obama`s plan to gut america`s military....

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
o.k...if you wanna buy that mccain`s some whining,traitorous, cowering puddle of jello,that`s your decision......

you wanna believe that?...fine....personally,i think it`s a tad despicable....

i have some things to do(if i want to continue living here),so,when i get back i`ll try and "specifically" explain why cutting our military in the "here and now" is a disastrous idea and how it pertains to some of the threats we may face.....

till then...adios

You didn't seem to have a problem when Kerry was getting swift boated last year but all the sudden you are concerned about the Songbird's feelings?

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
weasel we spend more then every country combined. Enough with wasting all this money. Its as bad as when i have to hear people say we need to throw more money at teachers and somehow they will get smarter.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
The gutting of Americas Military started with Bush 41 threw the Clinton yrs and ended on 911. It would have continued under this great president if not for 911. Those are the facts, can't be denied. The wrongful use of Our Military by this president may have an effect like Nam. Since 1975 no President has used the military in a war they thought they couldn't win with ease. That includes this president. .... Oops ! Talk about a miss- calculation.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
You didn't seem to have a problem when Kerry was getting swift boated last year but all the sudden you are concerned about the Songbird's feelings?

if i recall (and i don`t truthfully)i didn`t agree with the swift boating thing..or clinton`s b.j. fiasco......i had a problem with him not releasing his records in a timely fashion...

you have the gall to call mccain "songbird"?....after kerry turned on his brothers in arms in front of congress?...........

that i did have a problem with...

you`re amazing...

i don`t believe that kerry was held and tortured for 5 years...he was in country for a very short time....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
The gutting of Americas Military started with Bush 41 threw the Clinton yrs and ended on 911. It would have continued under this great president if not for 911. Those are the facts, can't be denied. The wrongful use of Our Military by this president may have an effect like Nam. Since 1975 no President has used the military in a war they thought they couldn't win with ease. That includes this president. .... Oops ! Talk about a miss- calculation.

o.k...i`m gonna take the time...

i hope you know this is nothing less than the unilateral disarmament and nuclear moratorium scheme that was the rage in the commie camps in europe during the reagan administration(that was funded by the ussr,btw).....to try and deter us from locating peacemaker missiles in europe....

thankfully, despite the protests of the leftists there were sane gov'ts in "old "europe who accepted the u.s. missile defense and the ussr soon crumbled cause they couldn`t keep up...

first, we don't need to negotiate to take our missiles off "hair trigger alert"......i doubt that our missiles have been on "hair trigger alert'' since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. .....but i don`t know that for a fact...

second... in any case,how do you verify the other side has taken their missles off hair trigger alert, too?...you trust putin?...ahmadinnerjacket?...kim jong il?...the chinese?....


third...bock obviously has no understanding of nuclear technology...after eight years of non maintenance, a significant part of our deterrent factor would go up in smoke irreparably and the costs of replacing them from scratch would be enormous and could not be done in a short time should say other countries attack our allies....much like his ridiculous plan to "redeploy and then go back into iraq "if necessary"...(laughable)

fourth... suppose china and the soviet union or n.k.or iran attack the u.s. or europe or japan or taiwan or south korea, in a world without nuclear weapons, and without our "weaponized'' space capabilities(or suppose they sign a treaty, and merely hide their capacities until they are assured the u.s.a. has disarmed)?...btw...our weaponized space capabilities are what we use to guide some of our precision non-nuclear pin point weapons to reduce collateral damage...

how many conventional u.s. military forces would be needed to offset the three million man chinese military,the two million man russian military, the one million n.k.military and the one million man iranian military without us having nukes?.....


does anyone with even half a brain believe that the dems and the "bock" would fund the conventional military forces that would be needed to balance those forces, let alone to allow the u.s. to maintain its military superiority?...obviously not...he said so in that video....

fifth... what would happen to our allies if they see the u.s. military disarm?....since they would no longer be protected and could not be protected by us, and since they do not have the capacity due to their parasitic socialist spending programs to fund the increases necessary to close the gap, the likelihood is that they would go over to the enemy with appeasement or side with anti-u.s. interests in order to avoid outright occupation or attack......

