National Fixed League

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
they are buying millionaires



Forum Member
Mar 1, 2019
i don't believe the games are fixed. That's a ridiculous assumption, IMO.

The consequences would be extreme if anybody was ever caught. And everybody would have to be in on it too. There are so many disgruntled ex players and coaches don't you think it would have been leaked by now? And if somebody had proof of it being fixed they would be offered a ton of money to expose it. I call bullshit.

My last post in this thread, I'm not going to debate it, this is just my opinion and I won't change my mind.

I want to agree with you but, when I’m on the wrong end of a miserable loss, calling it fixed is therapeutic.


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Jul 19, 2002
Think you should check out the book Personal Foul. You can buy it used for five bucks. I think it's outstanding. Don't think the same thing or something similar can happen and has happened in the NFL? It happened big time in the NBA and not that long ago. I also don't believe that everybody would have to be in on it. Over the course of several games one referee alone could make enough of a difference to affect outcomes. What if you had two? (For a tiny example, could you not call holding on every single play in the NFL and college? Or, conversely, ignore it almost every play as is generally the case.) Every time I see Hochuli I cringe & wish I hadn't played the game at all. I'm sure most here remember the old man. Anyway, just sayin' ...
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Sep 8, 2001
Tim Donaghy loved basketball. In many ways, his zest for the game came from his father, who officiated high school and college games for over 30 years. After graduating from Villanova, Donaghy was unsatisfied with his career until he followed his heart and became a basketball referee, first in the CBA and then the NBA, where he officiated for 13 seasons: 772 regular-season games and 20 playoff games.

He loved his job, his family, his life. He felt like he had everything. And then, suddenly, he had nothing. He succumbed to a gambling addiction and to intimidation from well-connected criminals--and began using inside information to win bets for them. Following an FBI investigation, Donaghy pled guilty to two federal charges, and on August 15, 2007, he was sentenced to 15 months in prison. He was released on November 4, 2009, after serving his sentence.

This is his story, which provides a stunningly candid admission of his mistakes, as well as his insider's account of the world of professional basketball. With a foreword by Phil Scala, the FBI special agent who worked the Gambino case, Personal Foul reveals how the fast life of professional sports can tempt and trap the unwary and unwise.

The point is that Vegas figured him out and tipped the FBI. It is a story of one crooked guy who lost everything. And he was only a ref betting totals. This does not address the idea that a huge brand would risk trying to fix games.


Forum Member
Sep 1, 2012
Tim Donaghy loved basketball. In many ways, his zest for the game came from his father, who officiated high school and college games for over 30 years. After graduating from Villanova, Donaghy was unsatisfied with his career until he followed his heart and became a basketball referee, first in the CBA and then the NBA, where he officiated for 13 seasons: 772 regular-season games and 20 playoff games.

He loved his job, his family, his life. He felt like he had everything. And then, suddenly, he had nothing. He succumbed to a gambling addiction and to intimidation from well-connected criminals--and began using inside information to win bets for them. Following an FBI investigation, Donaghy pled guilty to two federal charges, and on August 15, 2007, he was sentenced to 15 months in prison. He was released on November 4, 2009, after serving his sentence.

This is his story, which provides a stunningly candid admission of his mistakes, as well as his insider's account of the world of professional basketball. With a foreword by Phil Scala, the FBI special agent who worked the Gambino case, Personal Foul reveals how the fast life of professional sports can tempt and trap the unwary and unwise.

The point is that Vegas figured him out and tipped the FBI. It is a story of one crooked guy who lost everything. And he was only a ref betting totals. This does not address the idea that a huge brand would risk trying to fix games.

It was NOT one guy. One guy took the fall.
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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
It's definitely scripted. I've heard that they sign NDA's. I agree that it's hard to wrap my head around how could they all be in on it? I wish I knew more about it. But one thing I've heard is that, even in college, it's like a huge fraternity and everyone in it is benefiting greatly. So even if you don't like what's going on you just go along w it and enjoy the ride.

Imagine being a 3rd string guy for Alabama. You're getting a free ride, you're getting hot girls left and right. You might even have a chance to move up down the road and be a starter and make tons of money etc. So you can either go along w's the alternative for speaking out. You're labeled a "crazy conspiracy theorist"....that would be the best scenario. More than likely the powers that be would dig up something from your past and/or just invent something. Maybe get some girl to say you harassed her...or worse. And then you'd have a ton of backlash from the team....prob get the absolute shit beat out of you and the corrupt msm would invent a story as to why you've got black eyes, broken bones, etc. Who knows...every so often we hear about a really young college football player dying....I'm not saying it's from that but I am saying we don't know and we can't trust the media.

As George Carlin once's a big club and you ain't in it.

I haven't watched NFL since 2019 and back then it was only Red Zone and then playoffs. I make a few bets and play fantasy. I bet a lot of college and some of the stuff I see gets to me sometimes but I try to remind myself it's just a soap opera. I try to bet on what I think will happen, not necessarily the better team. I try and think how would Vegas like this to go lol

There have been a few guys to speak out though. Larry Johnson (the former KC running back, not the NBA guy) has said a lot but all you'll find is a few of the things he's said and articles that call him crazy. There's a guy on youtube can't think of his name but I think his channel is gematria sports effect. There's also a guy called "Lobo" that I like a lot but I wish he went into a lot more depth to back up what he's saying.

Sorry to be so long-winded and like most things, I can't prove or confirm and I respect everyone's opinion....just like Madjack said how he doesn't want to reply any more. All we can really do is speculate. That KC/Buffalo playoff game last season. Everyone said it was the greatest game ever. And how that weekend was so great w 4 close games etc. That KC/Buffalo last few mins was some of the biggest bullshit I've ever seen. Right down to the last drive where the D lines up w a guy 20-25 yards off of Kelce. Dominant tight end and they just let him run right down the field w like 10 sec's left for the easy catch and in field goal range? Total fix.

