
Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
A virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate but we are forced by the government to wear a mask in public, such bullshit. I do but I hate them, it?s hot enough here add that thing you can?t breathe, I think it?s over blown and political. The only reason it?s so bad is democrats want the power back by any means necessary.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
I think it?s over blown and political. The only reason it?s so bad is democrats want the power back by any means necessary.

The Republicans have control of the WH, the Senate, and the majority of the governor mansions. This is what you get with Republican "small government", you get NO GOVERNMENT. They don't want progress and they tell you they want to shrink the government. Get these worthless fuckers out of the way.

We're 5 MONTHS into this and the Republican led Federal Government has NO PLAN. NO PLAN!!!! If you vote for more Trump and Republican Senators, you need to get your head checked.


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Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
A virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate but we are forced by the government to wear a mask in public, such bullshit. I do but I hate them, it?s hot enough here add that thing you can?t breathe, I think it?s over blown and political. The only reason it?s so bad is democrats want the power back by any means necessary.

OMG! Make up your mind, you nimrod.

Peace! :)

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
A virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate but we are forced by the government to wear a mask in public, such bullshit. I do but I hate them, it?s hot enough here add that thing you can?t breathe, I think it?s over blown and political. The only reason it?s so bad is democrats want the power back by any means necessary.

You really don't give a shit about anyone but yourself!

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
I'm lookin' bad with my chances for re-election..

Better put on the mask...

What a piece of garbage this man is...

Trump tweets photo of himself wearing a mask

BY MORGAN CHALFANT - 07/20/20 04:29 PM EDT

President Trump on Monday tweeted for the first time a photograph of himself wearing a mask and described the practice as a patriotic act amid the coronavirus pandemic.

?We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can?t socially distance,? Trump tweeted Monday afternoon, referring to the coronavirus, which the president regularly points out originated in Wuhan, China.

?There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!? he added.

Donald J. Trump
We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can?t socially distance. There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!

The tweet represented perhaps Trump?s most explicit endorsement of the use of masks yet and marks a shift for the president from earlier during the pandemic. Trump for months resisted wearing a mask in public before donning one during a trip to Walter Reed less than two weeks ago. The picture tweeted by the president on Monday was taken during that trip and shows Trump wearing a mask decorated with a presidential seal.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in April recommended Americans wear a face covering in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But the debate over wearing a mask and whether governments should mandate that Americans do so has been marred by partisanship.

That's begun to change in recent weeks, however. While some Republicans have continued to refuse to wear masks, others have appeared in public wearing face coverings and urge others to do the same, including first lady Melania Trump and Vice President Pence. Other Republicans and conservative media personalities have also promoted the use of masks in recent weeks, and some explicitly urged Trump to wear one in order to set an example.

A number of governors ? including a growing list of GOP state leaders ? have mandated the use of masks in public places in order to address recent surges in coronavirus cases, though some like Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) have opposed mask orders and gone as far as prohibiting cities from imposing their own.

Trump told Fox News?s Chris Wallace that he would not issue a national mandate requiring Americans to wear face coverings.

?I want people to have a certain freedom and I don?t believe in that, no,? Trump said in an interview that aired on ?Fox News Sunday.?

The president also continued to downplay the threat from the virus in the interview.

Trump is facing growing public disapproval over his handling of the coronavirus, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 140,000 people in the U.S. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released last week found that 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump?s handling of the pandemic.

Monday?s tweet came hours after Trump suggested he would shift his messaging strategy and return to giving regular coronavirus briefings, which the White House jettisoned at the end of April after the president made controversial comments about the possible use of disinfectant to treat COVID-19.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Trump articulating in a Press Room

Get out the lie detector:0002

Over/Under on looks to his staff for answers to questions!:0corn


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Aug 29, 2006
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
?Everyone is lying?: Trump questions public health experts on Twitter
The president retweeted messages from the politically conservative former game show personality Chuck Woolery.


07/13/2020 08:56 AM EDT

President Donald Trump on Monday shared a handful of social media posts questioning the expertise of his own public health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, and suggesting their scientific counsel was intended to thwart his political standing ahead of November?s general election.

