If Bill Clinton could run in this election?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Ryson, I do not get your point. I express an opinion and I explain why I feel that way, most of the posters on here that disagree with me like AR and Freeze and DTB explain why they disagree. CTG is nothing more than a Brittney Spears wind up doll blindly following the Bush machine. He simply calls people names that don't agree with the party line. I see you are a lot like him and Spears.
If Hussein had those weapons where were they and why did he never use them? The money spent in Iraq should have been spent defending our own country. It cost Boston an extra $40,000,000 to put up security for 4 days of the DNC. Now that the DNC is gone we will be going back to uninspected subways and rails and other measures put in specifically to make the city safe for 4 days.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
GW, when he used them against the Kurds he had the full blessing of the United States, just like he had the US approval before attacking Kuwait. I am talking about recently.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Garden, I believe Lieberman did speak, and your a smart guy, you know exactly why sharpeton & Dean were given opportunities to speak.

Dtb, no way does Bush question Kerrys crew. You know the Bush truth, (that he refused physical because of drug use until he was ultimately suspended). No way does he open box of bees by playing semantics with Kerrys crew.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
stevie...are you high?....who in this country gave saddam the o.k. to take kuwait?.....only to have to go in and remove him....

i`m serious...where do you come up with this stuff?...

as far as chemical and bio weapons prior to the invasion...he had them...it`s a fact...he had no proof that he destroyed or disposed of them....that`s why the inspectors went in....when saddam allowed them in...

he never came up with an explanation or could document the disposal of said weapons...ala south africa...and thumbed his nose at the world...thinking that the france`s,germany`s and russia`s could run interference for him at the u.n...

he was wrong...i don`t think he thought that bush would follow through...never thought that the rest of the world would allow it...

how could he use weapons against the u.s....and keep even the most scummy european countries on his side?

he painted himself into a corner...and the french did what they always do...they wrung their hands... as he went down....

we can never...ever....ever....count on modern day france for anything...they are the most duplicitous,useless nation on the face of the earth...their economic growth matches their integrity...

shammy...the only reason why they would have sharpton as a keynote speaker is to garner black voters..

this is the same al sharpton that...

was taped discussing laundering drug money for mob figure michael franchese...

is a close friend and confidant of don king...

the same sharpton that made his name and his fame as the one to lead a protest movement after every racially charged incident in New York over the last 30 years (and many elsewhere in the U.S.) ...especially early in his career, he seemed content and even eager to inflame racial hatreds at the risk of violence, as long as it gave him publicity and power.

several of these protests escalated to the point of violence, in several cases by those who Sharpton championed. ...like the 1995 arson attack on a Jewish Harlem jeweler that resulted in 8 deaths. That attack came months after Sharpton made remarks about the "white interloper". (He later apologized, saying that he wouldn't use the word white again in that context.)...mighty big of him

the instigator of the tawana brawley incident....remember...in 1987, black teenager tawana brawley claimed that six white law enforcement officers -- including then-assistant district attorney Steven Pagones(lol) -- had abducted and raped her, scrawled racial insults on her body and smeared her with feces.

Miss Brawley refused to speak with authorities or the media, but Sharpton and her two other advisers were soon making wild claims. Sharpton compared then-state Attorney General Robert Abrams, a Jew, to Adolf Hitler. All three linked then-Gov. Mario Cuomo to organized crime and the Ku Klux Klan.

now he`s charming and a pillar of the democratic party.....

are you kidding?....

if this is a black leader,that black folks respect and look to,then all hope is lost....

..i personally wouldn`t want him to give a speech in front of my house as i put out my trash...

.you can align yourself with this scumbag...i refuse...

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Dtb, no way does Bush question Kerrys crew. You know the Bush truth, (that he refused physical because of drug use until he was ultimately suspended). No way does he open box of bees by playing semantics with Kerrys crew."

I would be interested in seeing your evidence on physical and drug use.

