very IMPRESSED bobbybluechip with your 317 posts. tell me. what number of posts do you consider adequate for a person to be able to voice an opinion? i'm sure when you were at 46 posts. your were different and no doubt better. and yes, i am in various other threads. just getting to know the group. learning who to pay attention to & who to avoid. funny, but it seems when there is reference to degrading women. talk of who would do what woman and who wouldn't. and any other smut laced topic. the same group of people are always there. well that should tell you something. and now that i'm here at this websight. I WILL STAY. i've made my list on who is useful and who is not. "(excuse me while i write you down on the who's not list"). okay, i'm done. now after i hit submit. i'll be at 47 posts. WHOPEEEE! :toast: :director: