If I see Warner's ugly wife one more time...

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Jan 8, 2002
On the lake. Setting hooks!
very IMPRESSED bobbybluechip with your 317 posts. tell me. what number of posts do you consider adequate for a person to be able to voice an opinion? i'm sure when you were at 46 posts. your were different and no doubt better. and yes, i am in various other threads. just getting to know the group. learning who to pay attention to & who to avoid. funny, but it seems when there is reference to degrading women. talk of who would do what woman and who wouldn't. and any other smut laced topic. the same group of people are always there. well that should tell you something. and now that i'm here at this websight. I WILL STAY. i've made my list on who is useful and who is not. "(excuse me while i write you down on the who's not list"). okay, i'm done. now after i hit submit. i'll be at 47 posts. WHOPEEEE! :toast: :director:


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Nov 28, 2001
Atlanta, GA
SMOKE JENSEN---What exactly r u smokin'? C'mon man, don't you think there are greater issues at hand in the world today than a bunch of the guys joking around? I have been lurking for a long time and think you should keep BobbyBlueChip on your "useful list" because he always brings some good info to the web site. You are making yourself sound like the typical southern redneck in your post and I am sure that you ARE NOT that ignorant. Just lighten up a little and everyone will get along fine. It's not a crime to have a laugh and win some $$ in the process too.


Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Smoke lighten up

Smoke lighten up

This guy has produced some good handicappin material....w/only 47 posts I dont U have the right to judge any1....have some fun here but dont degrade some 1...we R here to win $$ not to degrade each other....Gl to ya


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Jan 8, 2002
On the lake. Setting hooks!
your telling me not to degrade someone?

your telling me not to degrade someone?

come on skeeter1. what do you think these guys have been doing to warners wife? talk about calling the kettle black. and in2fitness. i'm not the redneck. the people downing her are. and by the way in2fitness. you only have 31 posts. according to bobbybluechips & skeeter1 who have 300 plus. we don't have the senority to speak up. this is a simple case of a bunch of guys who know their wrong. and don't like someone calling them on it. this is just as much my websight as yours. and having 300 plus posts means nothing. when i get there. you want see me run out and get a t-shirt made. it means nothing. i'm against degrading women. i'm against rude posts laced with sexual overtones about
women. take that to the x-rated porno sights. i believe if a show of hands were taken. the majority would agree. i'm not going anywhere. and will continue to lobby against such post. that's my position. and i not changing for anyone. i don't care how many posts you have. my wife enjoys capping with me. she browses this web sight with me. she dosen't like it either. that's right boys. i don't have to hide from her. we in it together. last i'll respond on this thread.


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
The only thing I regret is putting this in the wrong forum. It should have gone under general, or perhaps the ugly woman forum. I'm sorry you guys with the ugly wives got so insulted. Don't read threads that you are going to be bothered by, and certainly don't respond and belittle the people who start or run with them. Most importantly get a sense of humor and loosen up.
If you want to preach to about your moral standards and how you think we must all hate women and other nonsense go to Oprah! I consider this matter closed and thank you for making me laugh with your self righteousness. You guys are my heroes. Someone please close this thread befiore one of these uptight :moon: gives themselves a stroke.
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