OJ Simpson goign to discuss how we would have commited the murders

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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
C-town I'll throw Eddie a bone here for appeasement :)--Hmm wonder why they call it "hot" chocolate?

Parents sue Starbucks over child's burns

By Diana Penner

A Hancock County couple have filed a lawsuit against Starbucks, accusing a Fishers store of serving scalding hot chocolate that seriously burned their little girl.

Michael and Alexis Brennan filed the suit Tuesday in Marion Superior Court on behalf of their daughter, Rachel.
Rachel's age is not included in the lawsuit, but it says she was in a child restraint seat in the back seat of the family car Nov. 2, 2004, when Alexis Brennan went to the Starbucks at 116th Street and I-69.
Brennan ordered a child's hot chocolate with whipped cream and an adult hot chocolate without whipped cream at the drive-through. According to the lawsuit, Starbucks' policy is to serve child drinks at lower temperature than adult drinks to avoid kids getting burned.
Brennan handed her daughter the child drink, and as she pulled away from the window, it spilled into Rachel's lap.
The child was "screaming in pain," and her mother pulled over, got Rachel out and removed her clothes to find the "skin on Rachel's leg was falling off of her."
She suffered serious burns that required repeated medical attention and could require more medical attention, the lawsuit said. The parents are seeking unspecified damages.
"Starbucks Corporation takes seriously its obligation to provide a safe product to all our customers, and we are truly sympathetic to the Brennan incident that resulted in injuries to this customer's child," Indianapolis-based Borshoff, Johnson and Matthews, a public relations firm representing Starbucks, said in a written statement.
"The incident happened after the vehicle had pulled away from the drive-through window," the statement continued. "While Starbucks regrets this incident, we believe our store partners prepared and served the drink properly and that we are not responsible for the injuries."
A New Mexico woman won $125,000 in damages after being burned by McDonald's coffee in February 1994 while she was in her car.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
No actualy I would consider myself upper middle class but that would be it. I wouldn't consider myself loaded. Mark Cuban is loaded. I just do okay. Why do you ask, douchebag?

loaded as in drunk. No need to get hostile. You may be the only one in the country right now that thinkls OJ might be innocent but to each his own. Good luck cracking the case. Guys like you are the reason i try to run a straight laced life. To have someone like you (on a jury)judging my fate makes me shiver. Im sorry i even commented to your post. I should have just laughed like everyone else.
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Rupe is in soup with troops

O'Reilly rips Murdoch, book, show


O.J. Simpson makes a point during his TV interview with publisher Judith Regan to promote his book "If I Did It," which Fox personalities Bill O'Reilly (below) and Geraldo Rivera found offensive.

Rupert Murdoch was said to be unavailable for comment on his Fox News' stars attack on the O.J. book and TV tie-in.

Fox News firebrand Bill O'Reilly threatened yesterday to whack Rupert Murdoch in the wallet for promoting O.J. Simpson's how-I-murdered-my-wife book.
Vowing to boycott any company that advertises on Fox's two-part special hyping O.J.'s "If I Did It," O'Reilly declared: "If every American walked away from the O.J. garbage, it wouldn't happen."

"I'm not going to watch the Simpson show or even look at the book," he added. "If any company sponsors the TV program, I will not buy anything that company sells - ever."

Geraldo Rivera, another Fox News star, piled on and called the book "appalling."

"I will bash this project every minute I have the opportunity to bash this project," Rivera said.

Simpson's book is being published Nov. 30 by ReganBooks, which is named after its head, Judith Regan, and is an imprint in Murdoch's News Corp. - which also owns Fox broadcasting.

Faced with a fusillade of fury from even house conservatives like O'Reilly, the media titan cut and run from the controversy yesterday.

"I can't reach him today," Murdoch's spokesman, Howard Rubenstein, said. "I would have no comment for him."


% MAN !!!!
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Aug 5, 2003
rochester ny


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Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
loaded as in drunk. No need to get hostile. You may be the only one in the country right now that thinkls OJ might be innocent but to each his own. Good luck cracking the case. Guys like you are the reason i try to run a straight laced life. To have someone like you (on a jury)judging my fate makes me shiver. Im sorry i even commented to your post. I should have just laughed like everyone else.

