Northwest Flight 253

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Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
The wife and I were on this flight today. We were returning from a safari we took in Uganda and our connecting flight took us through Amsterdam. For any of you who haven't heard, it was an Al Qaeda attempt to blow up our plane. I was 7 rows behing the guy when it all took place and I saw everything. I also was right next to him at boarding in Amsterdam this morning. Thanks to a few on the ball people I am alive today. I am still a little shook up over it and having a hard time sleeping tonight. Here is the story:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Yes, lucky it was a dud. Also, he did set the plane wall on fire and it was spreading fast before a quick acting flight attendant put it out with a fire extinguisher.

A couple of things I saw weren't in the official story.

1. When we were in customs after the plane landed, a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in an Indian man's carry on bag. He was then searched and arrested. The FBI then said "You are being moved to a safe area. Read between the lines. Some of you saw what just happened."(Referring to the bomb sniffing dogs and the arrest of the Indian man). I am not sure why this is not in the official story.

2. We were held on the plane for 20 minutes AFTER IT LANDED! The plane could have blown up. Security could have had a massive screw up on their hands if that happened.

I was next to the terrorist when he checked in at the Amsterdam airport early yesterday and this is what I saw and told the FBI:

My wife and I were playing cards directly next to the check in booth when the terrorist approached the counter with an Indian man(A different one then I mentioned above). They caught my attention because they were a strange pair. The terrorist was a poor black man who looked around 17(I think he is 23 but doesn't look like it) and the Indian mand was around 50 and dressed in an expensive suit. The terrorist never said a word to the ticket agent. The Indian man said "This man needs to get on the plane but he has no passport." The ticker agent then said you must have a passport to get on the plane. The Indian man then said "He is from Sudan, we do this all the time."(All I can take from this is that it is difficulty getting a passport from Sudan or it was some sympathy ploy because Sudan is in chaos right now). The ticket agent then said "You will have to talk to my manager" and told the two to go down another hallway. I never saw the Indian man again as he wasn't on our flight. Obviously, through bribe, or some other way, the terrorist made it onto the plane.

Not sleeping too well tonight, but glad I am alive.
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Nov 12, 2000
Arlington, TX
The terrorist never said a word to the ticket agent. The Indian man said "This man needs to get on the plane but he has no passport." I never saw the Indian man again as he wasn't on our flight. Obviously, through bribe, or some other way, the terrorist made it onto the plane.

Not sleeping too well tonight, but glad I am alive.
This is just fucked up! We spend millions and millions on security and this shit still happens? How the fuck was he able to board eventually without a passport!

Glad everyone is okay.

I am pissed.


Registered User
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Oct 28, 2007
on the water
WOW !! What an incredible story. Thankful and lucky you ALL are alive. How in the fuck does someone smuggle explosives onto a plane these days? I am staying in the good old USA for awhile.:scared :scared Once again, glad everyone OK.
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Eat my pickle
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Bartlett, TN
that's CRAZY chit....

luckily no one on the plane was hurt...

it's not if the USA will be hit again, its 'when'.....

no passports required...:sadwave: :sadwave:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
1. When we were in customs after the plane landed, a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in an Indian man's carry on bag. He was then searched and arrested. The FBI then said "You are being moved to a safe area. Read between the lines. Some of you saw what just happened."(Referring to the bomb sniffing dogs and the arrest of the Indian man). I am not sure why this is not in the official story.

2. We were held on the plane for 20 minutes AFTER IT LANDED! The plane could have blown up. Security could have had a massive screw up on their hands if that happened.

when did they grab the indian guy ? in detroit ?

It seems nuts to hold everyone on the plane for any length of time. :scared


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
according napolitano,it`s not terrorist was just another "man-caused disaster" thwarted...

you sure they were indian?...not pakistani?....just asking...

this problem with these monsters being able to board planes in other countries heading to america is a real issue abroad(particularly in non-westernized countries) is not up to snuff......

sounds like he was trying to set off some crude form of thermite..

btw...the msm in many reports end their story with..."The motive of the Christmas Day attack was not immediately clear".......they`re

good news is that we had a quick thinking passenger(s) on board and this attempt failed....the bad news is that we have a big hole abroad concerning our airline security....

really glad you`re safe,`s hard to imagine what you`re feeling this morning....
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
Scott, they grabbed the Indian guy in customs during the 1st hour after landing when a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in his carry on bag. Not sure why this is not mentioned in any story whatsoever.

