Mccain campaign volunteer attacked and mutilated in pittsburgh

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Yeah, I would think they would try to promote that she made it up, after they took the position of giving her credence and attention for reasons we all know - whether you will admit it or not. Hey, they got a full day of negative press for Obama out there to millions with their using the scam for political mileage in a BIGGER, RED HEADLINE than this new one.

Question, Wayne. Do you think Drudge handled this situation appropriately and fairly? Do you think it was done the way it was to make Obama look bad, or purely to gain attention and hits for the site? Or do you support the way Drudge handled it?

Do you not like Drudge report Chad? Generally my 1st stop at news--not so much for politicalbut has many stories from abroad or that you don't see any where else.

Does put stick his neck out at times--his rise to stardom was credit for 1st to break Bill/monica when others were scared--was 1st on reporting Edwards enquirer story--he does get em wrong at times--but you generally have to look at article and decide if something looks fishy--as this one did from the start.

I like format where you can scan numerous links at a glance and hit the ones that interest you without ads poping up everytime you try to go from one link to another.

Also huge list of writers from all persuations that you can get latest article by clicking on their link as well as media links.
Quite resourceful I think--but will agree he slants right but will throw up the dirt on either party.

drudge himself is odd sort--does not like public and a bit of a recluse.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I have Drudge as my home page, Wayne, and like it for the reasons you mention - a quick lead to topics and top of mind stories of the day, quick loading. I do have to say that I may not continue it, as he has veered much farther right and definitely has an agenda now - he puts up big stories that hurt the right only when already scooped and would look out of place by not being mentioned. Since he made so much money and notoriety thanks to Clinton, I think he has realized who butters his bread, and I'm suspicious of what he puts up and why these days - lots of ways to make money and "decide" what stories to trumpet - and how.

I have no doubt in my mind that had this been a story the other way, and was treated the same on MSNBC or Counterpunch, or wherever you deem to be "mainstream media" these days, how you would react and comment on it. THAT is my point, in directing it at you specifically. Drudge has turned into a righty mouthpiece in my opinion, and wields a lot of power, much like Rush, in a different medium, and Murdoch, in a much more imposing way.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
How poetic is it that this gal is from Texas?


I swear, you just couldn't make some of this stuff up...

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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
deplorable...i hope they prosecute the hell out of her.....

in the skewed media world we live in they will magnify this out of all proportion while at the same time minimizing or outright hiding similar activities on the dem side......

in this type of biased media environment we have to be cleaner than clean.......


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I have Drudge as my home page, Wayne, and like it for the reasons you mention - a quick lead to topics and top of mind stories of the day, quick loading. I do have to say that I may not continue it, as he has veered much farther right and definitely has an agenda now - he puts up big stories that hurt the right only when already scooped and would look out of place by not being mentioned. Since he made so much money and notoriety thanks to Clinton, I think he has realized who butters his bread, and I'm suspicious of what he puts up and why these days - lots of ways to make money and "decide" what stories to trumpet - and how.

I have no doubt in my mind that had this been a story the other way, and was treated the same on MSNBC or Counterpunch, or wherever you deem to be "mainstream media" these days, how you would react and comment on it. THAT is my point, in directing it at you specifically. Drudge has turned into a righty mouthpiece in my opinion, and wields a lot of power, much like Rush, in a different medium, and Murdoch, in a much more imposing way.

I can see your point--has been my experience he gets a little wound up during election time--but goes back to norm afterward. Got a couple more weeks and should improve on substance.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

dont worry about the bear.

worry about Palin/ McCain warmongers
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
October 24, 2008
'Joe the Plumber' Mulling Run for Congress
@ 1:29 pm by Hill Staff
Joe Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. "Joe the Plumber," said Friday he may consider running for Congress in 2010, challenging longtime Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D) in the Toledo-area district.

"I'll tell you what, we'd definitely be in one heck of a fight," Wurzelbacher said during an appearance on the Laura Ingraham show Friday, "but, you know, I'd be up for it."

"There is a movement afoot to draft you to run for Congress," Ingraham said. "Joe, let me tell you something: you decide to run for Congress, and I'll help you with your PR, I'll help you do your ads, I mean, I'll volunteer to help you."

Ingraham's producer, Brad Feldman, said that during the break after the segment, Wurzelbacher told Ingraham that his statements today represent the first time he has acknowledged considering a bid for Congress in public.

Wurzelbacher said he did agree with Kaptur's vote against the bailout, and touted his support for a flat tax on income.

A Springfield, Ohio native, Wurzelbacher became a target of fame and scrutiny after Republican candidate John Mccain referenced the plumber during his third presidential debate against Barack Obama. Wurzelbacher confronted Obama during a campaign spot in northwest Ohio preceding the debate to ask Obama about his tax plan.

Supporters launched a website following Wurzelbacher's rise to prominence encouraging him to run for the seat.

Kaptur has represented Ohio's 9th congressional district since being elected in 1982, and has easily secured reelection in years since. She is expected to easily defeat Republican opponent Bradley Leavitt next month.

Listen to a clip of Wurzelbacher's appearance in which he discusses a potential bid below.

Drudge just reported that Joe the Plumber has been offered a Secretary of State positon in a
Palin/ McCain whitehouse.

:scared :sadwave:


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
deplorable...i hope they prosecute the hell out of her.....

in the skewed media world we live in they will magnify this out of all proportion while at the same time minimizing or outright hiding similar activities on the dem side......

in this type of biased media environment we have to be cleaner than clean.......

if I hear one more whiney little neo bitch about the liberal media I am going to puke.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
It is my understanding that the negative campaign that Obama has been utilizing in western Pennsylvannia pushed this poor young McCain supporter over the edge in a momentary lapse of good judgment. Clearly, the lies, attack ads, and dirty tricks employed by Obamas' terrorist campaign operatives in the Pittsburgh area caused Ashley to scratch the backwards "B" on her face and claim that Obama supporters attacked her.

Blame for this innocents emotional breakdown, the wall street melt down, war in Iraq, high gas prices, 9-11, failing economy, and conviction of Scooter Libby lay squarely at the feet of the muslim, born in Indonesia, Barack Hussein Obama.

Viva Hillary.



Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
I like how it starts off to be implied as Barack's fault, but then once it is found to be linked to McCain's side, it is just the person's fault and we should prosecute. I know you clown's don't see your own bias, but it is embarrassing to read.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
It is :shrug: why story fell off any of Fox reports.
And when will they be reporting about the voting machine in three differant states. When you vote Obama it lights it up an counts Mc Cain. All we here on the fair and balanced is acorn. They also skipped story about the guys in Calf that were doing nasty things under the Reb label. Believe he was arrested. Or why Fox keeps giving Palin's a pass on trooper gate.