I'm sorry you comment on any post, personally. I wasn't getting hostile, merely stating a point. Orenthal James Simpson was found innocent and you are a douchebag..................as I said, simply stating the facts.
As far as me being the only one in the U.S. that thinks he is innocent........I beg to differ..............I know that there are at least twelve other people that think or thought that way also.
And you should get down on your hands and knees and kiss the ground and thank what ever God it is you pray to that there are people like me sitting on jurys you idiot. Are you telling me that you find nothing wrong with the prosecution trying and succeeding in entering blood evidence that was found more than six weeks after the crime was commited. Are you also telling me that blood evidence that is not properly preserved and left in the heat of a California sun in a van next to more unpreserved blood evidence is not comprimised???? Are you friggin kidding me? Would you want to go on trial for murder where the prosecution's entire argument for time of death is based on the very suspect testimony of a housewife's account of when a fuhkin dog started barking???? The coroner could not give an accurate time of death due to the fact that they didn't call the coroner for over 14 hours?

You see, just because Geraldo thinks he is guilty is not what I premise my decisions in life on. I prefer to not let media hype influence my thought process. That is why you are a douchebag also. Instead of coming up with some intelligent argument to state why O.J. is guilty or why you disagree with me, you call me drunk. Instead of making a legible point, you state that everyone is laughing at me and you should have also. What the hell is that????? You couldn't have believed that you would win this did you? Have you read any of my posts before???? Are you really that stupid?

Now if you want to speak intelligently on the facts of the case(first go get a non-relative that can speak intelligently), for instance, when the lead detective Mr. Van Atter testified that he had 8 mls. of blood drawn from the defendant and then the doctor that drew it testified, on TAPE I MIGHT ADD you should check it out, to the very same thing. Only to have Van Atter take that vial of blood and instead of checking that fresh blood into evidence...............he goes to both crime scenes with the blood in his pocket. The funny thing is..........he walks directly by the evidence room to exit the police station and has the blood in his hand.................hmmmmmmmmm. Then, not a day later a drop of blood miraculously appears on a fence and lo and behold..........Van Atters blood sample is now being checked into evidence but wait.............there is only 6.9 mls of blood now............whoops.........what hapened to it. Oh then the doctor comes back and changes his sworn statement to say only 6.9 was removed. You probably don't have actual real blood so you may not be familiar with this fact, but blood vials used were incrementally marked as where the ones that housed O.J.'s blood. They are simply full at 8 mls and now this one was not full. This is pretty easy to understand, had blood now blood gone, where blood? Get it Potsie? Do you know what constitutes a drop of blood? Around a milliliter. Funny how that missing blood equals almost all of the blood evidence from O.J.

You shouldn't be shivering Douche, you should be thanking the world that there are still some free thinkers left.

Normally I would bombard you with insults that would be hurtful and extremely funny to everyone else however, I have decided to try to take the high road, except for the whole douche thing, and maybe educate someone on what is left of the American Justice system.
Hope this helps,

p.s. Douchebag!........................sorry couldn't help it.
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Keyser Soze

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Jan 20, 2000
Fat Daddy......

If he is so innocent, please tell me how their blood was in his truck? And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't try and tell me that it was planted.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Fat Daddy......

If he is so innocent, please tell me how their blood was in his truck? And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't try and tell me that it was planted.

dude why bother. The guy is obviously an idiot who likes to think he is smarter than he actually is. He calls himself a clear thinker. I say he is a double jackass. end of story

danmurphy jr

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Sep 14, 2004
He was not found innocent, he was found not guilty. There is a difference. He can be tried by the federal government for violating their civil rights. His book is on the Amazon best seller list and won't be out until NOV> 30
The TV interview will break all viewing records, thanks in part to those 2 scumbags(Rivera-o'reilly)
PS Goldman should get coal in his stocking(another scumbag). Is there 1 M in scumbag or 2?
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

I have decided to try to take the high road,


That was a good one.

The one thing that stands out in my mind is I was able to pick out the killer in the Scott Peterson trial and watched marine wearing the KOD is my daddy sign around his neck,

One pointe I would point out is that if that nazi Mark Furman had not been involved OJ probably would have been convicted.

There is no doubt in my mind that Furman more than likely planted the glove, trying to help out the prosecution. What a cop, what a man, and to believe Furman is a professional witness now on talk shows.
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Fat Daddy......

If he is so innocent, please tell me how their blood was in his truck? And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't try and tell me that it was planted.

