Michigan is gonna smoke Ohio St.

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The Big Tease

Forum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Columbus,OH USA
can someone give me an intelligent reply to how 24-1 is a fluke? because I personally have never heard anything more unintelligent in my life. 24-1 is 24-1 no matter how you slice it, disect it or whatever. I never knew that football was a game of how many you can score....i was always taught to score more than the other guys, and we are the best i the nation at that so......:thefinger
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Bus Driver
Forum Member
Aug 28, 2002
Ok, I've got to be honest here. This is my first post of the season, though I've been around and read enough to see what's going on. I am a HUGE OSU fan. I grew up in Columbus and my parents still reside there. I return as often as I can to attend games (NC St and Purdue this year) and I watch all the rest on TV. I feel that Ohio St. has probably received less respect than any other team in the country in the past 5 years, minumum. I mean they went undefeated and beat the "best" team in the land last year, hands down. Then they come back this year with a team less talented than last year's and manage to play just as well, minus one game.

Their defense is as good, if not better, with one of the best D-lines in the country and a solid young linebacking core. The secondary is fast and can hang with the best of them with Gamble and Salley, though Fox is sub-par in talent. The offense is very similar to last year's, minus Clarett, and it shows. They lost Drew Carter to an ACL tear and Gamble has seen little to no offensive snaps.

Michigan has a very solid and talented offense. They have the best receiver and running back in the big ten in Edwards and Perry. Nivare is a soft spot even with those numbers stated earlier, which give more credit than credit is due. Fact is between
him, Lloyd ball and their crappy special teams, they are more vulnerable than people think.

That being said, OSU will be lucky to win this game. I think it will be VERY close, and any one who says that Michigan will score 28 points against the solid bucks D really has no clue about football. Having the game in Ann Arbor is key for the wolverines, as this game is similar in matchups to last years game, which was held at the shoe and the bucks won. I hate to be a pessamist about the Bucks, but realistically, they probably dont have what it takes to win. As good a coach as Tressel is, they need a perfect game from the offense to win. I think a close game against Purdue has no effect on this game, as last year they had a tough game at Purdue then an OT win at Illinois leading into the big game. The Bucks are a very experienced team and knows how to win the big games.

I predict Michigan coming out first scoring an early field goal and TD in the first quarter and a half. score at half should be about 10-3, michigans favor. Bucks will come out in the second half and tie it up. Michigan gets a late, long drive with key plays from perry and edwards and hits a chip shot field goal or even a td to edge us. Final score: Michigan 17 Bucks 13. I hate to go against my own team, but I'm trying to give the haters and ignoramous (SCOTT4USC - and yes you are a moron) a view that not all Buckeye fans have biased opinions. I hope and pray the Bucks pull it out and I'd love to eat my words, but that's the way I see it. And though I'm not betting on this game, I think the Bucks cover the 6.5.



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Jan 5, 2002
Plain City OH
Re: Well at least...

Re: Well at least...

PocketAces said:
At least Geno has the stones to make a prediction...Sort of. Kind of gave yourself a 3+ point swing there? What was your prediction again? 7.5 open with a 5.5 close?

If so I agree.

Did I puke yet ctownguy? Yes becuase your posts are so witty and effective.

Keep up the good work.

By the way I had your Championship team -3 for a push. So I obviously saw something in them. Not sure what now though. All I remember is a team that likes to play for field goals because like you said it doesn't matter if they hav a "prolific" offense.

Good luck, you'll need it.

OK pocket I never said anything about open or closing line PLEASE don't put words in my mouth. Let me explain :


This game will be a battle I think. (there is a period at the end of the sentence, I am making a statement)


Michigan -6.5 to 7.5 with a 1-2 point pull down for the respect of the game makes it : (There is a colon at the end of this phrase meaning there is info to follow related to it)

What I am saying here is I make the power rating and home field value at Michigan -6.5 to -7.5, BUT due the the natural and importance of this game (bowl game's on the line & League championship not to mention the rivalery that this game carries even if both teams were 0-10 coming into it)

in other word the linesmakers will pull 1-2 points off of the what the line probably actually should be.

Michigan -5.5

there is a prediction for you pocket

My prediction was :


again there is not mention of line moves in my original post

go back and reread it 2-3 times maybe more

repetition is the motor of learning so rereading may be helpful

read it again for comprehension and you will realize that there is no 3 point swing at all.

I won't need any luck pocket, my team surely will and we will take all we get. All the luck in the world may not be enough.

Here is a handicapping hint for you : teams that consistently cover as a road fav are very strong teams indeed. Home field is Omnipotent in college sports.

I won't bet this game, I don't put money on a team I am as emotionally involved with as the Buckeyes, on a regular basis. I have been a fan since 1968. I was 14 then.

Best of luck with any decision you may make about a wager on this one. Bookies buy new 300M's and Lexus's with the dollars handed to them by home team fans.



