Been a part of these forums for over 10 years almost.. I never for the life of my can find why a forum dedicated to helping others voluntary gets so shitty. We want to beat the books yet we bicker amongst ourselves SOO much. I used to post all the time, this place was a 2nd family to me and it even got me not ONE but TWO madjack t-shirts for it. Now I just lurk and never post and I see people that take their TIME whether it was 1 min to post or 10 min to post and its flip a coin on what trolls, butthurt people that lost, or whatever crazyness one person has in their deranged mind. I totally get it that people that put time into the forums are so compelled to leave. I'm one of them but now I just lurk quietly. Wish people would work TOGETHER rather then doing the blame game and bashing and trolling. Jack does his best and maybe members should do their best to chill out and stop being degenerates that need any excuse to make themselves have a reason why they lost.
/end rant
Arrow I always enjoy your plays. I like to tail you. Your post always seem like right up my alley. If you run a service... big woop. Good for you. You should be compensated for your time. If one of your members has a problem with it tough shit. If its easier to just not post I totally get that too. Either way I always appreciate everyones times in this forum and just sucks another person I've seen around for a while slowly disapear.
Take care and good luck with what you choose. <3
/end rant
Arrow I always enjoy your plays. I like to tail you. Your post always seem like right up my alley. If you run a service... big woop. Good for you. You should be compensated for your time. If one of your members has a problem with it tough shit. If its easier to just not post I totally get that too. Either way I always appreciate everyones times in this forum and just sucks another person I've seen around for a while slowly disapear.
Take care and good luck with what you choose. <3