You are correct that Bush will not question record of anyone who served in viet nam considering he did not--how foolish that would be. --but he certainly will let others and they have from numerous areas.

and since Kerry is making that one of his major themes he opens it up to debate. I have never seen any convention where a pres candidate goes on and on about his life prior to politics but makes almost no mention of his his 20 years in politics. --but it makes no diff--it will come out in the next convention ;)


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
as far as chemical and bio weapons prior to the invasion...he had them...it`s a fact...

gw...Fact? Really?

You said in an earlier post that there is a 'possibility' that 'stuff' is buried or got carted out. Yes, indeed, there was plenty of time to 'hide' said weapons, but since the UN was there and finding nothing, what was the need for a deadline? If there were no weapons there, there were no weapons there.
I guess the argument is that the U.N. couldn't be there forever....Well, there's every chance there will be a U.S and U.N. will be there for a very long time to come now anyway....At a much higher cost...both financially and in the obvious, tragic sense.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
mr christo...he had chems.....that were never accounted for.....did he destroy or ship them out?.....who knows.....

if he got rid of them,he should have shown some documentation...some proof....or let the u.n. handle a process of dismantling and removing all weapons similar to the south african situation...not kick inspectors out every time he had the whim....

he stalled as long as he possibly could..and we called his bluff...

were we right or wrong?....i have no idea...history will judge...

Sarin, Mustard Gas Discovered Separately in Iraq
Monday, May 17, 2004

BAGHDAD, Iraq — A roadside bomb containing sarin nerve agent (search) recently exploded near a U.S. military convoy, the U.S. military said Monday.

Two people were treated for "minor exposure" after the sarin incident but no serious injuries were reported. Soldiers transporting the shell for inspection suffered symptoms consistent with low-level chemical exposure, which is what led to the discovery, a U.S. official said....

"The Iraqi Survey Group confirmed today that a 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent had been found," Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt (search), the chief military spokesman in Iraq, told reporters in Baghdad. "The round had been rigged as an IED (improvised explosive device) which was discovered by a U.S. force convoy."

The round detonated before it would be rendered inoperable, Kimmitt said, which caused a "very small dispersal of agent."

However, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said the results were from a field test, which can be imperfect, and said more analysis was needed. If confirmed, it would be the first finding of a banned weapon upon which the United States based its case for war.

Two weeks ago, U.S. military units discovered mustard gas that was used as part of an IED. Tests conducted by the Iraqi Survey Group (search) — a U.S. organization searching for weapons of mass destruction — and others concluded the mustard gas was "stored improperly," which made the gas "ineffective."

*********"""""""""They believe the mustard gas shell may have been one of 550 projectiles for which former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein failed to account when he made his weapons declaration shortly before Operation Iraqi Freedom began last year. Iraq also failed to then account for 450 aerial bombs with mustard gas. That, combined with the shells, totaled about 80 tons of unaccounted for mustard gas.""""""""""**********

It also appears some top Pentagon officials were surprised by the sarin news; they thought the matter was classified, administration officials said...

An official at the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) headquarters in New York said the commission is surprised to hear news of the mustard gas.

"If that's the case, why didn't they announce it earlier?" the official asked.

The UNMOVIC official said the group needs to know more from the Bush administration before it's possible to determine if this is "old or new stuff. It is known that Iraq used sarin during the Iraq-Iran war, however.

Kimmitt said the shell belonged to a class of ordnance that Saddam's government said was destroyed before the 1991 Gulf war (search). Experts believe both the sarin and mustard gas weapons date back to that time.

"It was a weapon that we believe was stocked from the ex-regime time and it had been thought to be an ordinary artillery shell set up to explode like an ordinary IED and basically from the detection of that and when it exploded, it indicated that it actually had some sarin in it," Kimmitt said.

The incident occurred "a couple of days ago," he added. The discovery reportedly occurred near Baghdad International Airport.

Washington officials say the significance of the find is that some chemical shells do still exist in Iraq, and it's thought that fighters there may be upping their attacks on U.S. forces by using such weapons.

