McCain-Jeb Ticket for 2008?


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
i'm not a jeb bush fan but it offers an interesting ticket.

Is a McCain-Jeb Bush 2008 ticket in the offing?

Some Washington insiders think so.

If McCain is to get the Republican nomination for the 2008 election, he?ll need the support of President George Bush.

Recently,it was reported that President Bush?s top media adviser had signed on with McCain for his expected 2008 run.

Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne writes that before the adviser, Mark McKinnon, announced his support of McCain, he got wind of the McCain-Jeb possibility.

Dionne says "a shrewd and loyally Democratic political operative with personal ties to McCain" told him that choosing Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as his running mate could be the key to McCain?s success.

McCain was estranged from George W. Bush after the Arizona senator ran against him in the 2000 primaries. But then in 2004, McCain brushed aside unofficial offers from John Kerry to run as his vice presidential candidate, and gave a speech at the Republican National Convention that was strongly supportive of Bush?s policies in Iraq.

And Bush would like to hand over power to a Republican, like McCain, who is committed to his Iraq policy.

Other front-runners for the Republican nomination are Rudy Giuliani and Condi Rice. But Washington Republicans don't fully trust Rudy ? who had a history of bucking the party as mayor of New York.

Condi Rice is said to be preferred by the White House as Bush's successor. But so far, Rice has indicated she won't run.

That leaves McCain.

"The president could well come to see McCain as the only Republican with a chance to push a Republican era forward,? says Dionne. "McCain, in turn, knows that his only way around the Republican right is to run with Bush?s open blessing, if not his outright endorsement.?

Bush?s brother could be the "deal-closer," according to Dionne. "If picking Jeb is the price of winning over George W., McCain will pay it."


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
I don't think another Bush family member could win an election. I think this would be a bad move for McCain.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2003
19th hole
No fricken way would McCain embrace Jeb as his
running mate...the lock and load running mate
would be Collin of the most respected
blacks if not the most respected with an impecable
history of service to this country teamed up with
McCain who is equally respected and admired for
his service to this country....they would be a ....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i agree with salty......a bad fit....

bush isn`t presidential material...and you see what irrational ire the bushies generate from the uber-liberal crowd....he`d be as much of a lightning rod on the right as hillary is on the left.....

mccain?.....i think he needs the radical right to fall in line with have a real shot....

and i don`t think that`s happening...he burned his bridges by thunbing his nose at the party...

good or bad,that`s a fact...

maybe things change in 3 years....i doubt it...


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
There is no way in hell that Bush will be on any ticket in '08 that has a chance to win. W had the luxury of riding the coattails of his father who was basically well liked. Jeb would not have that luxury. McCain has a legitimate chance to win in '08, but not with anyone named Bush as his running mate.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
ferdville said:
There is no way in hell that Bush will be on any ticket in '08 that has a chance to win. W had the luxury of riding the coattails of his father who was basically well liked. Jeb would not have that luxury. McCain has a legitimate chance to win in '08, but not with anyone named Bush as his running mate.

Maybe. But I tend to think that Jeb will ensure that the evengelical Christian Republican folks will come out. They represent 37% of the Republican party. That's huge and even having Jeb as a VP would probably mobilize them. He scored huge with them with his Schiavo antics, which I mostly agreed with, but that's beside the point. And also beside the point is that he, I, Delay, W and every other person on that side of the argument was basically proven wrong.

He is considered a decent to good governor here, by Pubs and Dems alike. His approval rating has always been high here and all he really needs to do nationally is to keep the bible thumpers (Freeze etal) interested.

He would help the Pubs take Florida, which will once again be critical in 2008.

And like Al's article mentions, McCain has to have at least some modicum of support, either explicitly or implicitly, from W for McCain to get it done.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Hmmm - that is very sensible, isn't it? Just assumed he would be doomed but your points are solid. Kind of scary.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
actually mr. Kosar, i dont like Jeb much at all nor do i like GWBush much either

I will be throwing my support behind Frist


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
he he he...florida gets rigged again.

and oh goodie , I just can't wait to see what country Jeb wants to liberate and turn into a democracy..


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
mccain will have to get the nomonation before he can run for preident....

and he has alot of fence-mending to do before that can happen....

mccain/feingold,by all accounts turned into a a disaster....

his border policy isn`t winning him many fans...

he`s a war hero.....and backed bush in iraq....

that`s his thing....

if there ever was a real shot for this country to have a 3rd party enter the mix,mccain would be the guy to maybe stir that drink.......

he`s really not a republican....


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Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
gardenweasel said:
mccain will have to get the nomonation before he can run for preident....

and he has alot of fence-mending to do before that can happen....

mccain/feingold,by all accounts turned into a a disaster....

his border policy isn`t winning him many fans...

he`s a war hero.....and backed bush in iraq....

that`s his thing....

if there ever was a real shot for this country to have a 3rd party enter the mix,mccain would be the guy to maybe stir that drink.......

he`s really not a republican....

Even though McCain/Feingold turned into a disaster, as you said, I felt all summer long that a McCain/Feingold independent ticket would've been good enough to win the White House. A moderate Rep and a moderate Dem., two of the politicians I respect the most. Would've liked to see them give it a shot.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i wish i trusted mccain...but,i don`t...that`s my opinion.....

i don`t understand many dem`s fascination with mccain,though.......

he`s as pro iraq war as they come....from his comments,if he were president,i doubt that we WOULDN`T have gone into iraq....

bush gets skewered for it...mccain gets a pass...

what is it about mccain that the democrats can hang their hats on?.... besides the fact that he`s not bush...


for the war

thought that viet nam was "a just cause"...

would like roe v. wade overturned...

voted against the brady gun bill...voted "no" on background checks at gun shows...

for the death for trying minors as adults in certain situations...

for the balanced budget amendment...

tax reform...

he hates michael

he believes in the overthrow of "rogue governments" to keep america safer ....

pro patriot act... :clap:

he is,though,somewhat environmentally friendly...

btw...feingold is about as "moderate" as teddy kennedy...he`s the only guy that voted against the patriot act...that`s a killer....

if he ever got the democratic nomination,i`d actively campaign for whomever ran against him....

something i`ve never done..
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2003
19th hole
kosar said:
You coming to the party, Salty? Yeah right!
Yea, Kosar...anything wrong with a MJ member
attending the SB party...or are you the selection
committee...I'll pay good money to see Scott
talk shit FACE TO FACE...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
dr. freeze,

i can't believe that you like frist......i think he is very ineffective as a senate leader.

anyway he will never get the nomination, imo because his positive rating is very low.

i like mavericks so i would support mccain....but don't care for jeb bush as i'm not so sure if he would's too close to his father & brother's presidency & i think the bush family are aware of the perception of a sought of "monarchy" that people would have of them.

i think if mccain runs he should pick somebody where the dems are strong....the northeast & a i think it should be pataki (n.y.) or the governor of mass.(name escapes me).

salty dog,

i have been to the last 3 super bowl parties.....& i have noticed that everybody is there to have a good time & get along with everybody. so attitudes are checked at the door & arguments that took place here are forgotten in vegas.

knowing kosar, i'm sure that he will be more than happy to come over & greet you at the party....& i'll be right behind him offering to buy you a few.
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Yea, Kosar...anything wrong with a MJ member
attending the SB party...or are you the selection
committee...I'll pay good money to see Scott
talk shit FACE TO FACE...

No, man. No problem at all. I'm just surprised that you'll be there(we'll see). No matter what our political stances are, we ALWAYS have a GREAT time and politics does not come up, ever. Hope to see ya there. Seriously. This is the sixth or seventh one and there has never been a problem, for any reason.
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