djv--There are really two issues at hand, imo. I believe due to our age difference, we are primarily (but not solely) concerned with opposite issues.
The first issue is making sure that the population that is approaching reitrement age gets what they have been promised. This is the issue that you refer to when you are speaking of the monthly income coming back to a person. This is a VERY important issue and one that must be addressed.
The second issue is moving forward with SS. The current system is broken. I don't want something to make it good for 110 years or 250 years. If we are going to chage the system, I want a system that is projected to work as far out as we can project. If we can see an end to when it will work, then we have not fixed it -- only patched it for the next generation to worry and fight about.
You mention some very good ways to improve our current situation with raising minimum retirement age and the tax limit (which personally I don't see why there needs to be a limit if PSAs are introduced and your money stays with you).
I must admit that you lost me towards the end of your post.
Once again, I think we are speaking of two different issues, though. I feel that if we are given a choice, the younger generations will have the opportunity to far exceed the bankroll at retirement than we can achieve with the current system no matter what fixes are put in place.
Some people say that there are parts of the population that will make bad choices and lose their money. Is that really a good enough argument not to allow people the choice to improve their situation? Is is right to hold EVERYONE back because of a few? Not to get too far on another subject, but that is exactly the reason why our education system is a joke. Smarter kids are not allowed to excel in fear of making the less intelligent kids feel inadequate.
But that discussion is for another day.