The round was an old "binary-type" shell in which two chemicals held in separate sections are mixed after firing to produce sarin, Kimmitt said.

He said he believed that insurgents who rigged the artillery shell as a bomb didn't know it contained the nerve agent, and that the dispersal of the nerve agent from such a rigged device was very limited.

The shell had no markings. It appears the binary sarin agents didn't mix, which is why there weren't serious injuries from the initial explosion, a U.S. official said.....

"Everybody knew Saddam had chemical weapons, the question was, where did they go. Unfortunately, everybody jumped on the offramp and said 'well, because we didn't find them, he didn't have them,'" said military analyst Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney.

"I doubt if it's the tip of the iceberg but it does confirm what we've known ... that he [Saddam] had weapons of mass destruction that he used on his own people,"said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, . "This does show that the fear we had is very real. Now whether there is much more of this we don't know, Iraq is the size of the state of California."

But there were more reasons than weapons to get rid of Saddam, he added. "We considered Saddam Hussein a threat not just because of weapons of mass destruction," Grassley said.

Iraqi Scientist: You Will Find More

Gazi George, a former Iraqi nuclear scientist under Saddam's regime, said that he believes many similar weapons stockpiled by the former regime were either buried underground or transported to Syria. He noted that the airport where the device was detonated is on the way to Baghdad from the Syrian border.

George said the finding likely will be the first in a series of discoveries of such weapons.

"Saddam is the type who will not store those materials in a military warehouse. He's gonna store them either underground, or, as I said, lots of them have gone west to Syria and are being brought back with the insurgencies," George said. "It is difficult to look in areas that are not obvious to the military's eyes.

"I'm sure they're going to find more once time passes," he continued, saying one year is not enough for the survey group or the military to find the weapons.

Saddam, when he was in power, had declared that he did in fact possess mustard-gas filled artilleries but none that included sarin.

"I think what we found today, the sarin in some ways, although it's a nerve gas, it's a lucky situation sarin detonated in the way it did ... it's not as dangerous as the cocktails Saddam used to make, mixing blister" agents with other gases and substances, George said.

Officials: Discovery Is 'Significant'

U.S. officials said that the shell discovery is a "significant" event.

Artillery shells of the 155-mm size are as big as it gets when it comes to the ordnance lobbed by infantry-based artillery units. The 155 howitzer can launch high capacity shells over several miles; current models used by the United States can fire shells as far as 14 miles. One official told Fox News that a conventional 155-mm shell could hold as much as "two to five" liters of sarin, which is capable of killing thousands of people under the right conditions in highly populated areas.

The Iraqis were very capable of producing such shells in the 1980s but it's not as clear that they continued after the first Gulf War.

In 1995, Japan's Aum Shinrikyo (search) cult unleashed sarin gas in Tokyo's subways, killing 12 people and sickening thousands. In February of this year, Japanese courts convicted the cult's former leader, Shoko Asahara, and sentence him to be executed.

Developed in the mid-1930s by Nazi scientists, a single drop of sarin can cause quick, agonizing choking death. There are no known instances of the Nazis actually using the gas.

Nerve gases work by inhibiting key enzymes in the nervous system, blocking their transmission. Small exposures can be treated with antidotes, if administered quickly.

Antidotes to nerve gases similar to sarin are so effective that top poison gas researchers predict they eventually will cease to be a war threat.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
As much as I hate to admit it -- and taking into consideration all the criticism I have heaped on Bubba -- I think he would be a better candidate than either of the ones we are stuck with now. These are hard words to swallow, but neither Bush or Kerry is going to be the answer to the many problems facing us.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
GW, you think I am oin drugs because I say that Iraq invaded Kuwait with American permission? here is an old post by Nolan Dalla that I think is one of the best pieces written on the subject.

Nolan Dalla said:
Here's an interesting article by a fellow named Dale Jonmes, who outines the case AGAINST an invasoin/attack better than I:

In 1952, the CIA helped to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iran and placed the Shah on the Peacock throne. For the next 26 years, the Shah ruled the nation with an iron hand while at the same time plundering the oil revenues of his nation.