Also left out of the story was the fact that the plane was on fire, not just the terrorsit but his entire aisle and wall from floor to ceiling. A mail flight attendant's quick thinking to get a fire extinguisher and put it out might have saved my life.

GW, they could have been Pakistani. I cannot always distinguish between the two. I am still shook up about this. I tried to sleep last night after not having slept for almost two days and could only manage 5 hours sleep before I woke up from nightmares.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
GW, they could have been Pakistani. I cannot always distinguish between the two. I am still shook up about this. I tried to sleep last night after not having slept for almost two days and could only manage 5 hours sleep before I woke up from nightmares.[/QUOTE]

I just heard a passenger report that the crew grabbed fire extinguishers to put fire out. Alot of smoke.

glad you and family are ok.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Scott, they grabbed the Indian guy in customs during the 1st hour after landing when a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in his carry on bag. Not sure why this is not mentioned in any story whatsoever.

Also left out of the story was the fact that the plane was on fire, not just the terrorsit but his entire aisle and wall from floor to ceiling. A mail flight attendant's quick thinking to get a fire extinguisher and put it out might have saved my life.

GW, they could have been Pakistani. I cannot always distinguish between the two. I am still shook up about this. I tried to sleep last night after not having slept for almost two days and could only manage 5 hours sleep before I woke up from nightmares.

one more question,pug...were you close to landing?...cause it wouldn`t take much at cruising altitude of say about 40,000 feet while the aircraft is under enormous pressure to blow a small hole in the cabin...

you were truly blessed...couldn`t be happier for you and the other 277 souls on that plane...

i`ll try and diffuse the tension with some "classic" weasel humor(oxymoron)......

- a guy walks into a bar with a pair of jumper cables draped over his neck....he sits down and asks "can i get a drink?"..the bartender replies "okay, but don't start anything."....

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
GW- We were in our descent. Right before everything happened the pilot announced that we would be landing in 10 minutes. I am not really sure why he didn't try and pull this off over the ocean at a higher altitude. It would have been much easier.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
GW- We were in our descent. Right before everything happened the pilot announced that we would be landing in 10 minutes. I am not really sure why he didn't try and pull this off over the ocean at a higher altitude. It would have been much easier.

maybe he wanted the plane to go down over a populated area?...the idea is to kill as many as possible...

or maybe more probing for weaknesses by al qaeda...using some nigerian student dupe?.... but i doubt're doing test runs you don't light the stuff on fire and draw this kind of attention to it....

we have to remember...these mofos don't plan for a day....they plan in years....scary crew,these guys....

i just hope and pray that a guy on a terrorist watch list with the rights of any american (because he is a world citizen, after all) didn`t experience any sort of jingoism, fascism, torture or inhospitality while simply expressing his political opinions with incendiary devices....hope they read him his miranda rights...did everything that would exclude the possibility of jeopardizing a

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Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 13, 2001
Scott, they grabbed the Indian guy in customs during the 1st hour after landing when a bomb sniffing dog detected a bomb in his carry on bag. Not sure why this is not mentioned in any story whatsoever.

Also left out of the story was the fact that the plane was on fire, not just the terrorsit but his entire aisle and wall from floor to ceiling. A mail flight attendant's quick thinking to get a fire extinguisher and put it out might have saved my life.

GW, they could have been Pakistani. I cannot always distinguish between the two. I am still shook up about this. I tried to sleep last night after not having slept for almost two days and could only manage 5 hours sleep before I woke up from nightmares.

Why don't you call a reporter so they can put this in the story?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2004
Jaco, Costa Rica
TSP- I haven't really thought about calling a reporter I am still pretty in shock over this and have hardly slept in days. Also, I figured that if anyone wanted to contact me (As I was one of only a handful of Americans and even less MI residents on the plane) they would obtain my info and contact me. I gave all the information I had to FBI.

I still have my boarding pass and can post a picture of it if anybody really wants to see it.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
All passengers have deplaned and, out of an abundance of caution, the plane was moved to a remote area," where the plane and baggage were rescreened, the Transportation Security Administration said in a statement. Passengers were interviewed by law enforcement authorities before being allowed to leave the airport.

that dont sound like alot of fun there
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Sounds like the Indian guy was a dupe to get the other dude through? :shrug:

Glad you are ok my man! Don't want know pug dogs running around without an owner.