A couple of the specifics from last night's speech all while cutting taxes.
Doubling the numberof special forces. There are only two ways that you could actually double the number of our armed forces.
1. Greatly increase the dollars spent for qualifying and training the men and women of these teams.
2. Greatly reduce the quality of our special force teams just to have more people in.
Kerry mentioned alternative fuels. I talked about this yesterday. Until we get a handle on our special interest lobby groups (auto manufacturers to be specific), this will NEVER happen. Anyone who gets fired up about this (which is easy to do because of inflated gas prices) is living a pipe dream.
Kerry used the sob story (it is truly a sad story but shouldn't be used in politics) about the lady who had to work through chemo. First, she must not have had very strong chemo because you can NOT work through normal doses. You can barely lift your head off the pillow, so this story instantly lost credibility with me. Plus, my best friend who was going through chemo would have much rather been at work during the process rather than feeling worthless on the couch. I thought this was a spineless way to try and rally people.
Mr. President, let's not make this a personal attack campaign...(3 minutes later), I will have a VP that doesn't suck, I will appoint a Attorney General who does not suck, I will have a Sec of Defense who does not suck, etc. Nice way to start a non-attacking campaign.
Another thing I noted last night is that he sure is relying on the fact that he served in the military. I appreciate his services while he was there, but he is hanging his hat on this one. It's almost to the point where he is cheapening it.
Basically, the speech itself accomplished what he wanted to do: Fire up people who feel like the government should take care of us. But, I just don't agree with the message.