Oh and one more thing and then I'll shut up. Ever see some of the weird movement on field goals? I guarantee they've got technology to manipulate. Same way w magnets in the ball and gloves....they've shown that it exists and there's a reason you aren't allowed to keep a ball if it goes in the stands. I hope one day it all comes out. I barely watch sports any more. I give myself college football and March Madness and even w that, I try to enjoy it but I'm always watching to see if a guy takes a play off or if a fumble looks obvious etc. I love UNC and that Clemson game last Sat night looked rigged to me. Maye w the awful fumble early and then the horrible pick-6 that looked like O'Donnell back in the Super Bowl. Some actors are better than others. It is what it is.


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Jan 22, 2001
The All American Valley, CT
I agree, something is going on. Thursday I watched a ball clearly hit the ground and was called a catch. The announcers were told to say it was a catch for some rule that was made up. Why would anyone slap the ball out of the QB's hand to catch a 15 yard penalty in the last drive of the game? Why wouldnt you play prevent defense when the other team has no timeouts? A 98 yard drive with a QB who had two days to prepare and no timeouts. Give me a break!!


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
TD !!!! Say it ain’t so !! Bahahahhahaha. Magnets in footballs ? Remotely controlled ?


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
TD !!!! Say it ain’t so !! Bahahahhahaha. Magnets in footballs ? Remotely controlled ?

Yes...somebody actually just said "Magnets on footballs":facepalm:

Remote controls:facepalm:

rocky mountain

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Sep 24, 2005
I agree, something is going on. Thursday I watched a ball clearly hit the ground and was called a catch. The announcers were told to say it was a catch for some rule that was made up. Why would anyone slap the ball out of the QB's hand to catch a 15 yard penalty in the last drive of the game? Why wouldnt you play prevent defense when the other team has no timeouts? A 98 yard drive with a QB who had two days to prepare and no timeouts. Give me a break!!



Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Yes...somebody actually just said "Magnets on footballs":facepalm:

Remote controls:facepalm: much for the three Madjack Football contests.....Jack just cancelled them.......once he found out about every NFL game being fixed and scripted he was going to let it pass. But once the "Magnets on Footballs" came out, he had to shut them down.

Sorry yyz, you were in first place in one of em......but it means nothing now.:sadwave:


Forum Member
Feb 7, 2021
113 much for the three Madjack Football contests.....Jack just cancelled them.......once he found out about every NFL game being fixed and scripted he was going to let it pass. But once the "Magnets on Footballs" came out, he had to shut them down.

Sorry yyz, you were in first place in one of em......but it means nothing now.:sadwave:



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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina

Check out Tucker's face after this kick...

But yeah I've said my peace. There's a lot of info out there but I think I just proved how "everyone could be in on it"....someone talks about it and they're immediately seen as "crazy" or "that guy" etc. Research is your friend though. I've done about 12,000-15,000 hours or research on what's going on in the world over the last 3 years. I know a lot. I just hope it all comes out soon. We are in the great awakening :)

rocky mountain

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Sep 24, 2005

Check out Tucker's face after this kick...

But yeah I've said my peace. There's a lot of info out there but I think I just proved how "everyone could be in on it"....someone talks about it and they're immediately seen as "crazy" or "that guy" etc. Research is your friend though. I've done about 12,000-15,000 hours or research on what's going on in the world over the last 3 years. I know a lot. I just hope it all comes out soon. We are in the great awakening :)

I agree there is massive amount of corruption and misinformation at all levels of media, government, tech, orchestrated by the funding powers of wall street giants. They want globalization, slave labor, and access to China no matter what the long terms risks to this country are economically as well as defense of country. They have 4 trillion in China, so will destroy anyone who gets in their way, great Americans eh? Massive corruption, its all around the world in all countries , always has and always will be, though we should always strive and demand for better as citizens.. Monetized media has allowed unrestricted corruption terrible for Americans, but what can you do.. Just don't let that cloud and distort all your views... gambling is brutally difficult, your battling the best analytics in the world and its hard to predict from one week to the next, and a half of point matters too often. Also, home field bias by refs distort calls for home team, and there are select players in the league as well that get more favorable calls. So this isn't good eye candy for gamblers on wrong side.. I conclude my dissertation, with all information is now monetized, so reading for hours is a dangerous thing. We are in my self proclaimed "The Age of Misinformation".. The days of Walter Cronkite are over, information is monetized to influence opinion and keep the largest sources in power in power to make more money and gain even more power. Smaller subsets like Q-anon , BLM etc make their money differently by keeping you engaged with exaggerations of the truth, tidbits of truth, than they give you the red pill and down the rabbit hole you go as far as you want to travel.
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Jun 13, 2004
North Carolina
Rocky Mountain I agree w a lot of that and love/appreciate the reply. Yes, there is so much information and dis-information out there and yes it's impossible to know anywhere close to everything.

Honestly I felt dirty when I just shared those 2 videos from youtube b/c I know youtube is very controlled and they censor a lot. I think there's a lot better stuff on Rumble and Bitchute but of course it's not like you can trust everything there too.

Not a lot of time right now but I may come back and discuss more later on today. I do think that there's a lot going down in Brazil and possibly El Salvador right now and I think the same sort of thing is heading our way (USA) soon. I think we are in the very long process of taking all these evil governments down as well as the ones who are complicit such as the mainstream media. But we shall see.

Good luck today. I'm on 7 games....took Jord's 6-pack and added one of NBA_Kid's (Balt/Pitt Over) but I won't watch one second of the games lol. I'll keep up w my fantasy team a little bit and check scores here and there.
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