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Jan 5, 2002
Plain City OH
Pocket I was obviously wrong, but I was close. Here is a C&P from bestbettor on Pinnacles opening line:

11/16/2003 09:07:52 PM Ohio State +6(-105) / -6(-105) Michigan o 0

CRIS's opening:

11/16/2003 09:09:48 PM Ohio State +6-110 / -6-110 Michigan OFF

Tommy Ferebee missed his aiming point, the Aioi Bridge, by 550 feet from an altitude of 31,000 feet when he toggled the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, BUT he was close and the ironic thing about that 550 foot mistake is, IT DIDN"T MATTER ! ;)

One and a half points often makes a big difference in one these games. :nono:

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Aug 5, 2003
BigTen Country
moeclarrett said:
The offense is very similar to last year's, minus Clarett, and it shows. They lost Drew Carter to an ACL tear and Gamble has seen little to no offensive snaps.

How is the offense similar to last year without Clarett and Gamble? Last year, you had to respect the run...this year, you don't.

Michigan has a very solid and talented offense. They have the best receiver and running back in the big ten in Edwards and Perry. Nivare is a soft spot even with those numbers stated earlier, which give more credit than credit is due. Fact is between
him, Lloyd ball and their crappy special teams, they are more vulnerable than people think.

I love when people doubt Navarre. Most people don't even watch him play, (maybe you do) but instead, just hear all the criticism that he takes. Fact is, he has broken nearly every single one of Michigan's QB records and will be playing on Sundays next year. His biggest knocks were not being able to win the "big games". Mainly ND, MSU and OSU. Well, he beat ND, and MSU so far this year....

I think it will be VERY close, and any one who says that Michigan will score 28 points against the solid bucks D really has no clue about football.

Someone told me this before...I said that Tim Biakabutuka would rush for over 100 yards against OSU....I was wrong...he rushed for 313 yards that day! Ok, Ok....I'll say 27-9. (I gotta get a clue about this sport)

All in all, it's nice to see a Buckeye fan who doesn't wear scarlett and grey shades all the time. You're right that Tressel is a good coach. Some may question his style, but he's been getting the job done. The motto I've been hearing from all the fans is right..."a win is a win". Can't argue with that.

Let's face it...Any given Saturday....OSU has shown us that week in and week out, and it's for that reason that I think Oklahoma will get caught sleeping before the years over. I'm not predicting they lose, but someone will give em a scare.

Michigan has been on a mission since that history making comeback at Minnesota and it won't be derailed by OSU. If anything...After owning this series the last 15 years, and OSU winning the last 2....the rivalry is finally renewed.

ANN ARBOR IS A WHORE! (and that's just the way I like her!)


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May 6, 2002
The Big Tease said:
Hey bjfinste...do you ever get the idea that the only people that appreciate what Ohio State does are the people that seem intelligent to football? Your last post CLEARLY explains Buckeye Ball. It IS NOT PRETTY. I have no problem admitting that, but if you watched the game....our punter repeatedly put Purdue inside the 20 and many times inside the 10. Their average starting position was their own 18 yard line. That is what we do EVERYTIME we play! We have no intentions to go in and blow teams out. We are virtually incapable to do it. We get the ball...try to pick up a few first downs, if we have to punt, OK, lets bring out the best defense in the country! Stop em....our field position improves a little bit....we get the ball at about the 50....pick up a couple more first downs....maybe kick a field goal, maybe pin 'em deeper, maybe try down the field for a touchdown. but it is all done on THEIR side of the field! That is the way they play, and it is obviously effective! That is now 24 out of 25! And yes.....we CREATE our own luck! Turnovers are not luck. Not when you force them, and you dont turn the ball over yourself. We DID NOT turn the ball over yesterday against a VERY experienced and opportunistic defense for Purdue.

You guys can say lucky.....I say we have...

1.) The best defense in the country
2.) The best field goal kicker in the country.
3.) A VERY effective punter and special teams.
4.) An offense that does not turn the ball over.
5.)And an offense that cant score for shit.

And you guys cant appreciate that, then you simply never played football in your life and you are ENGULFED in media hype that says that you have to chuck the ball around and score 40 points a game.

And for the comment about Miami handing us the National Championship...sorry pal, we TOOK it. Miami had not seen a defense like ours and we FORCED turnovers. That is how it was won.

:p :moon:


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Jan 19, 2001
Gahanna, OH USA
I think 90% of the country will be on Meechigan, that being said there's good reason. Better O, playing at home, revenge, and all that crap. But, how can you disrespect a team that has won 24 out of their last 25? Sure they don't have Clarett and Krenzl has been up and down this year, certainly affecting point production, but that is why they're not covering (as they did last year, 11-2 ATS I think). They are, however, still winning.

Wierd shite happens in this game fellas. Two years ago, the Bucks had no reason to beat UM and they did. It was almost the teams changed uniforms for the game. The Bucks rolled.

