golf outing pics and commentary


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
One thing that I just realized that i failed to mention and so did many others but I know they all feel the same when I say that Jack is the Man:00hour .
There wasn't a nicer guy to hang with, party with, golf with, laugh with, and stay up way too late with on this trip. He was there for it all and Handi and I stayed the longest as I took advantage of the cheap room rate on Sunday but I think I got all caught up in talking about the other people we met and I really felt like I already knew the guy so I probably left him out of my posts a bit which was completely unintentional. I already knew Kosar, Dunclock, HC, Nole, Smurky, Tide, BBC, ppabart, Eddie, 6-5, gmroz, and all the great people that where there would not disappoint and like I said I didn't get to spend nearly as much time with others like DTB,Tonkgolf, Wineguy etc... as I may have liked especially with female to female tonguing going on and missing out on a punch in the chest from a very funny and very attractive girl. Looked fab in the black dress on Sat. night but anyway.................

Jack was the one guy I probably hung with the most and got to talk with the most and I will tell you all that you aren't going to meet a better guy there either. I will never bitch about anyone on this forum again as I can only imagine the headaches that fat bastard has had to put up with from everyone over the years. Yea, he bitches about the fhucking heat and had a little ass crack sweat when we were playing golf but that man is an as dynamic, interesting, and just about as cool as they get. Cheers Jack. It was my honor and a pleasure to shoot a couple three and a half rounds of golf with you on one 18 holes:00hour.
To all of you that take the man for granted or give him shit about this or that, I would suggest you don't burn a bridge that you can't span at one of these get togethers to meet the Madjack family that Jack has put together.

I can't speak for IE because I hear he has wanted to ban me for years, but he has wanted to ban all of us at one point and has been described as a Bobby Fischer type living off Ho-Hos and stale bugles with sour cream on them and has like fifteen computers on all the time up in Saskatchewan or some shit I don't know..........................anyway like I said don't burn any bridges...:shrug:

:00x6 :00x9 :00x27
Check it out went to the bottom of the page!!!

Thanks again slick:00hour
(that part wasn't as important I guess to go further than the front page I guess. How's the quitting smoking thing going?)

Hope this helps,


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:

My favorite pic:

My least favorite pic:

WTF kind of Playgirl spread is this? Not interested in the athiest's package, 'taint' you very much.:nono:

Well it is not like DTB took this pic, his wife is the one that took the pic, so maybe Li knew what she was looking for :shrug: :shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 14, 2003
I rode in a golf cart with that guy for 18 holes. I never saw that pose all day.

Should I disclose that?:shrug:

Just asking.

Handi Capper

'That Said'
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2004
northern Ky
been busy at work catching up from closing all weekend, but what a weekend :00hour
always good to see old friends & make new
i want to thank everyone there for helping me celebrate my 50th, i had a blast & couldnt find a better bunch to celebrate with. we have some good singers at madjacks, jack & gayle thanks for shirts(btw they weren't ravens, must have killed jack)
bbc-the only person to sleep less than me
also missed old friends also, agent would have loved to got you to poker table, HH- i did not play craps cuz craps queen (my partner) was not there, IO was missed on course for should, yyz wittyness was missed, lewehands was needed to handle security after golf


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Back on Stars - Brother in Law got 2nd in a tourney and we always pay each other 10% for big wins!!!!

Not more FTP tourneys for me!!!!

(....for at least a week)
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