"Say His NAME!!!!"
I also haven't been an NBA fan, but I do still understand the sentiment. There have been 3 months of protests which have resulted in exactly 0 progress . . . on anything. And so with each new incident frustration grows and there is the sense that more is needed if progress is to be made.
But if they end up resuming play tomorrow - what was the point? You've backed up the playoff schedule by 48 hours and . . . that's it. You've literally accomplished nothing else. That's just "social conscience theatre" then, where you get to pretend like you've done something so you can feel ok about driving back to your mansion in your Maserati.
In that respect, I will give the Lakers and Clippers some credit - they're willing to go to the next level. If all the NBA players walk out and end the season, now you've got something unprecedented that certainly captures everyone's attention. And if they then encourage POC from the other sports to do the same - now you might actually have a movement. Not saying that's what they should do - just saying that if you're going to do something then you should actually DO SOMETHING. Pausing for 36 hours to read prepared statements doesn't accomplish a damn thing.
Yup, he ranks right up there with George Floyd. Great law abiding model citizens :0074
I think we should just start lynching again! If ther're black they have to be guilty! Sieg Heil!
Same people who shit on Ali for his stance back in the 60s are the same types in this forum shitting on the players today. Noticed that 17 year old killer still is alive. Go figure...
My sentiments exactly. Same with support (or lack thereof) for MLK, Rosa Parks, integration of blacks into white schools, the lunch counter protests in Greensboro, etc.
So, seriously. What are you racist wypipo gonna do after you lose all the major sports to wokeness? I guess there's always rodeo, fishing, and noodling for catfish in your future, you chuds!!! HAHA
Prejudice is when a person negatively pre-judges another person or group without getting to know the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings behind their words and actions. A person of any racial group can be prejudiced towards a person of any other racial group. There is no power dynamic involved.
Bigotry is stronger than prejudice, a more severe mindset and often accompanied by discriminatory behavior. It?s arrogant and mean-spirited, but requires neither systems nor power to engage in.
Racism is the system that allows the racial group that?s already in power to retain power. Since arriving on U.S. soil white people have used their power to create preferential access to survival rights and resources (housing, education, jobs, voting, citizenship, food, health, legal protection, etc.) for white people while simultaneously impeding people of color?s access to these same rights and resources.Though ?reverse racism? is a term I sometimes hear, it has never existed in America. White people are the only racial group to have ever established and retained power in the United States.
I guess that I am wrong.......only white people can be racists, according to this articles view point. I grew up poor as dirt so I can not believe that I had an advantage over anyone. JMO
That doesn't mean all white's are racists, all cops are bad and all blacks are thugs....Stop painting everyone with the same brush....There are a few bad apples in every group of people, period---that will never change...:0008
Change is hard...but necessary for the advancement of the human race.
Change is hard...but necessary for the advancement of the human race.
There is nothing more vile than a person who holds the color of their skin better than another.
Fine, let's have "change"....Who is going to put together the "plan" for what the "change" is and who determines when the goal has been achieved....I've heard the same thing since I can remember, this isn't anything new.....
Chanting, marching, hating, violence, intimidation, looting, burning, assaults' and killing doesn't seem to be working so well in my eyes....Who are the leaders that are going to step up, devise a plan and execute it...
Living in Maine I probably don't see as much as most...I can tell you one thing for sure, things are a hell of a lot better today than they were back in the 60's & 70's when I was growing up....
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