In a burst of early morning online activity, Trump retweeted messages from the politically conservative former game show personality Chuck Woolery ? who had stints hosting ?Wheel of Fortune? and ?Love Connection? ? which lamented the spread of the ?most outrageous lies? regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

?Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it,? Woolery wrote in a tweet shared by the president.

In another post Trump retweeted, Woolery claimed there exists ?so much evidence, yes scientific evidence, that schools should open this fall. It's worldwide and it's overwhelming. BUT NO.?

Trump also retweeted a message from Mark Young, Woolery?s co-host on his ?Blunt Force Truth? podcast, which asked: ?So based on Dr. Fauci and the Democrats, I will need an ID card to go shopping but not to vote??

As the United States has posted peak numbers of daily Covid-19 infections in the past few weeks, the president?s relationship with Fauci, the nation?s top infectious disease expert, plummeted to a new nadir over the weekend.

The White House reportedly told various media outlets Saturday and Sunday that ?several White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things,? and furnished a lengthy list of statements the widely respected immunologist made in the early days of the outbreak.

The type of smear effort launched by the Trump administration against one of its most public-facing, trusted members is traditionally reserved for political rivals, and came after the president expressed public dissatisfaction with Fauci in recent interviews.

Addressing the recent friction between Fauci and administration officials, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany emphasized Monday that the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases accounts for just ?one viewpoint? that he considers the pandemic only through the lens of a ?public health standpoint.?

?Dr. Fauci?s one member of a team. But rest assured, his viewpoint is represented, and the information gets to the president through? the White House coronavirus task force, McEnany told ?Fox & Friends.?

Trump similarly targeted Fauci?s colleague, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield, in a tweet last week that accused the public health agency?s guidelines for reopening schools of being ?very tough & expensive.?

The president?s push to return students to classrooms in the fall represents the latest front in his pressure campaign for a broad-based economic reopening, in spite of surging Covid-19 caseloads.

Glad to see these game show hosts have each other?s back.

Everyone?s lying but Trump!!! [emoji23]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Chuck Woolery's son has COVID-19. Shuts down all his social media, :142smilie

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
U.S. records over 1,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day for first time since early June
By Lisa Shumaker 39 mins ago

(Reuters) - U.S. deaths from the novel coronavirus rose by more than 1,000 on Tuesday, the biggest single-day increase since early June, according to a Reuters tally.

After weeks of declining fatalities, there were more than 5,200 U.S. COVID-19 deaths in the week ended July 19, up 5% from the previous seven days, a Reuters analysis found. That was the second successive week of rising deaths.

Nearly 142,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, a toll that experts warn will likely surge following recent record spikes in case numbers and an alarming rise in hospitalizations in many states.

U.S. deaths peaked in April, when the country lost on average 2,000 people a day. Fatalities had steadily fallen, averaging 1,300 a day in May and under 800 a day in June, according to a Reuters tally.

But after many states reopened without achieving benchmarks for doing so safety, such as two weeks of declining cases, deaths are rising again in 21 states, including Arizona, Florida and Texas, based increases in the last two weeks compared with the prior two.

While some of the increase in new cases can be attributed to more testing, hospitalizations, which are not tied to testing numbers, began to surge in late June as well.

So far in July, 17 states have reported record numbers of currently hospitalized COVID-19 patients with nine states announcing new highs on Tuesday, including Alabama, Texas and California.

In Florida, about four dozen hospitals on any given day report that their (ICUs) have reached full capacity.

Writing by Lisa Shumaker; Editing by Bill Berkrot

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006

FILE PHOTO: A refrigerated trailer that the San Antonio health authorities acquired to store bodies, as morgues at hospitals and funeral homes reach their capacity with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) fatalities, is seen in Bexar County, Texas, July 15, 2020. Picture taken July 15, 2020. City of San Antonio/Handout via REUTERS


Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Surpasses 4 Million Known Infections Stories&pgtype=Homepage




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Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
Stephen Miller?s Grandmother Died of COVID-19

Stephen Miller?s Grandmother Died of COVID-19

Stephen Miller?s Grandmother Died of COVID-19. Her Son Blames the Trump Administration.

The wrong Miller passed away.

