Mccain campaign volunteer attacked and mutilated in pittsburgh

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
CAREFULL this might end up a little ??? had pitcure on O'rilley. He was backing off story. The pitcure did not look like knife was used. Looked like lipstick. And ATM's have camera. But no pitcure other then one taken by???. So O'rilley said this needs much more follow up he was not jumping just yet.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
CAREFULL this might end up a little ??? had pitcure on O'rilley. He was backing off story. The pitcure did not look like knife was used. Looked like lipstick. And ATM's have camera. But no pitcure other then one taken by???. So O'rilley said this needs much more follow up he was not jumping just yet.

just more desparate lies by Palin/ mccain

where did they get Joe the plumber again
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jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Imagine getting punched in the back of the head and a guy pulling a knife on her and not raping her, he was one hardcore supporter....robbery and then carving her like a piece of wood. No theft of the car which was probably worth more then the money he "robbed" her of, well before she put those McCain stickers on it anyway.
i guess Joe the Plumber wasnt a good enough hoax for the GOP...all tricks being tried now


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Going to agree with you on this Bobby--something about this doesn't seem right--was at bank atm but out of sight of camera--didn't want medical attention--why choose B instead of O--lots of odd quirks that don't add up.


we know it wasnt McCain ,

he would have carved a big C
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I see the expected responses to this. The one really striking thing to me about this, along the lines of Keeko posting it and highlighting the "B" that was "carved" into her face, and Skulnik chiming in with the story looking bad for "Your/our Boy"...

When news on this first broke, Drudge used his traditional hysterical "POPE DEAD" red all caps headline blast to make sure everyone saw the horror and what an Obama supporter supposedly did. Now today we hear that the only outlet anywhere that has a picture of this is the Drudge report. Why would that be? Why would Drudge trumpet this above all else in the most hysterical graphics display usually reserved for the most important occurances in our lives and he is the only person in the world who has a picture of this "mutilation." The photo cannot be corroborated, the police don't even have one, and there are no witnesses nor security cam videos (yet) to back up the story put forth by a McCain staffer and broadcast by the president of College Republicans in Pittsburgh.

Good to see that Wease and Wayne maintaining their Spidey-Senses and at least waiting to see the real story. And expected responses from the "untolerant" righties in here, who apparently were REALLY excited about this October Surprise.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Stranger and Stranger now she said I was rapped. This coming 12 hours later. And police have given a lie dector test. And still no pitcure or witness on what they say is rather busy area. Two resturants and coin laundry.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Stranger and Stranger now she said I was rapped. This coming 12 hours later. And police have given a lie dector test. And still no pitcure or witness on what they say is rather busy area. Two resturants and coin laundry.

If she's lying, throw her AZZ in jail. JMO.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I'm guessing part of it happen. And maybe she is taking it to a higher level. Like he hit her took money and ran like hell. She but scraping on her face and then added other items. I guess my little mind in a lighted area where a few pepole are around most offten. Would I after having the money my first reason for doing the crime. Say to my self hell I think i'll try for a pieace of a??. And while i'm at it play zoro on her face. I got the cash I have to believe he's gone. I can't believe election would be on this type of persons mind.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
It sure seems this is just another lame attempt to disuade voters on the fence from voting Obama. I truly despise all of the nonsense that surrounds national elections.

Regardless of whether or not an angry man cut a B in her face, this should not reflect poorly on Barry just like the actions of the replublican-voting KKK cannot be held against John McCain. Total non-issue if you ask me.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Hannity/O'Rilley will be sick about the news. It's all BS LIE :SIB :142smilie :eek:


Forum Member
Oct 12, 2006
Acworth, GA
Her punishment should be commensurate with the charges she leveled. She needs to be made an example of. I know, it'll never happen.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

Sources: McCain volunteer fabricated attack
Pittsburgh police earlier said she took polygraph due to inconsistencies

Oct. 24: Pittsburgh Police have confirmed that the story of a McCain campaign volunteer being attacked and having the letter "B" carved in her cheek was a hoax drummed up by the alleged victim.

Volunteer attack a hoax
Oct. 24: Pittsburgh Police have confirmed that the story of a McCain campaign volunteer being attacked and having the letter "B" carved in her cheek was a hoax drummed up by the alleged victim.