this guy`s so skewed on so many levels involving our national defense that he should demand a refund of his college tuition, because he is the victim of massive educational malpractice....

he doesn`t have a clue what he`s talking about....

now i gotta go...talk amongst yourselves...:SIB
Last edited:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
if i recall (and i don`t truthfully)i didn`t agree with the swift boating thing..or clinton`s b.j. fiasco......i had a problem with him not releasing his records in a timely fashion...

you have the gall to call mccain "songbird"?....after kerry turned on his brothers in arms in front of congress?...........

that i did have a problem with...

you`re amazing...

i don`t believe that kerry was held and tortured for 5 years...he was in country for a very short time....

Hate to break the news to you but i didn't make up that name "songbird" I bring the news i don't create it. Oh by the way see what some of Songbirds brothers had to say about him.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Hate to break the news to you but i didn't make up that name "songbird" I bring the news i don't create it. Oh by the way see what some of Songbirds brothers had to say about him.

where are you getting songbird ? I havnt seen that. If your going to bring the new fawking bring it.

what did they say >?

Its like pulling teeth with you

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006

where are you getting songbird ? I havnt seen that. If your going to bring the new fawking bring it.

what did they say >?

Its like pulling teeth with you

i told you in the other thread. Keyword: Google


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
first, we don't need to negotiate to take our missiles off "hair trigger alert"......i doubt that our missiles have been on "hair trigger alert'' since the collapse of the u.s.s.r. .....but i don`t know that for a fact...

The missles are always at the ready for any incoming attack. Its a given.

second... in any case,how do you verify the other side has taken their missles off hair trigger alert, too?...you trust putin?...ahmadinnerjacket?...kim jong il?...the chinese?....
putin, armajacket, Kim do not nukes. Putin is not running the country at least in titles

third...bock obviously has no understanding of nuclear technology...after eight years of non maintenance, a significant part of our deterrent factor would go up in smoke irreparably and the costs of replacing them from scratch would be enormous and could not be done in a short time should say other countries attack our allies....much like his ridiculous plan to "redeploy and then go back into iraq "if necessary"...(laughable)

Cut down the number we have.

fourth... suppose china and the soviet union or n.k.or iran attack the u.s. or europe or japan or taiwan or south korea, in a world without nuclear weapons, and without our "weaponized'' space capabilities(or suppose they sign a treaty, and merely hide their capacities until they are assured the u.s.a. has disarmed)?...btw...our weaponized space capabilities are what we use to guide some of our precision non-nuclear pin point weapons to reduce collateral damage...
its the end of the world anyway

how many conventional u.s. military forces would be needed to offset the three million man chinese military,the two million man russian military, the one million n.k.military and the one million man iranian military without us having nukes?.....
we are not disarming, we have enough nukes to kill everyone in the world.

does anyone with even half a brain believe that the dems and the "bock" would fund the conventional military forces that would be needed to balance those forces, let alone to allow the u.s. to maintain its military superiority?...obviously not...he said so in that video....
we dont need superiority, its stupid
fifth... what would happen to our allies if they see the u.s. military disarm?....since they would no longer be protected and could not be protected by us, and since they do not have the capacity due to their parasitic socialist spending programs to fund the increases necessary to close the gap, the likelihood is that they would go over to the enemy with appeasement or side with anti-u.s. interests in order to avoid outright occupation or attack......
We need to cut back on military spending. Its out of control



