Well, like Gary says.....
You keep being a victim. It suits you well.
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Look at this Government PLANT?
How will history remember the siege at the Capitol?
God you?re stupid. Talk about January 6th everyday but never mention all the fires and looting those animals did last summer. Typical liberal bullshit. Biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. The only useful thing you?ve ever done on this site was add up all of boxes losers and show his losing record.
The criminals that terrorized the cities weren't one and the same as the protesters. They weren't breaking windows and setting fires while wearing "Biden 2020" gear. See the difference between that and those that attacked the Capitol on Jan 6th?
You're welcome. :0008
Yes,I see the difference. There were no free shopping sprees,no stores destroyed,no store owners attacked, no police fired upon,no tumbled statues, no buildings torched and most of all no arrests.
That's what you got from me saying "criminals that terrorized the cities"?
Why don't you go back to your thread about wiping Biden's butt. You fit in with the conversation much better.
Plenty of your shit needs wiping too!moon1
Keep up the stellar work, dumbass!
The criminals that terrorized the cities weren't one and the same as the protesters. They weren't breaking windows and setting fires while wearing "Biden 2020" gear. See the difference between that and those that attacked the Capitol on Jan 6th?
You're welcome. :0008
Are you really this stupid?
Antifa and BLM wearing Trump gear, FBI agents encouraging some MORONS to walk in to the Capital, nwo Nanct Pelosi picks the Republicans to be on her SHAM Show.
Let's see what the bi-partisan investigation says. I have a feeling you'll be wrong like you always are. There's already dozens of news reports about the individual Trumptards that have been arrested, but let's not let that ruin your point.
Just PROSECUTE them all, ANTIFA, BLM and Morons that thought it was a good ideal to walk in to the capital. Throw the Traitor FBI in jail also.
Well, like Gary says.....
You keep being a victim. It suits you well.
After listening to a day of damning testimony, Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans are taking full responsibility for what happened and made a formal apology to the men and women that defended the Capitol on January 6th from an angry mob incited by the former President.
Just Kidding! They're blaming it on Nancy Pelosi! :0002
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