Police: McCain Volunteer Changes ATM Attack Story
Police: 'Inconsistencies' In Story Of Politically Motivated Attack

PITTSBURGH - A John McCain volunteer in Pittsburgh who said she was robbed and sexually assaulted because of her political views has admitted to fabricating the story, police sources told a TV station.

KDKA TV added that one source said Ashley Todd would face charges.

Police have not formally announced the fabrication, acknowledging only that detectives in the case were meeting with the force's public information officers.

Todd, of College Station, Texas, earlier agreed to take a polygraph test due to inconsistencies.

Among other things, police said photos and bank card information from an automated teller machine where the college student claimed she was robbed do not show her using the machine at the time, police said.

Police said the Todd, who is white, told them she was attacked by a 6-foot-4 black man Wednesday night.

Other differences in her accounts are whether she lost consciousness, whether she remembers handing over money and how the man assaulted her, police said.

GOP candidates call her
The report of the attack prompted the Republican presidential candidate and his running mate, Sarah Palin, to call Todd expressing their concern. Barack Obama's campaign also issued a statement wishing Todd well and hoping the attacker would be swiftly brought to justice.

The Associated Press could not immediately locate Todd or her family.

Ethan Eilon, executive director of the College Republican National Committee, told reporters that Todd worked in New York for several months before moving to Pennsylvania two weeks ago to continue working for the group.

Eilon declined to comment on the investigation Friday or to help The Associated Press contact Todd. In a follow-up e-mail, Eilon said, "We think this girl has endured enough and that this is going to be something for her and her family to work through."

In her initial account, Richard said, Todd attempted to use the ATM when the man approached her from behind, put a knife with a 4- to 5-inch blade to her throat and demanded money. She told police she handed the assailant $60 and walked away.

Todd told investigators that she suspected the man then noticed a John McCain sticker on her car, became angry and punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground and telling her "you are going to be a Barack supporter," police said in a statement.

She said he continued to punch and kick her while threatening "to teach her a lesson for being a McCain supporter," police said. She said he then sat on her chest, pinned her hands down with his knees and scratched a backward letter "B" into her face using what she believed to be a dull knife.

The woman told police she didn't seek medical attention, but instead went to a friend's apartment nearby and called police about 45 minutes later.

In the subsequent discussions with investigators, according to the police statement, Todd said she was accosted as she approached the bank and fled her attacker, fell to the ground and the assailant began beating and fondling her.

another lieing bitch republican

McCain sent joe the plumber over to her house and he just bitch slapped her for being found out:scared
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I see the expected responses to this. The one really striking thing to me about this, along the lines of Keeko posting it and highlighting the "B" that was "carved" into her face, and Skulnik chiming in with the story looking bad for "Your/our Boy"...

When news on this first broke, Drudge used his traditional hysterical "POPE DEAD" red all caps headline blast to make sure everyone saw the horror and what an Obama supporter supposedly did. Now today we hear that the only outlet anywhere that has a picture of this is the Drudge report. Why would that be? Why would Drudge trumpet this above all else in the most hysterical graphics display usually reserved for the most important occurances in our lives and he is the only person in the world who has a picture of this "mutilation." The photo cannot be corroborated, the police don't even have one, and there are no witnesses nor security cam videos (yet) to back up the story put forth by a McCain staffer and broadcast by the president of College Republicans in Pittsburgh.

Good to see that Wease and Wayne maintaining their Spidey-Senses and at least waiting to see the real story. And expected responses from the "untolerant" righties in here, who apparently were REALLY excited about this October Surprise.

You might want to look at drudge report before they change it--as story of fake is featured attraction on site ??


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, I would think they would try to promote that she made it up, after they took the position of giving her credence and attention for reasons we all know - whether you will admit it or not. Hey, they got a full day of negative press for Obama out there to millions with their using the scam for political mileage in a BIGGER, RED HEADLINE than this new one.

Question, Wayne. Do you think Drudge handled this situation appropriately and fairly? Do you think it was done the way it was to make Obama look bad, or purely to gain attention and hits for the site? Or do you support the way Drudge handled it?