Peace! :)

Patrick Semansky/AP
For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis and more, subscribe to Mother Jones' newsletters.

This month, Stephen Miller, the extremist anti-immigrant Trump adviser who has promoted white nationalist ideas, lost a relative to the coronavirus pandemic, and his uncle tells Mother Jones that the Trump administration is partly to blame for this death.

On July 4, David Glosser, the brother of Miller?s mother, posted a Facebook note announcing the death of his mother, Ruth Glosser, who was Miller?s maternal grandmother:

This morning my mother, Ruth Glosser, died of the late effects of COVID-19 like so many thousands of other people; both young and old. She survived the acute infection but was left with lung and neurological damage that destroyed her will to eat and her ability to breathe well enough to sustain arousal and consciousness. Over an 8-week period she gradually slipped away and died peacefully this morning.

David Glosser is a retired neuropsychologist and passionate Trump critic who has publicly decried Miller for his anti-immigrant policies, and he contends that Trump?s initial ?lack of a response? to the coronavirus crisis led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans who might have otherwise survived. In an interview, he says, ?With the death of my mother, I?m angry and outraged at [Miller] directly and the administration he has devoted his energy to supporting.?

In response to a request seeking comment from Miller, a White House spokesperson sent Mother Jones this statement:

This is categorically false, and a disgusting use of so-called journalism when the family deserves privacy to mourn the loss of a loved one. His grandmother did not pass away from COVID. She was diagnosed with COVID in March and passed away in July so that timeline does not add up at all. His grandmother died peacefully in her sleep from old age. I would hope that you would choose not to go down this road.

Glosser, a former health professional, posted his mother?s death announcement on a public Facebook page. Responding to the White House statement, he writes in an email, ?Keeping the tragic facts about COVID deaths of our countrymen and women, young and old, from the American public serves no purpose other than to obscure the need for a coherent national, scientifically based, public health response to save others from this disease. My mother led a long, satisfying, productive life of family and community service. She had nothing to be ashamed of, and concealing her cause of death to offer ?privacy? to me, our family, her hundreds of relatives and friends, does nothing to assuage our regret at her loss.?

Moreover, Ruth Glosser?s death certificate?which her son shared with Mother Jones?lists her cause of death as ?respiratory arrest? resulting from ?COVID-19.?

Miller has played a role in the Trump White House?s ineffectual response to the coronavirus crisis. He was credited with helping to write the Oval Office address Trump delivered on March 11 that was widely panned. In that speech, Trump branded the coronavirus as the ?foreign virus? and downplayed the damage already caused by it. He hailed his administration?s actions regarding the growing pandemic, ignoring his recent and repeated efforts to dismiss the threat posed by the virus. Trump announced in this speech that he would suspend all travel from Europe to the United States?a statement that caused panic, as Americans overseas rushed back to the United States and ended up in crammed and unsafe conditions at US airports. (The ban only applied to foreign citizens.) In the months since, Miller has attempted to exploit the pandemic to implement anti-immigration measures.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Record numbers of coronavirus cases in every global region: Reuters tally
Jane Wardell

?We will not be going back to the ?old normal?. The pandemic has already changed the way we live our lives,? World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said this week. ?We?re asking everyone to treat the decisions about where they go, what they do and who they meet with as life-and-death decisions ? because they are.?

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Coronavirus updates: Florida reports new daily death toll record
A record 191 new fatalities were reported in one day.
ByJon Haworth andEmily Shapiro
July 28, 2020, 5:31 PM
20 min read

The novel coronavirus pandemic has now killed more than 655,000 people worldwide.

Over 16.5 million people across the globe have been diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the new respiratory virus, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. The actual numbers are believed to be much higher due to testing shortages, many unreported cases and suspicions that some governments are hiding or downplaying the scope of their nations' outbreaks.

The United States has become the worst-affected country, with more than 4.3 million diagnosed cases and at least 148,298 deaths.

Latest headlines:

North Korea locks down Kaesong City
Marlins games postponed through Sunday
DC, Illinois now on New York travel advisory list
Here is how the news is developing today. All times Eastern. Check back for updates.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
The United States has become the worst-affected country, with more than 4.4 million diagnosed cases and at least 151,077 deaths.
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