NBA really????


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2004
Monument, CO
The plan is for white people to accept all people as their equal. So it starts with all white people everywhere.

What do you propose we do to make black people accept our acceptance? That's been the million $ question for a long time now....... giving free gifts is not the answer, effort needs to occur on BOTH long as effort is only being required by white people, it will be accepted begrudgingly...... People have to help themselves instead of looking for others to take care of all the problems 'FOR THEM". JMO :0008

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Ok good plan, and what do you propose we do with the ones that don't/won't and who determines who those people are....

Exile ....

determining who they are ? a little tuffer to do...

Maybe with a simple question...Are you your brothers keeper?

Because at the heart of every community should be the desire to make everyone's station in life
a better existence.

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
What do you propose we do to make black people accept our acceptance? That's been the million $ question for a long time now....... giving free gifts is not the answer, effort needs to occur on BOTH long as effort is only being required by white people, it will be accepted begrudgingly...... People have to help themselves instead of looking for others to take care of all the problems 'FOR THEM". JMO :0008

I don't know to many people who don't accept love and kindness that is given freely and with compassion.

Both sides have responsibility for the advancement of the human race. Betone. I can't agree with you anymore about that.

But as long as there is not a systemic change in the entire country in regards to wealth,health care and the distribution of them the caste system in place will forever hold people down.

It ain't working because those in power don't want it to change...


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Exile ....

determining who they are ? a little tuffer to do...

Maybe with a simple question...Are you your brothers keeper?

Because at the heart of every community should be the desire to make everyone's station in life
a better existence.

That's great when you're sharing your wine and weed, but in reality.......

"Get a fucking job!"


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation

Maybe with a simple question...Are you your brothers keeper?

Because at the heart of every community should be the desire to make everyone's station in life
a better existence.

I'm quite comfortable with how I conduct myself and what I bring to the table in this life....Good luck in your quest....:0008


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
The plan is for white people to accept all people as their equal. So it starts with all white people everywhere.

and my 60's and 70's was filled love and pot...sharing with ALL people.

We had a good time in my crib.

Details of a a highly disturbing criminal complaint against Jacob Blake have emerged.

POLL: Who had the best speech at Night 4 of the RNC?

A Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer shot Blake in the back at least seven times on Sunday following a call for a domestic dispute. His father told the Chicago Sun-Times that Blake is paralyzed from the waist down.

Blake's shooting only added fuel to the already out-of-control fire lit by the police killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others involved in instances of apparent police brutality.
What are the details?

Blake's ex-girlfriend, identified in the criminal complaint as "LNB," says Blake sexually assaulted her in May.

The criminal complaint states that Blake unlawfully entered her home in the early hours of the morning on May 3. The woman said she awoke from her sleep to find Blake standing in her room, looming over her.

Blake, the 29-year-old father of the woman's three children, reportedly demanded she return his possessions.

"I want my s***," Blake reportedly told the woman, and proceeded to assault her according to the complaint.

"As LNB lay there, on her back, the defendant, suddenly and without warning, reached his hand between her legs, penetrated her vaginally with a finger, pulled it out and sniffed it, and said, 'Smells like you've been with other men,'" the at-times graphic complaint reads.

Following the assault, Blake reportedly stole her vehicle and left the premises.

In the complaint, the woman reports that Blake is unemployed and without a vehicle of his own. Over the eight-year period that the two spent together, Blake reportedly sexually assaulted her at least twice per year during drunken episodes.
Caused 'pain and humiliation'

The officer who took the woman's statement said she had a "very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her."

The woman said that Blake's assault "caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent."

Blake's ex-girlfriend told authorities that she was able to maintain her composure despite the incident, and attempted to follow Blake. When she realized her keys and her vehicle were missing and immediately phoned 911 to report the incident.

Authorities charged Blake in July with felony third-degree sexual assault, misdemeanor trespassing, and disorderly conduct connected to domestic abuse.
Allegedly armed with a knife during latest dispute

Fast-forward to August, Blake's ex-girlfriend ? purportedly the same one from the criminal complaint ? reportedly phoned police and reported the latest domestic incident, which purportedly took place because he showed up at her home and had taken her keys.

The Kenosha Police Department has not, at the time of this reporting, released any further details or background on the incident, which was captured on video by a bystander's cell phone.

The bystander, Raysean White, said that Blake showed up at his ex-girlfriend's home where two women had been arguing. He allegedly told one of his sons, who was at the residence, to get into his vehicle, and then walked into a home.

White said he briefly left the scene, but when he returned, he saw Blake wrestling with police officers and began recording the incident once more.

At one point, another witness said that officers were attempting to take Blake into custody, and were punching him and tasing him while he was on the ground. Blake, however, can be seen wrestling out of the officers' grip and begins walking to his vehicle's front driver's side door. Officers follow him, guns drawn, and as Blake reaches into the vehicle, at least one Kenosha officer shoots Blake in the back at close range.

Several of Blake's children were reportedly inside the vehicle at the time of the incident.