Last year, UM was the underdog and played a conservative game, which the Bucks won and covered, largely due to a great game by Mo Clarett.

This year, who the hell really knows. Someone mentioned the Bucks would need to play a perfect game. Not really, but if they turn the ball over, like they haven't done all year, they're done. BUT, don't forget, same goes for Meechigan. And sure UM has a great O, but how many times have we seen a great D defeat a great O?

I think Carr keeps with his conservative ways because that's what the tradition of this game has taught him to do. Tressels follows suit, and this is a nerveracking under until the very end.

Like Geno, no way I'm betting a side for this game. Heart too much into it. But, the under certainly looks like a play.

Go Bucks, and pass the chip dip ;)
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Forum Member
Aug 5, 2003
BigTen Country
Chris Perry - 154 rushing; 55 receiving / 2 td's
Braylon Edwards - 130 receiving / 2 td's
John Navarre - 278 passing / 2 td's
448 total yards of offense
Defense - 5 sacks and 1 int.....

Congratulations Michigan!!!
2003 (outright) Big Ten Champions

The Big Tease

Forum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Columbus,OH USA
yup nothing really to say except that they played a great game and had a great plan. ohio state was exposed for their weakness in the deep secondary. oh well MAYBE we will get lucky and the orange bowl will take us......
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

I don't recall a flood of Michigan fans showing up in our threads the last two years after the game, let alone after the National Championship game, but Michigan definitely played a good game and deserved to win.


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Aug 5, 2003
BigTen Country
intent to injure

intent to injure

Perry suffered a hamstring injury and said that Ohio State defensive end Will Smith tried to injure him with a leg twist after the whistle.

``Yeah,?? Perry said. ``Watch the tape.??

How does he know it was intentional?

``When they do a little extra,?? said Perry, who yelled at Smith after the play. ``You can watch the tape and see what they did. I?m not going to talk about that, because they lost.??


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Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
good call on the game!! buckeyes got beat by a better team today!! hopefully these two teams represent the big 10 well in the bowls.

congrats to all michigan backers & bettors:toast: :drinky: :toast:


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Aug 5, 2003
BigTen Country
Brutus said:
:lol2 :lol2 :lol2 :clap: :clap: :clap:

Some have class in victory & defeat........ some don't

And you Brutus, obviously don't. :moon:

Dr. Strangelove,

That's very nice of you. If you like, I'll start another thread also congratulating the Michigan backers! ;)

2 or 3 times, someone in this thread has referred to me as jsmooth....who or whatever a jsmooth is he must be a Michigan fan, so I offer my congrats to you jsmooth.
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
penguinfan said:
Props to The Big Tease for being the ONLY Ohio St. backer to show up in this thread after getting beaten by Michigan.


Yeah Pengy,

It's hard to figure why OSU fans aren't beating down the door to congratulate Michigan fans, especially in this thread, whose author is the deadbeat stiff Jsmooth himself. Just got a classy email from the stiff himself.

Subj: A bad weekend for OHIO
Date: 11/24/2003 12:25:05 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: xxxxxxxxxxx

What a pathetic team. That has to be the most over rated team in the history of college football. Tressel is an idiot! Why in the world would he put Krenzel back in the game!? He needs to learn how to coach. HAHA

Chris Gamble is the most over rated player in the game today...period! How many times did he get burnt? No, not just against Michigan, but all year! Dustin Fox though, he's another story...if all else fails, just take the interference penalty and tackle the receiver before the ball arrives.

If that was the best defense defense in the country, then our offense has to be the best. We put up 42 points (oh wait, there was a penalty when Edwards smoked Gamble for an 87 yard TD) so make that 35 points against that "stellar" defense. Do you know the definition of "exposed"????????

I heard that Lloyd Carr told his players at halftime to "back off a little bit" because the record crowd was getting bored and might leave early.

It's a shame that we had to ruin your hopes of defending your "paper title" but you should be thanking us since we saved you from the embarrassment that you would have gotten.

Our Big Ten record 41st Big Ten Championship couldn't have come at the hands of any better team. Hey, look at the bright side....since you live in FLA., you won't have to drive far to see that boring team play in their bowl game. Isn't the Capitol One Bowl in Orlando???????

See Ya sucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and one last thing.....GO BLUE!

BTW - which one of those thugs are gonna get into trouble over Thanksgiving???? At least ya won't have to worry if it's that running back that played last year. What was his name again? Tressel has to get ahold of that program. Reminds me of Miami!


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Feb 26, 2001
Columbus, Ohio
MADEMAN........ JSMOOTH or whatever you're going by this week:gf: :fingerc: :thefinger :gf: :fingerc:

Obviously the better team won on Saturday....you, however are a classless a#&hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and you obviously knew to whom I was refering, & the shoe fit.....(and you wear it quite well)