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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
exterminating the Jews is a little different from examining the Arab national as he gets on the airplane.....doing an intensive background check on all Arab males 17-35 is just a little bit different than slavery dont you think?

and running airplanes into buildings, blowing up ships, detonating nuclear and chemical weapons, exterminating your people who disagree with you and succumbing their families to rape and torture is just a wee bit different than thinking that Jews are a little stingy with their money.....

other than that....great comparison!!!!

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Since it appears clear that we are not going to get any more intelligent comments here, could someone please close this thread? And could someone also please issue a warning to posters about banishing anyone who makes overtly racist comments about any group, even Muslims?


G Money

Forum Member
Aug 23, 2001
Nick, I thought we lived in a free country where we could state our opinion, but I guess anyone that disagrees with you is wrong. I have never agreed with Freeze on anything before but I agree with him on this. In my opinion it is people like you that ruin this country. I had to hurry up and say this before you go cry to Jack to get the thread closed.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

Closing the thread will prove nothing, either. People will always have differing opinions on a multitude of subjects, and religion, politics, and social issues, will always lead to heated debate.

To compare what is being done, or wanted to to be done by some people, in regards to the airport situation, to what Hitler did with Jews, is absolutely ridiculous. There are far better analogies, I am sure.

No one is suggesting eradicating an entire ethnicity over this! I can appreciate your passion in this matter, but perhaps you wrote this one without looking at the whole scope.

At any rate.......no one will sway anothers opinion here, so the back and forth is quite pointless.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
interesting thread...I guess a lot of you have signed up for the TIPS program...if not, hurry up!

regarding ferdville's post - if the sniper turns out to be a white male, should whites then become the subject of such "racial profiling"? Hey it was also a white male who killed JFK, don't forget McVeigh...I'm sure you could find many more anti-American acts commited by white people than by Arabs...so following the same logic, what do you do?

I assume people like doc would say - those whites were just insane individuals, while Arabs are "lovers of evil" due to their race? huh, that's clever.

Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
That's basically what I was trying to say and I received a lot of flack. Nice job Nick Douglas!

You idiot. That has nothing to do with what you were talking about. Their discussion was not even related to ours.

You lose again, be gracious in defeat. :p


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Private Petey said:
Don't bury your head in the sand, fellas, it could and probably will happen, especially if we give senior citizens a free-pass at the airport security gates. Let's try to be logical about this for a change. What better way to fool us!!!


Still lmfao about this one!!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
nostromo said:
interesting thread...I guess a lot of you have signed up for the TIPS program...if not, hurry up!

regarding ferdville's post - if the sniper turns out to be a white male, should whites then become the subject of such "racial profiling"? Hey it was also a white male who killed JFK, don't forget McVeigh...I'm sure you could find many more anti-American acts commited by white people than by Arabs...so following the same logic, what do you do?

I assume people like doc would say - those whites were just insane individuals, while Arabs are "lovers of evil" due to their race? huh, that's clever.

nope if you read the thread doc would profile the white trash just as well.....common sense dictates you profile everyone....it is for everyones protection that you do.....

get it right...if you read thread you would know better....also think that hitler, mcveigh, etc were lovers of evil....i believe evil is capable of manifesting itself in any of us if we let it.....

anyway....i disagree....this is a good thread and people need to discuss issues......people are not racist for promoting profiling etc.....we believe that everyone is created equal and that no one should feel discriminated against cuz of their race.....this whole discrimination theory has a basic premise -- and that is that some races are inferior......I do not believe that and also do not think we need to teach that......everyone is created equal and we all do things differently and every race has its upsides and downsides....and like you don't sell a crazy looking white man 1000 lbs of fertilizer and gasoline, you do background checks on Arab nationals who are in the US.......

when all else fails.....use common sense......

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
by the way.....if there really is anyone discriminated against these days.....it is the anglo-male.....the hoops that i had to jump through to get into med school were ridiculous compared to some of my other classmates fitting a different demographic.......

but you know what? i decided to sac up and overcome this "adversity" instead of crying about it......


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
dr. freeze said:
by the way.....if there really is anyone discriminated against these days.....it is the anglo-male.....the hoops that i had to jump through to get into med school were ridiculous compared to some of my other classmates fitting a different demographic.......

but you know what? i decided to sac up and overcome this "adversity" instead of crying about it......

It's only a matter of time in these 'race-related' debates that somebody throws out the old 'poor me, i'm a white man discriminated against' argument. Nothing more irritating than that, but it's par for the course for mental midgets like Mr. Freeze.

BTW- aren't you crying about it right now? It's easier to throw it out there now rather than when it's 'happening' because it never really 'happened', did it?

Yup, the 'Anglo-male' is definitely the most discriminated against sub-set. Aside from having every advantage in the world over other races and genders from the day we are born, the oppression is horrible.

I've found that this nonsense is used every bit as often to justify/mitigate failures by white males (the chosen and privileged in this country) as by the minorities who the same people so often accuse of impeding *their* progress in life. That's a f*ckin joke.

