you guys that are supposed to be Jacks "friends" sure do put him in a tough spot ... he has met arrow along with a couple other people I know here... there is NO reason to call the guy out ... he posted something and gets lambasted by people that push Jacks "friendship" WAY too far!
I do not follow his picks but I do look at them and know he is solid ... if you do not like the way he posts things then you should not open his threads or post comments ... he has never "attacked" any of you and only responded after he has been provoked
I am not taking anyones side except for Jacks because he gets NEEDLESSLY put in the middle of a lot of shit that doesnt need to happen :shrug:
I'm with you about arrow being needlessly attacked. Reminds me of high school bullying. The victim begins to react emotionally which escalates the situation. I simply don't see the point.