No riots?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I thought there was supposed to be riots. At least that's what the prejudiced element here predicted.:shrug:


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I was looking forward to some riots in the big easy. There's nothing like a nice looting spree before the holiday season. Oh, well. Maybe we'll have some after the inauguration:shrug:


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003

I've been told by a couple sources (one of them being my brother) that MANY parts of this city were up for grabs. The animals were out in the streets shooting and causing quite a bit of mahem. The police watched on what are called Blue Boxes while they sat in the station and let the animals have at it. In Chicago, our fearless leader has large containers up on street poles with a blue flashing light on the top in many of the finer parts of the ghetto areas. These containers hold top shelf video equipment and (from what I've heard) can even track the path of a bullet. :shrug:

Believe it or not, there was even some trashing of port o potties and other damage to property after the WONDERFUL Obama party in Grant Park. (I know, say it isn't so. Just how I felt).

Just West of the city, the outlining suburbs along with Chicago Police had to control massive roaming crowds that were explaining to anybody that could here that it was THERE world now. Tear gas was used and some kind of equipment that totally and completely fogs out an entire area. This was dispersed by a cop in a whole space age get up. The tear gas is useless vs animals but the complete inability to see due to the new technolgy proved sufficient.

NONE of this has or will EVER make the news. We have an Olympics to bid for and it also wouldn't look good for Obama if his "own" :rolleyes: city was displayed across the country as containing the shitheads it does.

Guess some don't understand "Change":rolleyes:

Thank you unbias and independant media.

Thank you lovely sheep for only believing what you do/don't see or hear from this media. Guess if you didn't hear about it. It never happened right?

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

As you know, I don't buy into the "liberal media" thing. I further don't understand if there was a mess iwith looting, free food, drinks, stealing, destruction, World War III, martians, and the other dire consequences you are talking about in Chicago why Fox, talk radio, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, Rush, Sean, Laura, Michael Savage, etc wouldn't be talking about it ad nauseum.

Is this another paranoid conspiracy theory leading to the destruction of the free world.



Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

As you know, I don't buy into the "liberal media" thing. I further don't understand if there was a mess iwith looting, free food, drinks, stealing, destruction, World War III, martians, and the other dire consequences you are talking about in Chicago why Fox, talk radio, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, Rush, Sean, Laura, Michael Savage, etc wouldn't be talking about it ad nauseum.


I think you nailed it Eddie. I wouldn't be surprised that there were a few isolated minor incidents but if there were anything worth reporting, the conservatives would be all over it.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I thought there was supposed to be riots. At least that's what the prejudiced element here predicted.:shrug:

why would anybody riot? won....the wacky left and their minority drones only burn their own cities down when they don`t get their own way...

the prejudiced element? want a prejudiced element?....look in the mirror and take a gander at the one who`s obsessed with race...

you can`t seem to get past it...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
why would anybody riot? won....the wacky left and their minority drones only burn their own cities down when they don`t get their own way...

the prejudiced element? want a prejudiced element?....look in the mirror and take a gander at the one who`s obsessed with race...

you can`t seem to get past it...

That's why I said above--

"Thought we might have a boost in housing and auto industry-"

Thought rebuilding all those torched communities and cars might give economy a boost. ;)


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
I think you nailed it Eddie. I wouldn't be surprised that there were a few isolated minor incidents but if there were anything worth reporting, the conservatives would be all over it.

Subject: Election night

Well, we now have a new president. At the least this should put cries of affirmative action to rest as Obama has proven that as a black man in the USA to can achieve anything...if you want to and you work hard. I'll judge as the 4 years unfold. First, I'll know the atmosphere of his presidency by the decision he makes about U.S.A. Fitzgerald. That will set the tone.

In the meantime, here's what the media hasn't told you AND NEVER WILL:

1. Obama's rally was somewhat peaceful due to the fact that about 70% of the attendees both in the ticketed and unticketed areas were white.
2. In the unticketed area (where I was) black teens turned over several porta-potties with people in them. They also caved in the roof of one by jumping on it. That particular porta-potty was for handicapped access and had an elderly female with a walker in it.
3. Calm was exibited by the so me 300,000 people because there was a strict search for booze and no booze was sold.
4. A CPD squad car came under sniper fire in the 900 blk of N. Ridgeway and was struck by several gunshots. 2 arrests. No cops hurt.
5. Citywide 14 CPD squad cars were damaged by thrown rocks, bricks, bottles. 6 officers injured.
6. Madison, Chicago, 16th St, 47th St., 63rd St, MLK, Cottage Grove and Howard St. were closed for several blocks in either direction to account for crowds. Several businesses citywide were broken into and looted (clothing & liquor stores were the primary targets).
7. Riot police used gas on the crowds in the following districts: 2,5,11,15.
8. Within the first 30 minutes following the announcement of a new president, the 7th District received 104 seperate calls of shots fired.
9. It took 2.5 hours following the closing of Grant Park to clear the Loop of rovings crowds and reopen traffic. Although no arrests were made in Grant Park, 19 arrests were made in the Loop (2 for UUW); these don't include those made on the train platforms or subways.
10. Snow plows were lined up on Monroe between LSD/Columbus; Roosevelt between State/Canal, to be used a mobile barricades to control unrult crowds. My platoon has 6 trucks for Butler Field where the majority of the crowd was.
11. Tact Lts assigned to the details were equipped with 100 flex cuffs; 2 plastic riot shields and 10 large canisters (fire extinguisher size) of pepper gas to deploy at their discretion.
12. At the debriefing, the bosses simply said "We got lucky."