When the Shah was overthrown in the late ?70s, Americans were incredulous over the fact that Iranians were showing so much resentment toward the US. Americans by and large never understood the capture of the US embassy and American Citizens during the Iranian revolution.

During the chaotic moments after the Iranian revolution, Saddam Hussein tried to take advantage of an unstable situation by launching an attack on Iran in an effort to gain control of the Shatt al Arab waterway. The Iranians stopped the invasion and pushed the Iraqi's back into their own territory.

With Saddam in a precarious situation, the US came to his defense with secret intelligence of Iranian positions and weaponry. We also gave Hussein a couple of billion in Agricultural grants (our government was not allowed to sell Iraq weapons) which allowed him to take money he would need to buy food and instead use it to buy weapons, mostly from France.

At the same time Saddam was using poison gas on Iranian soldiers, violating Geneva Convention rules. In July of 1988, Saddam gassed his own Kurdish minority in Iraq. On a Friday July, 15,000 Kurds were killed in Iraq by poison gas, 5,000 alone in the city of Halabja. Five times as many people were killed in that poison gas attack as were killed at the WTC in New York. Did we care?

Some time later, back in Washington, Senator George Mitchell led a delegation of Republican and Democrat legislators to the White House to meet with the President, then George W. Bush?s father. In the meeting Mitchell laid out Saddam?s sins and told President Bush that tough sanctions needed to be placed on Iraq. According to Mitchell, Bush told them, "Saddam is still a man we can do business with."

In the summer of 1989, Saddam Hussein called in the American ambassador April Gillespie to inform her of his intentions of taking action against Kuwait, who he claimed was stealing Iraqi oil by using drilling techniques that entered Iraqi oil fields. Saddam was also upset because he believed the Kuwait was helping to hold down the price of oil which was causing cash-strapped Iraq to believe it should take action against it's neighbor. A tape of the meeting between Saddam and our ambassador was aired in the U.S on 60 Minutes. It shows our ambassador intimating to Saddam that the US would have no interest punishing him if he were to capture the oil fields near the border. Of course the Iraqi leader captured the whole country but the incompetence of our ambassador and her words to Saddam helped give birth to Desert Storm.

We know that Arabs have been watching Al Jezeera TV (The Arabic CNN) throughout their world. They see children starving and dying from disease every day. They watch Palestinian homes bulldozed and citizens dying from what they consider Israeli hegemony. During the last war they watched a routed Iraqi force being annihilated by US Aircraft. On CNN, a military expert tells the interviewer, "It's a turkey shoot!"

Imagine young Arabs throughout the Middle East with their TV's tuned to CNN (There was no Al Jezeera during Desert Storm) watching this spectacle. Do you suppose that any of this helped in the recruitment of young Islamic extremists?

Now were about to take unprovoked action believing that we can stem the tide of terrorism by being tough. The present President Bush and many of his advisors believe that the unrest in the Middle East can be contained without destabilizing the area. I don't! That is why I don't support this action.

If you saw CBS News on Thursday, September 12, 2002, you saw a disturbing piece. CBS interviewed four Special Forces soldiers who said that Afghanistan is beginning to disintegrate. A captain said Afghanistan is turning into another Viet Nam. He said that when they first came the people adored them. Now the people throw stones at them. American soldiers in Afghanistan have been under increasing attack, as the situation seems to be deteriorating. Now we want to double our fun by invading Iraq?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
stevie...this looks like an opinion piece....some context...

saddam had no luck taking iran and disengaged around 1988...he seemed to change his stripe,aligning himself with our closest allies in the middle east,jordan and egypt..he claimed that he was even willing to settle with israel at one point......he was seen as much preferrable to the religious zealots running iran...that`s why we backed him in the war...he was seen as much the lesser of two evils...one who seemed to be willing to "tow the line",as it were...

we decided to sell him food...and we probably supplied him with some weapons...but the europeans were the ones that did much in the way of supplying major weaponry...nuclear technology and long range gunnery...

i believe that gillespie indicated that the u.s. would stay clear of minor inter-arab disputes.....not the invasion and take over of a neighboring country...a land and oil grab...

this is typical left wing crap you see on their websites all over the net...making the cases like this...

