Wouldn't discuss politics anyway.
Problem is, my family is with me during this trip - and I'd have to bring them with me. Given the frequency that you use vulgarity, I'm not sure I can bring my young children around - no offense, just don't want them to be exposed to that yet.....
You may have a different persona than you have on this board, but ...........
One excuse after another. Your loss, Mags. Maybe if you shout at those Frenchies loud enough in English, they'll understand you.
Sorta like you right-wingers always do -
"Speak English, goddammit,
speak ENGLISH!
Suits me. I'd rather buy dinner for a couple French bums and their dog anyway as I did for an entire week last time we were there.
There were a couple Frenchie right-wingers in the bistro who asked me, "why do you feed those bums and their dog?'
To which I answered, "because they're hungry, and it's none of your
putain de business anyway, Jacque."