That is all. Let me know if you read or see this anywhere.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Subject: Election night

Well, we now have a new president. At the least this should put cries of affirmative action to rest as Obama has proven that as a black man in the USA to can achieve anything...if you want to and you work hard. I'll judge as the 4 years unfold. First, I'll know the atmosphere of his presidency by the decision he makes about U.S.A. Fitzgerald. That will set the tone.

In the meantime, here's what the media hasn't told you AND NEVER WILL:

1. Obama's rally was somewhat peaceful due to the fact that about 70% of the attendees both in the ticketed and unticketed areas were white.
2. In the unticketed area (where I was) black teens turned over several porta-potties with people in them. They also caved in the roof of one by jumping on it. That particular porta-potty was for handicapped access and had an elderly female with a walker in it.
3. Calm was exibited by the so me 300,000 people because there was a strict search for booze and no booze was sold.
4. A CPD squad car came under sniper fire in the 900 blk of N. Ridgeway and was struck by several gunshots. 2 arrests. No cops hurt.
5. Citywide 14 CPD squad cars were damaged by thrown rocks, bricks, bottles. 6 officers injured.
6. Madison, Chicago, 16th St, 47th St., 63rd St, MLK, Cottage Grove and Howard St. were closed for several blocks in either direction to account for crowds. Several businesses citywide were broken into and looted (clothing & liquor stores were the primary targets).
7. Riot police used gas on the crowds in the following districts: 2,5,11,15.
8. Within the first 30 minutes following the announcement of a new president, the 7th District received 104 seperate calls of shots fired.
9. It took 2.5 hours following the closing of Grant Park to clear the Loop of rovings crowds and reopen traffic. Although no arrests were made in Grant Park, 19 arrests were made in the Loop (2 for UUW); these don't include those made on the train platforms or subways.
10. Snow plows were lined up on Monroe between LSD/Columbus; Roosevelt between State/Canal, to be used a mobile barricades to control unrult crowds. My platoon has 6 trucks for Butler Field where the majority of the crowd was.
11. Tact Lts assigned to the details were equipped with 100 flex cuffs; 2 plastic riot shields and 10 large canisters (fire extinguisher size) of pepper gas to deploy at their discretion.
12. At the debriefing, the bosses simply said "We got lucky."

That is all. Let me know if you read or see this anywhere.

Well, if "vodkastan" wrote it, then I'm sure it's all true. Are you vodkastan, IO?

Most of that sounds like a normal night in Chicago though, right?


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Subject: Election night...
In the meantime, here's what the media hasn't told you AND NEVER WILL:

1. Obama's rally was somewhat peaceful due to the fact that about 70% of the attendees both in the ticketed and unticketed areas were white.
2. In the unticketed area (where I was) black teens turned over several porta-potties with people in them. They also caved in the roof of one by jumping on it. That particular porta-potty was for handicapped access and had an elderly female with a walker in it.
3. Calm was exibited by the so me 300,000 people because there was a strict search for booze and no booze was sold.
4. A CPD squad car came under sniper fire in the 900 blk of N. Ridgeway and was struck by several gunshots. 2 arrests. No cops hurt.
5. Citywide 14 CPD squad cars were damaged by thrown rocks, bricks, bottles. 6 officers injured.
6. Madison, Chicago, 16th St, 47th St., 63rd St, MLK, Cottage Grove and Howard St. were closed for several blocks in either direction to account for crowds. Several businesses citywide were broken into and looted (clothing & liquor stores were the primary targets).
7. Riot police used gas on the crowds in the following districts: 2,5,11,15.
8. Within the first 30 minutes following the announcement of a new president, the 7th District received 104 seperate calls of shots fired.
9. It took 2.5 hours following the closing of Grant Park to clear the Loop of rovings crowds and reopen traffic. Although no arrests were made in Grant Park, 19 arrests were made in the Loop (2 for UUW); these don't include those made on the train platforms or subways.
10. Snow plows were lined up on Monroe between LSD/Columbus; Roosevelt between State/Canal, to be used a mobile barricades to control unrult crowds. My platoon has 6 trucks for Butler Field where the majority of the crowd was.
11. Tact Lts assigned to the details were equipped with 100 flex cuffs; 2 plastic riot shields and 10 large canisters (fire extinguisher size) of pepper gas to deploy at their discretion.
12. At the debriefing, the bosses simply said "We got lucky."

Wow, that's some sorry sh*t. You Chicago types need a refresher course on rioting! We're sending a plane load of LA folk back to Chi town right away.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
You Chicago types need a refresher course.....

It's all ball bearings!

Bet on MyBookie