.

The sad part of this?

I have taken so much heat in the past for stating I don't believe in God.

First, people assume that I am kidding. Once I let them know that I am serious, they are taken aback. People I have known for years started thinking of me in a different light. Some thought I must be evil if I didn't support a belief in God. (If I don't buy God...I don't buy the Devil! Same book, you know.)

So, my religious friends, I ask you:

Should you not show me some compassion? Isn't that what your "faith" teaches you?

I hold to my beliefs, and would not ask you to sway from yours.

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
God Bless America, Fred
okay and Australia too


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Aug 24, 1999
It is my opinion that the world would be a far worse off without the Bible.

Gotta disagree. I guess you realize that "religous differences" has killed more people in our universe than anything else. Look at what Hitler did to the Jews. Look at the Middle East and all the innocent lives that have been lost because of religion. Just take a look back at all the wars and conflicts there have been b/c of religion. I see where you're coming from, but I think you just failed to look at the other side.....

The one thing that basically turned a skeptic into a believer of a higher being was when my first child was born. This amazing occurence could only happen from something bigger than ourselves. No way in hell I can believe that there were a couple of molecules billions and billions of years ago that consisted of the perfect chemical structure to create life. NO WAY! To think so, is kind of silly in my book. Just the process of two living cells turning into a living breathing individual is enough evidence in my book to believe in something bigger than ourselves.

Maybe we need to start a Book Club like Oprah Winfrey and have discussions at the end of 30 days?


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Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Senor Capper:
God Bless America, Fred
okay and Australia too

Amen Senor. 2 of the best countries, in terms of freedom and oppurtunties, in the whole world.

I have a preference between the 2 but i'm biased

Senor Capper

is feeling it
Channel Member
Nov 14, 2000
I haven't the pleasure of visiting Australia (though I have great flight benes)
One of these days.
Guess you know Kerry Packer comes to my town often. I used to work at the Mirage in the Salon Prive' where Kerry used to play.
I seen this guy play 175,000a hand across the table.

Dudes got bank


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Aug 24, 1999

You'll really enjoy it and don't be surprised if you see yourself rereading a lot of the material. It will REALLY stimulate your thinking in regards to some of life's toughest questions. I'm not promising you'll find all the answers to your questions, but it will be quite enlightening to questions in which you positively had no answers to.

I'll give ya an example. Since I believe in a heaven AND a hell, I always wondered what would happen to people that never had the opportunity to learn what the Bible was about because of demographic situations. A similiar type question is one in which where will children go if they don't have the mental capacity to understand Jesus and his teachings. Questions such as these are discussed by some of the brightest people in theological study. All in all, I think there were about 20-30 situations similiar to the one I just described.

As for non-believers, I respect and admire their convictions as much as I do my own. Who am I to criticize the beliefs or non beliefs of someone else? What works for some doesn't work for others.

When ya get through, let me know what ya think. It's an easy read and 20 pages a day will get ya through in a couple weeks...


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Big Bang theory or "poof" from the fingertips of God?
Being the science oriented freak that I am, I side with the Big Bang Theory and evolutionism... BUT...
where did that tiny speck of dust that started this whole thing come from?
I still am a firm believer in evolution of us through the chains of amoeba and tiny one celled organsims... (i think there still are some people that fit in the catergory however.)
Religion... in the old days it was an answer better than "because your dad/mom said so" when the kids started asking questions. Look at the way religions have evolved over the course of time. They are constantly changing, improving, altering their beliefs and new religions are sprouting up. Religion is that "something" that can bind people together and helps to ease the minds of some people who wonder why we really are here. Religion is the "esprit de corps" that brings factions of society together in a peaceful environment.
But with the humongous numbers of different sects and idealogies you have to wonder...

is some one more right in their religion than the other?
That is something that intrigues me. Becuase according to one religion you will only go to heaven if you believe a certain thing, but another religion, just as solidily based believes the complete opposite... who doesnt go to heaven?


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
My old history teacher told me a story that always made a lot of sense to me. It goes along with the idea that religion was used as a way to "keep order". If you were one of thousands of dirt poor working in the fields for some guy who lives in a house filled with gold decorations, food you;ve only seen but never eaten- what would keep you from robbing, stealing and pillaging? After all, you could see that this was your lot in life and it would never change. Well, the rich guy tells you that if you are a good boy now, you will be rewarded with an eternal life in heaven, filled with good things. But, if you are a bad boy and cheat, steal, etc. - you will spend eternity roasting away in hell. Thus, you are "kept in line" while awaiting your final voyage.


