My take on Edward's speech

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the problem has become a muslim/infidel problem and it was inevitable that that would happen

India and Africa during the last century have seen millions slaughtered and no one has really done anything about transportation and communication has taken our protectoin from the oceans away, Islamic fascism was eventually going to attack us

their intolerance is pointing our way....and liberals think that our actions bring it upon us....this rhetoric is not only wrong but it is dangerous.....

see how Ghandi's pacifism worked....see how Africa's pacifism works....

this cancer must be stopped just as Hitler's should have been stopped by the french years ago....but no they were french.....

the question is.....are we?


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Nov 4, 2000
Nice safe speech. Like most make. There are few as good as Clinton and Reagan. Bush forsure is not even close.


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Jun 18, 2002
Freeze, unlike the rich guy the middle class guy is saving up to buy a new stove, his car has 150,000 miles on it and he needs a new one. He could use an AC in the bedroom, his clothes are kind of old and his wife would like a new dress to wear to the wedding they are invited to next week. But he is saving every dime so his daughter, who just graduated high school can go to college. So he doesn't buy the new stove, he doesn't buy the AC, he doesn't buy the new car, he doesn't buy the new clothes and his wife goes to the wedding in a dress she wore last year. Multiply that by the millions of hard working stiffs who are being squeezed and all those products not bought result in jobs not created.
The rich guy ain't saving up for anything. He ain't waiting for his $5,000 check to come in so he can go buy something. That is why if taxes were going to be cut they should have been cut more for the middle class. Because any money you give back to the working stiff he will turn around and spend and that will create jobs.


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Feb 12, 2000
Quickly before I head to bed, I will say that Kerry's speech tonight was very good. The string of "Help is on the Way" was very poor and obviously aimed at those who feel that they are "victims" (which goes along with my earlier post), but overall I think he succeeded at the things that he was trying to do.

I will have more comments tomorrow when time allows. There were a couple of completely false (or well misconstrued) statements, but that's part of the game.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
how about the daughter take out a loan like everyone else and learn the value of a dollar? maybe that college education would be a little more meaningful....maybe a little learning a little self reliance might pay off in the future.....

instead you wish to tax all the benevolence in the country....many of whom GIVE $$ for scholarships with some accountabiltiy...

many of whom GIVE $$ for hospitals to be built...which makes me wonder....have you ever seen a hospital built as opposed to a road? quite the different in how fast it goes up....being that roads are funded by the taxpayer and for the most part hospitals are paid for by benevolence (which you of course would like to rid the world of).....hows that big dig coming along StevieD? how many hospitals across the country have been built during that time frame funded by rich guys wearing suits?

how many people have succeeded because of endowments and scholarships funded by generosity......rewarding achievement and hard work?

how many lives have been ruined on the Reservations all the while more and more $$ cripple these people? what exactly is the dropout rate for the Native Americans who receive free college tuition and get things given to them?

where is the liberal's sense of practical things? it is is a is proven over and over again how giving people things for free does not work

success and hard work needs to be rewarded...anyone with any sense of reason and can actually observe behavior should be able to realize this....

if that dad you are talking about cant make ends meet about taking another job? how about working 50 maybe 60 hours a week? ever heard of a farmer? do you have any idea how these guys work? ever hear of a medical resident? do you have any idea how these guys work? would rather listen to a trial lawyer who has made millions suing doctors for things they had no control over -- proven things -- taking advantage of cripples.....raising the cost of health care exponentially NOT just because of malpractice rates....but because of the FEAR of having a scheister plundering one's sit there and listen to him tell you how he will make health care affordable....this is the biggest bit of hypocrisy I have heard since I heard him tell us about his 2 Americas and how no one can make it in this world unless government supports them....

you and your friends are a joke and need to move to are a danger to the free market and freedom from plunder....