The witness also said he overheard officers saying that Blake had a knife.

On Friday, Kenosha cops said that Blake was, indeed, armed with a knife at the time of the shooting.

Blake also reportedly placed one cop in a headlock despite being tased twice while resisting arrest.
Despite threat of lethal force, Blake 'continued to ignore the officers' commands'

Brendan Matthews, the attorney for the Kenosha Professional Police Association, said on Friday that all officers involved in the incident were placed on leave pending an investigation.

"Based on the inability to gain compliance and control after using verbal, physical and less-lethal means, the officers drew their firearms [on Blake]," Matthews said in a statement.

Sorry, he's not invited to my crib...Are you this guys equal? My comment would be the same, no matter what color this ass hole was

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006

Sorry, he's not invited to my crib...Are you this guys equal? My comment would be the same, no matter what color this ass hole was

I am his equal under the law...Should this man have been on the streets to begin with ? NO!!

At the same time ...We can't go around shooting a man in the back 7 times because he is reaching for a knife..

If these officers can't control one man without pulling their weapons then ya got the wrong guys

in the Serve and Protect business.

There are people capable of controlling a lot of these encounters...Many with one hand

to the throat of the perp.....Can't have scared people trying to control unrest..They just add to the problem.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
Exile ....

determining who they are ? a little tuffer to do...

Maybe with a simple question...Are you your brothers keeper?

Because at the heart of every community should be the desire to make everyone's station in life
a better existence.

How many minorities did you have working for you when you owned a landscaping biz?


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
That's great when you're sharing your wine and weed, but in reality.......

"Get a fucking job!"

No need for a job...
Law enforcement officers have to consider if looters ?needed? the stolen merchandise before charging them, according to new guidance issued by leftist lunatic Diana Becton, the first-term Costa County District Attorney supported by George Soros, the far-left, anti American billionaire.
Just to show how whacked out she is, when a couple painted over the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) message on the street in front of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse, the office of the District Attorney in Contra Costa County, Becton, charged them with a ?hate crime.? Stealing is fine so long as the thief needed what he stole, but painting over a Marxist group?s propaganda message is a hate crime. Only in the minds of Democrats.
How crazy is it that as looters are caught stealing things while BLM riots are taking place in the same exact county, Costa County?s District Attorney has a completely different take on how to apply ?justice.? Rather than charging them with a felony, this Soros-funded DA is asking for police officers to consider if the looters ?needed? the stolen merchandise before arresting them.

?Did you need that those twenty cartons of cigarettes you stole from the convenience store??

?Why, yes, officer, I did.?

?Okay, we?ll let you go this time with just a warning.?

Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
How many minorities did you have working for you when you owned a landscaping biz?

over the years 5 ...

Mexicans ...blacks ...a good days pay for hard work..

don't want to bust your ass I send ya packing. ....don't matter to me...if you don't like to sweat you need not apply.

oh and 2 of the best were women....out work a lot of lazy fucks.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
I am his equal under the law...Should this man have been on the streets to begin with ? NO!!

At the same time ...We can't go around shooting a man in the back 7 times because he is reaching for a knife..

If these officers can't control one man without pulling their weapons then ya got the wrong guys

in the Serve and Protect business.

There are people capable of controlling a lot of these encounters...Many with one hand

to the throat of the perp.....Can't have scared people trying to control unrest..They just add to the problem.

One tactic used to subdue out of control suspects is a knee to the back of the neck......


I think that one can't be used any longer.

Yet BLM wants us to believe that cops are just rolling down the streets gunning down blacks all day everyday?


Registered User
Forum Member
May 19, 2008
somewhere over the rainbow
Since OS like to post definitions, here are a few more...

Since OS like to post definitions, here are a few more...

adjective, dumb?er, dumb?est.
lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted.
adjective, ignorant
lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:
an ignorant man.
lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:
ignorant of quantum physics.

This would apply to the people who don't comply with police officers who are trying to do there job.

noun, moron
Informal. a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment:
I wonder why they elected that narrow-minded moron to Congress.
Psychology. (no longer in technical use; now considered offensive) a person of borderline intelligence in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69. Again here we have a noun that would describe those who refuse to follow simple instructions mostly because they have broken a law or perhaps have a warrant.

adjective, smart?er, smart?est.
quick or prompt in action, as persons.
having or showing quick intelligence or ready mental capability:
a smart student. This would describe everything that Jacob Blake was not when the police were called because a crime was commited as well as having an outstanding warrant.

adjective, law-abiding
obeying or keeping the law; obedient to law:
law-abiding citizens. This is what the folks who are causing the riots, killings and all the BS that is going on in this country right now are not. Has nothing to do with race, sex or politics just as simple as having the ability to follow simple instructions to avoid an escalated situation
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Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Citizens killed by police as of 2019 per 10 million residents. United States 33.5, Canada 9.8, Germany 1.3 and England/Wales 0.5
Source statista.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
More likely that it's much easier to become a police officer here then these countries. Germany takes 2 years.
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