obama wins nobel peace prize!


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Forum Member
Jul 6, 2003
obama still can't beat God. it took Him 7 days to create the world while obama needed 12 to change the world.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
guys...here we sit racking our pea-brains asking.."why??...why did obama get the nobel peace prize?".....and it was right there the whole time......

the committee obviously looked at the "crowley-gates beer summit"(the greatest act of reconciliation in our time), and made the appropriate decision......

hiding in plain sight :banghead:.....


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
guys...here we sit racking our pea-brains asking.."why??...why did obama get the nobel peace prize?".....and it was right there the whole time......

the committee obviously looked at the "crowley-gates beer summit"(the greatest act of reconciliation in our time), and made the appropriate decision......

hiding in plain sight :banghead:.....

Or maybe just maybe, they saw an american president who actually wants to try diplomacy to solve issues.

Instead of someone who goes with the bomb the brown people first idea.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Or maybe just maybe, they saw an american president who actually wants to try diplomacy to solve issues.

Instead of someone who goes with the bomb the brown people first idea.

only thing it proves is that Obama is a big PUSSY, you can't talk to terrorists, you have to let the bombs do the talking. Obama has no clue


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this thread has gotten off topic....and a little fun is turning nasty.....so i`ll be serious(but just for a second)....

this award isn`t going to persuade anyone to act as obama sees fit...he hasn`t changed any minds before and won`t after.....it isn't going to give him any more moral controlling authority than he already has....

it's not going to persuade israel to stop defending itself against palestinian terrorism(or persuade the pali`s to come to the bargaining table) and the jihadis aren't going to stop their jihad against the west, either....

russia and china aren't going to stop what they're doing....iran isn't going to suddenly give up its nuclear weapons program because he won an election or some politicized prize....

the question is,"so, why give him the award after months in office, and when he was barely in the white house when the nomination process closed?"....like 11 or 12 days...

president clinton did more for peace than obama, and he never won.....clinton did more for peace than "president in absentia" howl gore... but gore won and clinton didn't.....

plain and simple,the decision to award "the prize" is hugely politicized, and it was much more a rebuke at chimpymchaliburton than it was in giving it to obama based on obama's actual achievements....because as of 10/09/09,there are few achievements...

hell,even jimmy carter did humanitarian work building houses for people...

nobody`s "outraged"...we just think "it's funnier then hell!!!" ...and it's clear to us that the "nobel peace prize" committee has been slipping into political "bizarre-o-land" for some time... but this one takes the cake......

?Well, there?s hasn?t been any contribution to peace yet. He?s proposing things, he?s initiating things, but he is yet to deliver,? ....

/Lech Walesa, winner 1983 Nobel Peace Prize


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
this thread has gotten off topic....and a little fun is turning nasty.....so i`ll be serious(but just for a second)....

this award isn`t going to persuade anyone to act as obama sees fit...he hasn`t changed any minds before and won`t after.....it isn't going to give him any more moral controlling authority than he already has....

it's not going to persuade israel to stop defending itself against palestinian terrorism(or persuade the pali`s to come to the bargaining table) and the jihadis aren't going to stop their jihad against the west, either....

russia and china aren't going to stop what they're doing....iran isn't going to suddenly give up its nuclear weapons program because he won an election or some politicized prize....

the question is,"so, why give him the award after months in office, and when he was barely in the white house when the nomination process closed?"....like 11 or 12 days...

president clinton did more for peace than obama, and he never won.....clinton did more for peace than "president in absentia" howl gore... but gore won and clinton didn't.....

plain and simple,the decision to award "the prize" is hugely politicized, and it was much more a rebuke at chimpymchaliburton than it was in giving it to obama based on obama's actual achievements....because as of 10/09/09,there are few achievements...

hell,even jimmy carter did humanitarian work building houses for people...

nobody`s "outraged"...we just think "it's funnier then hell!!!" ...and it's clear to us that the "nobel peace prize" committee has been slipping into political "bizarre-o-land" for some time... but this one takes the cake......

?Well, there?s hasn?t been any contribution to peace yet. He?s proposing things, he?s initiating things, but he is yet to deliver,? ....

/Lech Walesa, winner 1983 Nobel Peace Prize

Good post Weise--
Yep Carter and his limp wristed foreign affairs see hostages in Iran for 444 days--the minute reagan is sworn in they release them--knowing consequences if they don't. They give carter prize.

Reminds me of Cannies festival and other political tainted orgs.

The all time classic is NOW campaigning for Billy the serial molestor
--and GW frees how many million women--and they dog him like a rabid skunk--an amazing world we live in.:)


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 13, 2009
For God's sake Yasser Arafat won the award. Can it be any more irrelevant?
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
For God's sake Yasser Arafat won the award. Can it be any more irrelevant?

i like your style,wheat....:thumb:

now for a little kumbaya!!!!

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