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Less than 15 minutes after receiving the order to attack, six U.S. Trident submarines at sea could loft roughly 1,000 warheads, and several Russian ballisticmissile submarines could dispatch between 300 and 400. In sum, the two nuclear superpowers remain ready to fire a total of inore than 5,000 nuclear weapons at each other within half an hour. Why do two countries at peace retain such aggressive postures, ones that perpetuate the danger of a mistaken or unauthorized launch? Because military planners on both sides remain fixated on the remote specter of a deliberate nuclear surprise attack from their former adversary. They assume that such a "first strike" would be alined against their own strategic nuclear weapons and the command centers that direct them. To deter such an assault, each country strives to ensure that it could respond with a forceful counterattack against the full spectrum 'of military targets on its opponent's territory, including all nuclear weapons installations. This requirement saddles military planners with a task virtually identical in scope to mounting a first strike: they must be able to guarantee the rapid destruction of thousands of targets spread across a distant continent. In order to meet this demand, both the U.S. and Russia rely on a launch-on-warning strategy-that is, each side is poised to release a massive retaliatory missile salvo after detecting an enemy niissile attack but before the incoming warheads arrive (which alight take just 15 minutes if they were fired from submarines nearby). Although it has thousands of warheads securely deployed at sea, the U.S. adheres to this quick-draw stance because of the vulnerability of its missile silos and command apparatus, including its political and military leadership in Washington, D.C. Russian officials perceive an even greater need to launch their missiles on warning. The General Staff evidently fears that if its nuclear missiles are not launched immediately, tticii only tens of them would be able to respond after absorbing a systematic U.S. attack. Russian command posts and missile silos are as vulnerable as those of the U.S. to a massive assault. Russia's current inability to deploy many of its most survivable forces submarines at sea and mobile land-based rockets-amplifies this worry.

A lack of resources and qualified personnel has forced the Russian navy to cut back operations considerably. At present, the Russian navy typically keeps only two of its 26 ballistic missile submarines at sea on combat patrol at any one time. Similar constraints prevent Russia from hiding more than one or two regiments of its truck-mounted mobile missiles by dispersing them in the field. The remaining 40 or so regiments, each controlling nine single-warhead missiles, keep their trucks parked in garages. These missiles are more exposed to attack than those housed in underground silos. Russia also has 36 1O-warhead nuclear missiles carried on railway cars, which were designed to be hidden along Russia's vast rail network. But these railcars remain confined to fixed garrisons in keeping with a decision made by President Gorbachev in 1991. These vulnerabilities have led Russia to ready some of its submarines in port and mobile missiles in garages to launch on warning, along with the missiles in silos. The time available for deciding to launch these weapons is shortened by the presence of American, British and French submarines cruising in the North Atlantic, only about 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) from Moscow. This proximity means that the nuclear-release procedures in Russia require a response time of less than 15 minutes: a few minutes for detecting an attack, another few minutes for top-level decision making and a few minutes for disseminating the launch order. Russian leaders and missile controllers are geared to work with in this brief time frame and to practice regularly with drills. U.S. nuclear forces operate with a similarly short fuse. It is obvious that the rushed nature of his process, from warning to decision on action, risks causing a catastrophic mistake. 'The danger is complicated by the erosion of Russia's ability to distinguish reliably between natural phenomena or peaceful ventures into space and a true missile attack.

Only one third of its modern early-warning radars are working at all, and at least two of the nine slots in its constellation of missile warning satellites are empty. The dangers stemming from this decline in Russia's technical capabilities are offset, to some extent, by the relaxation of tensions that has come with the end of the cold war. Given the milder political climate, decision makers on both sides should be more inclined to question the validity of any reports they receive of an impending missile attack. Nevertheless, the coupling of two arsenals geared for rapid response carries the inherent danger of producing a mistaken launch and an escalating volley of missiles in return. The possibility an apocalyptic accident cannot be ruled out even under normal conditions. And if the control of Russian nuclear weapons were to be stressed by an internal or international political crisis, the danger could suddenly become much more acute. During the cold war, such risks were subordinafed to the overriding requirement to deter an enemy believed to be willing to launch a nuclear attack. This rationalization is no longer defensible, if ever it was.

Today, when both countries seek normal economic relations and cooperative security arrangements, perpetuating the readiness to launch nuclear weapons on the mere warning of an attack constitutes reckless behavior. Yet this thinking is so entrenched that it will yield only to steady pressure from the public on political leaders, especially presidents-to replace it with a safer policy.