They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
I say evolution!
For all the Jesus freaks out there....do your thing, just dont do it to me.

The irony of this is.....
1 minute to go, Michigan down by 6, ball on their own 20........
you're damn right i'm praying to god!


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Nov 22, 1999
God? i guess this word means different things to different people with different religious beliefs. to some people God is the creator and father of Jesus Christ. in some religions there are more than one God there are many Gods. I do know that there are many, many religions in this world that we live in. all of these religions profess to have a connection to/with God. all of these different religions have differences they are not the same. why is this so? did they communicate with the same God or was it different Gods? if it was the same God why are the religions different? did the same God give different stories to different religions? if it was different Gods then there are more than one God.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Looks like the majority here are siding with evolution. I would propose this is not a good sampling of folks for this question and that many more in a different forum would be saying God. That or I suppose many who would say God for the answer don't do it for political correctness reasons. I guess we "Jesus-freaks" on this forum will be fewer in number.

I don't understand everything, and many things in this world baffle and confuse me. I have faith though that God did go "poof" and create everything. That faith and belief comforts me everyday through trials and through good times. I think it would be very hard to live life with the mentality that once you die, that's it. The thought of a better place appeals to me in my finite mind.

It's far better to be LUCKY than good.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 2000
Science is often tedious and boring and not in the Jerry Springer like nature these forums often take.

So if your bored by science please skip ahead to part 3 of this post for the Jerry Springer part.

In three parts.
Part 1 - The Past
Part 2 - The Present
Part 3 - The Future


What would be necessary for the Theory of Evolution to proven as being scientifically feasible?

First, you would need a Sun. But not just any Sun. You would need the perfect Sun.It would have to be perfectly stable.It's temperature could never vary more than 1% over billions of years. (The time period over which evolution could take place.)

In all the stars astronomers have ever studied would you care to guess what the most stable star in the entire universe is?

Next, you would need the perfect planet, which would have to be the perfect distance from the perfect Sun.

Water is the basic building block of life. So if our planet were approximately 1% closer to the Sun all H20 would be in gaseous form, making life virtually impossible. If our planet were approximately 1% further away from the Sun all H20 would be in solid form (ice) making life virtually impossible.

Of course our Sun is also nuclear reactor which emits radiation so deadly that all life currently on our planet would end within a few hours if we were not protected by a O-zone layer.

So we would need a O-zone layer to magically form.

We would need our planet to stay on one and only one axis for billions of years so a perfect size moon would be needed to keep our planet on axis.

Our planet would need to be protected from asteroids. So a Solar System
would be required.

Between Mars and Jupiter lies the main asteroid belt of our Solar System. Without Jupiter and Saturn to effect the orbits of these asteroid we could expect all life on earth to be wiped out on almost an annual basis.

The perfect planet, the perfect distance from the perfect sun with a perfect moon that is surrounded by other perfect planets to act as giant cosmic sheilds. With a perfect O-zone to stop harmful radiation.

All this and we haven't even reached the point where 2 dead things came together and magically became life. hmm.....

Evolutionists tell us all life came from a single-celled proto-plasma.

Although it is a scientific impossibility, let's just assume that it did, and several dead things came together became a single celled proto-plasm in the primordial ooze.

Is this enough for evolution?

Wouldn't our new life form would need to be born by some food supply? Heck, for that matter wouldn't it need a stomach or some other fully developed means of converting energy.

Also, it would need some way to reproduce itself. But just reproducing exact copies of itself wouldn't be enough to produce our current eco-system.

Our single celled organism would have to begin divergent reproduction. With one of its offsring becomimg "plant-life" that would "breath" carbon-dioxide and exhale oxygen. The other becoming the polar opposite
"aninmal-life" which would breath oxygen and exhale carbon-dioxide.

Lucky for us how that worked out. You may want to check the biosphere project failures to see how hard this balance is to achieve. http://www.bio2.edu/

We are all odds-makers of a sort here. What's the line...

I could go on forever pointing out infinity to one coincidences that need to be necessary for life to "evolve". How many coinidences in a row does it take before the so called scientific minds begin questioning?


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
....and after all of that eloquence, I give you the "universal" argument:

"Where did the "higher power" come from?"

Just asking the unanswerable.
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