I cannot possibly explain that other than to say that O.J. is not the only person in that household that had access to the keys to the Bronco. In my honest opinion, I have always believed it was the son that commited the crime but I will say also that the tow truck driver did testify that he saw none of the blood evidence in the Bronco when he drove it into the lock up and secured it. He was in the car for twenty or so minutes and testified that he saw none of the blood evidence. That being said, I am not trying to say O.J. is a good guy. I am trying to say that he was aquitted because there was reasonable doubt. The evidence collection was severely tainted etc..... But hey, I couldn't give a rats ass whether anyone agrees with me, but I am able to form a cognitaive opinion on the matter.
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
dude why bother. The guy is obviously an idiot who likes to think he is smarter than he actually is. He calls himself a clear thinker. I say he is a double jackass. end of story

Let me ask you something there Spongy. How, exactly, does one think they are smarter than they actually are? Isn't thinking ability the whole premise of being smart? It's quite apparent that you think that you are wittier than you actually are. I do like the fact that you didn't try to argue any points or anything like that. It suits you better just to call names and such. You're not a real intelligent individual so its good you found yourself a niche.
You should make up a flyer. Maybe someone on your floor will have the need for a humorless, idiotic, douchebag. Things are looking up for the Sponge family. You may be the first in the sponge family that doesn't qualify for public aid. Won't that be something. Okay lights out and bed check is coming up better get into your room and strap in.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Let me ask you something there Spongy. How, exactly, does one think they are smarter than they actually are? Isn't thinking ability the whole premise of being smart? It's quite apparent that you think that you are wittier than you actually are. I do like the fact that you didn't try to argue any points or anything like that. It suits you better just to call names and such. You're not a real intelligent individual so its good you found yourself a niche.
You should make up a flyer. Maybe someone on your floor will have the need for a humorless, idiotic, douchebag. Things are looking up for the Sponge family. You may be the first in the sponge family that doesn't qualify for public aid. Won't that be something. Okay lights out and bed check is coming up better get into your room and strap in.

Im gonna sit here and rehash something from 10 years ago? There is 13 people who think he is innocent in this country and you are one of them. They lost this case by picking the Jury. Its that simple. I find in amazing all the mudslinging you are doing yet you accuse me of it. You are in such a minority its to comical to even go on. There was a point where he was gonna kill himself. I don't know man i would have to fight for my life if i was innocent. He wanted to end his. If im innocent im going on the stand he chose not to. Most if not all people who choose not to are guilty because they would be open up like a small peanut. Yeah i know his counsel told him not to go to the stand. They told him this because he would have made a fool of himself. The gloves were the funniest thing tho. You would think their was acid inside of them the way he was struggling.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Im gonna sit here and rehash something from 10 years ago? There is 13 people who think he is innocent in this country and you are one of them. They lost this case by picking the Jury. Its that simple. I find in amazing all the mudslinging you are doing yet you accuse me of it. You are in such a minority its to comical to even go on. There was a point where he was gonna kill himself. I don't know man i would have to fight for my life if i was innocent. He wanted to end his. If im innocent im going on the stand he chose not to. Most if not all people who choose not to are guilty because they would be open up like a small peanut. Yeah i know his counsel told him not to go to the stand. They told him this because he would have made a fool of himself. The gloves were the funniest thing tho. You would think their was acid inside of them the way he was struggling.

And by your statements THAT is what makes him guilty?!??!?!?! Because he ran, or didn't take the stand? Are you African-American Sponge? If not then I hardly think you qualify to speak for a black man that had to absolutely KNOW that the press would crucify him and his life as he knew it was over. The instant they found her and the crack dealer, they sought out and accused O.J. The media I mean. Maybe he chose not to take the stand because he had nothing to offer on the case? You see Sponge, you want him to be guilty. You want to be able to walk down the street and point your finger at another black man and say hes a murderer because you say so. You will continue to look for reasons to substantiate your claims, however they are baseless and completely void of substance and fact. I wouldn't rehash anything from ten years ago either if I had no idea what the hell I was talking about, and you obviously have none. You had days to come up with some sustanative argument to prove your point and the best you could do is "he ran, hes guilty".
As far as the mudslinging goes, with you it is a constant. You take a stab at everyone on here all the time so don't give me the "poor me bullshit". The most important thing YOU should know about me is that I do not make claims or statements based on crap. I generally do my homework before I speak on a subject. Keep that in mind next time you feel the need to show your ignorance on a subject. Cheers.
Hope this helps,

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
You win. For the first time in m post board life i can't even give you the decency to read your entire posts. I lose. This is like debating if water is wet. Its a black thingwith you i got it. Some people use religion as a crutch and some people use the black thing as a crutch. Im glad my black buddies use their brains to get where they are and not the famous crutch.
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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
You win. For the first time in m post board life i can't even give you the decency to read your entire posts. I lose. This is like debating if water is wet. Its a black thingwith you i got it. Some people use religion as a crutch and some people use the black thing as a crutch. Im glad my black buddies use their brains to get where they are and not the famous crutch.

I'm white Sponge and Irish. I am very glad to hear that someone on your floor is using their brains. It is not about the black thing with me at all but this is ridiculous. You haven't even the ability to argue on an intelligent level so I will give up also.
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