"Many ordinary Americans do not know that Kuwait was part of the southern province of Iraq (Walayah of Basra) for centuries. Iraq has far greater right to claim Kuwait than the US has over the Hispanic territories that it annexed. It was the British colonial designs that created such fault lines in order to keep the Islamic world divided and weak, its gravitas naturally increased after the discovery of oil. The Kuwaiti movement for unification with Iraq in 1950s were ruthlessly hunted down by the Kuwaiti regime with the help of the British"...

and this...

"The report clearly stated that the Kurds were killed in the cross fire as both parties used chemical weapons but Saddam certainly did not target the Kurds intentionally"......

so,we abandoned the kurds and left them to be slaughtered by saddam?.....right?....or was it just an unintentional crossfire?.....

can`t have it both ways......

and this....

""It was reported that the US marines fought with each other to take a pot-shots at the Iraqis. Using sophisticated weapons and wearing US uniform means immunity from terms like barbaric, savage, terrorist and criminal! Their motivation to commit such crimes was fuelled by their racist outlook and inherent sadistic nature as clearly evident from the Abu-Ghraib incident. This is surely one of the most heinous war crimes in contemporary history. Saddam can be penalized to an extent for the initial invasion although he had good reasons but war crimes were in reality committed by the Kuwaiti regime and the US government on the “highway of death”. Again, do not expect fanatics to question their beliefs, so such matters were simply ignored by the entire establishment including the UN."""

"our inherently sadisitic nature"?......ahh yes....and the mass graves?..the beheadings by arab radicals......absolute fiction....it`s all the u.s.`s fault...we should know that by now...


propaganda...arab propaganda...courtesy of websites like"jihad unspun"....

if you want to believe this stuff,what can i say....
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
dtb, without question its probably beyond my capabilities to com up with physical evidence regarding Bush transgressions. His records have obviously and undoubtedly been altered or destroyed. But you know yourself he has admitted "doing things I'm not proud of" during this period of his life. Wink wink, just because the physical truth has been destroyed doesn't mean it didn't happen, you know that. By the way, agreed Kerry is getting sickening regarding Vietnam.

Garden-once again I know your smarter, I don't believe anybody would consider Rev. Al a "pillar of the party" nor would I have him at my house, even to take out the trash. Politicians would do anything for votes, Bush would put anybody out their also, look at the hack job he pulled on McCain. If there was a black, Latin, woman, organized labor figure, etc. etc. of questionable manner you can guarantee Bush or anybody else would use them. Bush practices this not only in politics but business, look at his Saudi business partners, are we to believe Saudi s aren't the greatest monetary backer s of al-quada?? Wasn't it Cheney making million dollar deals with Iraq circumventing restrictions that directly put money in Saddam s pocket.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
gw...I guess my point is that, so they exist....well, we've gone in, fought a war...killed a heap of people (on both sides), given 'terrorism' a reason (In their eyes!!...Certainly not mine!) to increase their anti-Western violence.....and yet, these weapons STILL exist somewhere??

I understand the point that they may have been used on Western forces, but that was not going to happen with the U.N. in the country.
I do actually agree with you that Sadam was constantly stalling....But (and I guess this is another key frustration of mine) the U.N. should have the power/balls /whatever! to stay there, not simply pack up and go when they are 'told' to each time!