5,000 nuclear missles could be launched by the US and Soviet subs in half hour.

This is nuts. That is not even counting all the one we have in silos all around the midwest.

Its nothing but insane to have that many nukes at the fawking ready.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured

Former Vietnam vet with top secret clearance - Republican frontrunner is "a lying skunk"
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, February 7th, 2008

A former Vietnam veteran with top secret clearance says he has personally spoken to numerous POW's who dispute John McCain's claim that he refused to provide information after he was captured and tortured in Hanoi, saying that in fact McCain's code-name was "Songbird" because of his willingness to tell all to avoid torture.

Jack McLamb served nine years in secret operations in Cambodia and other nations before going on to become one of the most highly decorated police officer's in Phoenix history, winning police officer of the year twice before taking a role as a hostage negotiator for the FBI.

"I know a lot of Vietnam veterans and a few POW's and all the POW's that I've talked to over the years say that John McCain is a lying skunk," McLamb told the Alex Jones Show.

"He never was tortured - they were there in the camp with him and then when he came in....he immediately started spilling his guts about everything because he didn't want to get tortured," said McLamb, contradicting the official story that McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.

"The Vietnamese Communists called him the Songbird, that's his code name, Songbird McCain, because he just came into the camp singing and telling them everything they wanted to know," said McLamb.

McLamb said the POW's told him that McCain had sustained two broken arms and a leg injury from not pulling his arms in when he bailed out of his A-4 Skyhawk that was shot down over the Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.

The POW's said that McCain made 32 propaganda videos for the communist North Vietnamese in which he denounced America for what they were doing in Vietnam.

"They have these sealed now, our government has these sealed, we can't get to it, they have it classified," said McLamb, adding that in truth "the POW's hate John McCain."

It is commonly accepted that McCain was treated better than other POW's and afforded medical care immediately after the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral.

Several Vietnam veterans groups do solely exist to expose McCain's abandonment of veteran's interests as well as his lies about being tortured, including Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain and U.S. Veteran Dispatch.

Doubts over McCain's alleged war hero status and his support to curtail efforts to look for missing POW's contributed to torpedoing his presidential campaign in 2000 and those same questions will undoubtedly surface again should the Senator win the Republican nomination.


OK Sponge I found it. I didnt realize he was named songbird.

and to think this is all he really has is the war hero status. Could mean trouble for John and George W taking this election.

who knows, maybe they are working on the chad machines as we speak.

Web PrisonPlanet.com


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
""?i?m the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning; and as president, i will end it....


?second, i will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending

Good! Nobody seems to be paying much attention to how our dollars in Iraq are being spent.

. ..i will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems...i will not weaponize space....i will slow our development of future combat systems....

SDI has been the single largest waste of money in Americas history.

?i will institute an independent defense priorities board to ensure that the quadrennial review is not used to justify unnecessary defense spending....


?third, i will set a goal for a world without nuclear weapons.....to seek that goal, i will not develop nuclear weapons; i will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and i will negotiate with russia to take our icbm`s off hair-trigger alert, and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal.?....

This is pandering to this specific group that he's speaking to. You know damn well that he cannot get any of this done. Period. Don't worry!

disarmament is an engraved invitation to invasion and conquest....to believe otherwise is to willfully ignore history......

Speaking of 'ignoring history', you may have conveniently forgetten that Ronnie Raygun and Gorbachev, signed an agreement that eliminated/banned/whatever intermediate range nukes.

Are you willfully ignoring this, or is it just ignorance?

Oh, something else you may be willfully ignoring. Ronnie and Gorby actually had an agreement to eliminate ALL nukes, but the deal was contingent on America giving up SDI (back then, it was early enough for the Soviets to think it actually had a shot in hell of working). But Ronnie would have done it if Gorby let us continue pursuing SDI.

