Bosco/Marcus--Bosco has won their 3 playoff games easily compared to Marcus. Bosco avg 61 pts a game giving up 24--Marcus avg 37 giving up 16. Marcus plays better def. My play Bosco-6'
Gladbrook/Akron--Gladbrook has lower scoring games in the 3 playoff games than Akron. Gladbrook avg 26 pts a game in playoffs an gives up an avg of 9--Marcus avg 46 pts a game and gives up 35 a game--big difference --Def vs off. My play Akron +12
Regina/West--Pretty comparable teams here. Both play good def but Regina I think has a better off. Regina avg 34 pts in playoffs and gives up 16. Glad avg 21 pts and gives up 10. Liked Reg at -6' now -10'--pass. My play Under 54
Spirit Lake/Mt V--Comparable teams here. They both can score and play good def. Lake avg 44 pts and gives up 22 and Mt avg 33 pts and gives up 22. Line has gone to 9' Lake--pass My play is under 65
Norwalk/Pella--Nor is a sub of Des Moines--Pella out east but good football tradition. Norwalk plays better def--Pella scores alot.. Norwalk avg 27 pts a game and gives up only 11 a game. Pella avg 48 pts a game and gives up 27. My plays are Norwalk +14 and ov 47