"propaganda...arab propaganda...courtesy of websites like"jihad unspun".... "

...What does get me is that you see everything "pro-Arab" as propaganda, but everything Pro-US/Anti-Arab is the god sworn truth!
If you can't see that the Western media/politicians/advisors etc. etc. are telling lies (or at least being VERY selective in what they are saying), then what can we say.....?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
well...mr christo...i guess i agree that it`s a monumental task to sift through all the internet garbage and actually come up with the some modicum of truth....

and i must admit,that i`m probably just as biased as any person of middle eastern descent....

and as strange as this may sound,i am not a huge fan of the bush administration.....

did they make serious mistakes and miscalculations involving iraq....

i don`t see how that can be answered "no"...the war`s aftermath obviously was not well conceived....and i`m being kind...

as i said many times,i saw the rationale for what was done in iraq...do i agree with the invasion?....in hindsight?....

i still don`t know...

i`m still not convinced that there weren`t some sort of weapons that were disposed of hidden or shipped out...i think it`s a little premature to close the book....honestly,what is more important in this world than the possibility of people that want to kill us getting their hands on wmds?...nothing i can think of....

just my opinions...

one thing i do believe,though...with every fiber of my being...is that pandora`s box has been opened...it was opened when we let n.korea hoodwink us regarding their production of nuclear weapons....

it was opened when the soviet union collapsed and many soviet weapons went awol in the kaos that followed...

it was opened when france sold nuclear technology to saddam hussein...when they,along with germany gave him everyting he needed to almost complete his nuclear reactor before the israeli`s bombed it out of existence....

it`s opening farther with iran now trying to produce nuclear weapons...another unstable arab country thumbing it`s nose at the u.n. and the world.....

with europe acting so totally irresponsibly...with terrorists trying every day....with total dedication...to destroy this country...it`s economy and it`s people...

we need to tighten up in this country...tighten the borders...get a little tougher....stop crying about how the patriot act is taking away everyone`s freedom(when there is clearly no evidence of this)......

and to stop all the political back stabbing and finger pointing....

because,if we get weak in the knees....if we let our guard down...we are gonna pay dearly...9/11 is gonna seem like a day at the beach compared to some potential scenarios that many experts feel are more likely imminent than mere possibility...

that is why i come on here and defend what some consider indefensible...

i`m more concerned with the safety of our country than all this political infighting...

it grates when i hear stuff like...

baltimore mayor and resident moron o` malley saying that bush is more dangerous than al qaeda?.......

hearing stupid suggestions that the war was waged to fill haliburton`s coffers...it makes me ill...

to hear disparaging remarks regarding john kerry`s service to his country...he didnt have to go...how can you not respect the man for stepping to the plate?......very sad..

forcing bill clinton to testify at impeachment hearings about a blow job in the white house?....are you kidding...the man should never have had to endure this vicious, partisan silliness...never have been forced to have to lie about a trvial,personal matter such as this...

having senators suggest that the u.n. should monitor OUR elections?....the u.n.??? now being proven to be possibly the most crooked,useless oraganization in modern history...an organozation with china,saudi arabia and cuba on it`s human rights council....

we need to stop this crap...

this country seems to be imploding....we are more intent on assigning blame than uniting against an enemy that is far more dangerous than the soviet union ever was....

some say it`s all our fault...honestly,i don`t believe it...and furthermore,i don`t give a rat`s ass....

they want to kill me...and i don`t feel like making it easy for them....

we should all make that the number 1 priority...

take a cue from our forefathers....whom i think would be embarrassed by many of this generation...

mr christo...not a shot at you in any,way shape or form...you make some excellent points...and are always sharp and respectful.....

just trying to explain where i`m coming from.....

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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Hey, I always respect your opinions, gw, and appreciate your style.

the u.n.??? now being proven to be possibly the most crooked,useless oraganization in modern history.

Agree, absolutely 100%

it was opened when france sold nuclear technology to saddam hussein...when they,along with germany gave him everyting he needed to almost complete his nuclear reactor before the israeli`s bombed it out of existence....

But, seriously!!...How about how the US put him in control and supported/bankrolled him throughout the 80's?? It's all very well to 'blame' the 'weak' Europeans, but how about looking in your own backyard for mistakes as well!!