You and people like you are the reasons why there was a tea party in Boston 230 years ago...and you need to stop this deceit right now before you turn every American into a dependent, fat, depressed lazy individual


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
I thought Kerrys speech last night was hipocritical. He said he wanted a non-negative campain but then he attacks VP Cheny, Donald Rumsfeld. What the heck. He was also playing to the minorities only and not to mainsteam America. Can you imagine what the middle class will be like if he wins. The middle class will suffer because he will raise our taxes and the taxes of the rich to pay for all his social programs. I'm not sure about stem cell research. I hope President Bush has all those Viet Nam veterans on stage who are against Kerry. I thought that those guys up there last night was staged. The only thing Kerry has going for him are some kindof attractive daughters. I'd bang them except they have big noses. Edwards wife is fat and ugly. I think Edwards is kind of a dork and I think Cheny will eat him up in the debates. I'm worried about Mr. Bush against Kerry though. This guy talked like a slick lawyer last night. Lot of fluff. Just my take.



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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
The funny thing about conventions is both sides get to say what they want you to hear. I'm going to do this--We're going to do that.
On Bush we know what he has done "good and bad" and what his priorities are. So we have a basic set of facts to go by.

On the other hand the challengers do not, and can SAY they will do anything you want to hear BUT there are a definate set of FACTs to go on. It is something they have dodged completely in this convention and will do so in the future but you will see them at the republican convention as it is their biggest weapon.
--and that is thir voting records of what they ACTUALLY supported in the past.

I have to laugh when I see all these post dissing of Bush being big spender and then supporting the #1 and #4 ranked voters of spending in congress. If you subtract the cost of wars and agencys formed to combat terror do you know how much deficeit there would be?
For Kerry to do as he SAYS and get budget balanced again he has to do 2 things 1st change spots completely as the #1 liberal spender of past and 2 cut back on anti terror funding and homeland sececurity.
From his voting record the later is quite probable ;)
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Feb 12, 2000
A couple of the specifics from last night's speech all while cutting taxes.

Doubling the numberof special forces. There are only two ways that you could actually double the number of our armed forces.
1. Greatly increase the dollars spent for qualifying and training the men and women of these teams.
2. Greatly reduce the quality of our special force teams just to have more people in.

Kerry mentioned alternative fuels. I talked about this yesterday. Until we get a handle on our special interest lobby groups (auto manufacturers to be specific), this will NEVER happen. Anyone who gets fired up about this (which is easy to do because of inflated gas prices) is living a pipe dream.

Kerry used the sob story (it is truly a sad story but shouldn't be used in politics) about the lady who had to work through chemo. First, she must not have had very strong chemo because you can NOT work through normal doses. You can barely lift your head off the pillow, so this story instantly lost credibility with me. Plus, my best friend who was going through chemo would have much rather been at work during the process rather than feeling worthless on the couch. I thought this was a spineless way to try and rally people.

Mr. President, let's not make this a personal attack campaign...(3 minutes later), I will have a VP that doesn't suck, I will appoint a Attorney General who does not suck, I will have a Sec of Defense who does not suck, etc. Nice way to start a non-attacking campaign.

Another thing I noted last night is that he sure is relying on the fact that he served in the military. I appreciate his services while he was there, but he is hanging his hat on this one. It's almost to the point where he is cheapening it.

Basically, the speech itself accomplished what he wanted to do: Fire up people who feel like the government should take care of us. But, I just don't agree with the message.


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Nov 9, 2000
dawgball quote:"Another thing I noted last night is that he sure is relying on the fact that he served in the military."

it's funny that he is constantly talking about the 4 months that he spent in the military & basically ignoring the 20 years that he has spent in the senate.

i wonder why ?

the conventions are not as good as they used to be.years ago the candidates actually didn't know who the nominee was before the conventions. now everything is choreographed(sp?).


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Nov 4, 2000
Nice speech said what was necessary. More balanced then I thought he could be.


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Feb 12, 2000
One thing that I will djv (I mean constantly harp on) if Kerry gets elected is his little speech about the health care for senators compared to the rest of the public. Those statements are going to come back and bite him if he does somehow win this election.

turf--I didn't get that statement by djv, either. How was that balanced? Do you think he represented both the Democratic and Republican party well? You never cease to amaze me with your ridiculous comments.


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Nov 4, 2000
I believe he was trying to reach out to as many as he could. I guess thats what there supposed to do. He told the truth on taxes. Your over 200000 grand your going to give some of those tax breaks back. That doesn't bother me at all. I'm with the other 98%. Whats wrong with spending our money here at home. The governments going to take it no matter what the party. Some try to pay the bills others don't care. I rather it goes for all of us then some of the places it's going now. Yes he tried to be balanced.
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