Whatever the case, I do not advocate what Ronnie almost did. There is no way we should give up nukes, period. I just have to wonder if you got this frantic when Ronnie was 'disarming' and offering to destroy all of our nukes, and, OH, personally meeting with the leaders of our sworn enemies.

You know, the same thing Obama gets reamed for?

they`d start running this video as a commercial....
but,they won`t...

McCains campaign would have to be drunk or crazy (no offense to smurphy personally) to run that. How out of touch are you, weasel? That's the exact stuff that got him the nomination.

god help us...



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
obama`is a fool:fingerc:



It would be nice to have a picture of you hugging McCain if you can pull some strings on that one.

I guess your pissed Hillary is gone. :SIB


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
reagan never disarmed....carter tried...and clinton did alot of damage..particularly in the intelligence field......

reagan built up our military to the point that the russians just couldn`t keep pace....

and they folded...

you can`t rewrite history...

"SDI has been the single largest waste of money in Americas history."

if sdi is such a waste,why is putin so upset that nato`s on board?.......and japan is on board......and btw...they just finished another test that was totally successful...




what a waste...lol..you`d think the russians would be happy that we`re wasting our resources....instead of pissing themselves...

you guys make this shit up as you go along?...don`t worry...bock will dismantle our best defenses and give the money to the teacher`s unions...lol

looks like you`re full of "kimchee",kosar...:D


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
reagan never disarmed....carter tried...and clinton did alot of damage..particularly in the intelligence field......

reagan built up our military to the point that the russians just couldn`t keep pace....

and they folded...

you can`t rewrite history...

"SDI has been the single largest waste of money in Americas history."

if sdi is such a waste,why is putin so upset that nato`s on board?.......and japan is on board......and btw...they just finished another test that was totally successful...




what a waste...lol..you`d think the russians would be happy that we`re wasting our resources....instead of pissing themselves...

you guys make this shit up as you go along?...don`t worry...bock will dismantle our best defenses and give the money to the teacher`s unions...lol

looks like you`re full of "kimchee",kosar...:D

what you say about reagan is true, I agree with all your points... I also agree with your clinton points.... you leave out the start of the decline, Bush 41 yrs....

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
"When even one American-who has done nothing wrong-is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth-then all Americans are in peril" Harry S. Truman


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
reagan never disarmed.

Reagan didn't 'disarm' and neither did anybody else. Reagan made a pact with Gorbachev that eliminated imtermediate range nukes. That's reducing nukes, for the hearing impaired. The same thing you're all excited about NOW.

He ALSO had an agreement in place to totally eliminate nukes of ours and nukes of theirs, but as I mentioned before, the only stickling point was Gorby insisted that we abandon SDI (even less of a standard than that, but i'll leave it at that) Look it up.

reagan built up our military to the point that the russians just couldn`t keep pace....

and they folded...

No doubt. I agree. Do YOU agree that it took him PERSONALLY meeting their leaders to get it done, or at least to really push it along?

you can`t rewrite history...


"SDI has been the single largest waste of money in Americas history."

if sdi is such a waste,why is putin so upset that nato`s on board?.......and japan is on board......and btw...they just finished another test that was totally successful...

That isn't the SDI that we've spent over a trillion dollars on. That's not SDI that Putin is resisting. WTF are you even talking about? The SDI 'vision' from 25 years ago has nothing to do with what we're trying to put into Europe now. Under the guise of 'protecting Europe from Iran', at that. lmfao.

Silliest f*cking thing i've ever heard.

you guys make this shit up as you go along?...don`t worry...bock will dismantle our best defenses and give the money to the teacher`s unions...lol

looks like you`re full of "kimchee",kosar...:D

You're a bit of a freak, my man. 'Dismantle our best defenses?' WTF? Best defenses? SDI hasn't done shit, EVER! For the trillion dollars or so, it's barely even been tested.

Ok, 'Star Wars'(SDI), undertaken by Ronnie has been a huge, huge, let's say, waste of money. Biggest ever, I believe for absolutely no return. But you just wanna keep on pouring money into it!

I grew to at least like Kimchee enough while I was over there.
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