And Iran??...Again, you've supported and bankrolled them for years to 'fight' the Iraqi's when it became apparent that Saddam was insane!...Now you get upset at them for producing weapons.

forcing bill clinton to testify at impeachment hearings about a blow job in the white house?....are you kidding...the man should never have had to endure this vicious, partisan silliness...never have been forced to have to lie about a trvial,personal matter such as this...

Now, while I agree with what you are saying (yeah, I agree, that a quick headdy without your wife knowing is a 'man-thing' as well!), the fact is HE LIED! ...To you, to the country. He made a fool of himself, and everything the President should stand for, yeah?
If it wasn't such a big deal, why did he not say, "Hell yeah, she blew me. SO what?".

And I guess the last point I want to make could be construed as anti-US, but it does seem to me a very egotistical view that no-one else should have WMD, but it's absolutely fine for the US to stock up.
I mean, I know the argument is that your 'leader' isn't an insane maniac....but hey, it's entirely arguable that he just invaded a country for their oil stocks (and nothing more), so he isn't exactly a pacifist now, is he?!

(Still haven't seen Moore's flick yet either...must go do that! :142lmao: )


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 22, 2001
Port Richey, Florida
Cute joke!

> >> >Ted Kennedy has a heart attack and dies.
> He goes
> >
> >
> > to hell where the
> >> >devil is waiting for him.
> >> >
> >> >"I don't know what to do here, " says the
> devil.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > "You are on my list but I have no room
> for you."
> >
> >
> >
> >> > "You definitely have to stay here, so
> I'll tell
> >
> >
> > you
> >> > what I'm going to do." "I've got three
> folks
> >
> >
> > here
> >> > who weren't quite as bad as you.
> >> >
> >> > I'll let one of them go, but you have
> to take
> >
> >
> > their place.
> >> > I'll even let YOU decide who leaves.."
> >> >
> >> > Ted thought that sounded pretty good,
> so he
> >
> >
> > agreed.
> >> >
> >> > The devil opened the first room: in it
> was
> >
> >
> > Richard Nixon
> >> > and a large pool of water. He kept
> diving in
> >
> >
> > and surfacing
> >> >empty-handed over and over and over. Such
> was his
> >
> >
> > fate in
> >> > hell.
> >> >
> >> > "No!" Ted said. "I don't think so.
> I'm not a
> >
> >
> > good swimmer
> >> > and don't think I could do that all
> day long."
> >> >
> >> > The devil led him to the next room: in
> it was
> >
> >
> > Tony Blair
> >> > with a sledgehammer and a room full of
> rocks.
> >> > All he did was swing that hammer, time
> after
> >
> >
> > time after time.
> >> >
> >> > "No, I've got this problem with my
> shoulder. I
> >
> >
> > would be in
> >> >constant agony if all I could do was break
> rocks
> >
> >
> > all day!"
> >> >commented Ted.
> >> >
> >> > The devil opened a third door. In it,
> Ted saw
> >
> >
> > Bill Clinton,
> >> > lying on the floor with his arms staked
> over his
> >
> >
> > head, and his
> >> >legs staked in spread eagle pose.
> >> >
> >> > Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky,
> doing what
> >
> >
> > she does best.
> >> >
> >> > Ted looked at this in disbelief for
> a while
> >
> >
> > and finally said,
> >> >"Yeah, I can handle this."
> >> >
> >> > The devil smiled and said...........
> >> >
> >> > "OK, Monica, you're free to go!"
> >> >

Reminded me of Clinton!!! :142lmao:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i can`t believe for a second,mr christo,that you believe that it`s a good thing in this world for the saddam`s....the religious leaders of iraq....north korea(who has a pencchant for sailing test missiles over japan)to have the ultimate in destructive force at their disposal...

do you?....

saddam who has threatened to destroy israel if he had nukes....saddam that sailed scuds into israel without provocation during the gulf war....what if they hadn`t destroyed that reactor in the 80`s...might have been nukes,not just poorly guided scuds...possibly starting ww3...and screwing up the entire world`s economy...

and with the terrorist issue to deal with...what`s to keep these "solid citizens" from using terrorists from acting as their proxy for their anti-american sentiment?...for their dreams of the destruction of israel?...

do you actually feel as though the radical fundamentalists are on an equal moral footing with the west?...that these dictators and terrorists have every right to possess wmd`s because other,more responsible countries have them?....

then let`s hand out beretta`s and glock`s at the the psychiatric ward...

it may seem shocking,but, there really are people who hate christians, hate jews, hate secularism, hate the equality of women..... at some point you have deal with it.....

. .we are now confronted with an entire region of the world and a religion of 1.3 billion worldwide for whom this kind of thinking is repeated daily by imams from their pulpits in mosques.

obviously,there are good muslims who are deeply troubled by 9-11, who react in horror to the suicide-murderers, who do not sanction indiscriminately shooting christians in a pakistani church, who would never think to cut off the head of reporter daniel pearl after making him say, "i am a jew and my mother is a jew"......

that`s some god they have there...

what is islam?.....a religion or some radical warrior cult that seeks to impose its retrograde religion upon others, feeling free to kill them if they resist?...

like it or not, the entire world is at war with islam until it reforms itself..... other religions have passed through their reformations, but until islam does, no "infidel"(lol) can feel safe from attack....and those infidels include me...
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The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
So why did we go into Iraq again?
Because they had WMD? To free the repressed Iraqi people?...Oh, hang on, wasn't it because the were funneling money to terrorist organisations?

Firstly, India and Pakistan were closer to starting WW3 with nukes than Iraq has ever been, but I don't see too many people jumping up and down about that, and their 'responsible' governments.
Oh, that's right. It wasn't aimed at the US (although it would still have the same effect), and neither of those countries has anything worth taking control over!

So what are you going to do about these 'terrorists' then? Take over the entire middle-East? Invade every non-Christian country? Invade any country that doesn't belive in the American way of life? Wipe out every Muslim?

And by invading their country and rubbishing their beliefs, does this not bring you down to the same barbaric level?
It's ok to believe in what you like, so long as we approve?

that`s some god they have there...

what is islam?.....a religion or some radical warrior cult that seeks to impose its retrograde religion upon others, feeling free to kill them if they resist?...

like it or not, the entire world is at war with islam until it reforms itself..... other religions have passed through their reformations, but until islam does, no "infidel"(lol) can feel safe from attack....and those infidels include me...

Oh, boy, gw, is there some rubbish there!!!
If you want to talk about religion, we could argue for days!!...But come on!!

Firstly I'd suggest that 99.9999% of Islamic people simply want to get on with their lives as peacefully as possible...You make it sound as tho these "good" Muslims are in the minority!!

EVERY religion has it's extremists. EVERY religion has killed others on the basis of belief.
[I'm by no means saying that it's right to do so!!...Simply saying it does and will continue to occur]
NO religion has EVER been about freedom. They are all a set of rules that you WILL follow OR ELSE!!
most peple apply these rules fairly liberally, but in EVERY religion you get that tiny % of nut-cases that follow them out to the nth degree.
But anyway, now isn't the place to talk about religion....

How do you stop terrorism and religious fanatisism?
Simply answer is you can't and you won't.
How were the US defeated in Vietnam while possessing overwhelming man-power, technology and funds? Effectively terrorism.
What's to stop me whipping up a couple of home made bombs and lobbing them into a 20,000 strong crowd at a game of football next weekend? Nothing.

You blame Islam for being a 'warrior cult', but you completely ignore the point that this all effectively stems from US meddling 30 years ago (well...potentially back to the 'creation' of Israel, but anyway...). Every time you meddle the hole gets deeper and deeper, and yet, the solution seems to be meddle some more!!

it may seem shocking,but, there really are people who hate christians, hate jews, hate secularism, hate the equality of women..... at some point you have deal with it.....

Everywhere you look there is someone that hates someone.
NRA still funneling funds to the KKK?
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