In this case, Mr. Freeze throws his arms in the air in triumph for overcoming all the odds to get into med school. It's rare that Anglo males are admitted, but somehow with all the bias against that group, he made it! WTG Mr. Freeze, and God help your patients if by some miracle you ever actually become a doctor.


Registered User
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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Evidently I need to polish my writing skills so that some of you better understand what I am trying to convey. My apologies. My point, which included the Viet Nam analogy, was that we cannot focus on ONE group. It would be silly and extremely short-sighted to do so. During the Viet Nam war, women and children were used BECAUSE they DID NOT fit the profile. That was my reason for including that particular point. The fact that all the incidents mentioned in the obviously satirical quiz were committed by one specific group would only indicate that there is more than enough reason to look at that particular group as potential killers. Yes, McVeigh was white as were hundreds of thousands of other criminals throughout the ages. In no way am I suggesting that whites, blacks, hispanics, germans or any other race has lived on earth without guilt. However, there is no evidence that any of the above have engaged in systematic attacks on innocent people RECENTLY to the same degree that the radical muslims have. This is an organized effort to accomplish a single goal. I doubt that there was any connection between Timothy McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald, the white cops that beat up Rodney King, et al. These were random acts, albeit perhaps spurred on by the same ideals, unconnected with one another. You can live with your head in the sand and make apologies for the radical muslims if you like. Certainly they represent only a minute fraction of muslims worldwide. I have not heard anybody denounce ALL middle eastern people of whatever religious bent. Just as you mention Skinheads, the Aryan brotherhood, KKK, whatever - they represent an organized (somewhat) effort by a group to accomplish a goal. The radical muslims are no different. I never intimated that white males or females should not be profiled simply because they are white. Re-read my entire post rather than selectively taking words out of context and show me where I have deviated from this tenet. And suggesting that those of us with different viewpoints lack intelligence is perhaps one of the most immature responses that I have ever heard from an educated adult. Are those of us with divergent viewpoints lacking intelligence because we are ignorant, misunderstand facts. or simply hold an opinion that differs?


Registered User
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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
"I just don't see how picking out a number of individual high profile cases of extremists acting against the ideals of the majority of a group of people proves anything. If a racist person wanted to, they could point out the acts of extremists in any group as so-called "proof" that the group needs to be contained." This quote courtesy of Mr. Nick Douglas.
You don't think picking out these examples(radical muslim atrocities) proves anything? How can anyone think such a thing? It doesn't prove anything? Doesn't it indicate to you that there is an organized group of people representing a specific ideology that are murdering people throughout the world to advance their own philosophy of what is right or wrong? Do you not believe that these acts of violence committed by the radical muslims and occuring on an increasingly frequent basis, are reason for concern?
O.K., Nick - unless Jack has closed this thread because so many of us ore too moronic to understand the world as you do, please take the time to list for me a series of ten or more incidents that have occurred within recent years that point to organized "acts of extremists in any group" (white, black, hispanic, asian, somalians, you pick it) that have taken place on the same level as those of the radical muslims. Also be sure that these actions have occurred in many countries of the world, including the U.S. I promise not to label you a racist for doing so, simply help me understand. Just give me the facts so I may remove the dunce cap from my head.
I don't believe that anyone in this thread has made an attempt to EXCUSE any ethnic group for their actions nor has anyone suggested that the muslim extremists are the ONLY people in the world committing crimes or acts of terror. But facts are facts in regard to the multiple atrocities committed by this single group of fanatics. Of course, I guess some of us just don't measure up in the area of intelligence. We were probably picked on by bigger kids playing dodgeball in elementary school and that has caused us to be unable to understand simple things due to our trauma. Good luck on all your wagers this weekend my fellow USC alumnus.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
kosar said:
In this case, Mr. Freeze throws his arms in the air in triumph for overcoming all the odds to get into med school. It's rare that Anglo males are admitted, but somehow with all the bias against that group, he made it! WTG Mr. Freeze, and God help your patients if by some miracle you ever actually become a doctor.

no offense drfreeze.

but what do you call a minority being operated on by someone who thinks like drfreeze, with a scapel in his hand ?


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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
dr. freeze said:
by the way.....if there really is anyone discriminated against these days.....it is the anglo-male.....the hoops that i had to jump through to get into med school were ridiculous compared to some of my other classmates fitting a different demographic.......

but you know what? i decided to sac up and overcome this "adversity" instead of crying about it......


explain the hoops that were necessary for you to jump through to get into med school that your other classmates ( the minority ones ) didnt ....what a laugh that is....

Mostly they just wink at the white guys and wave them by....

yeh waiting.................:moon: :moon: :moon:



Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 23, 2001
Whenever these race issues come up it gets ugly in here.Everbody has their on thoughts and beliefs.But as far as muslim radicals and arab governments that are corrupt we cant forget Iran,Syria,and Lebanon.Very corrupt governments.They promote and finance these extreme terroists!!!!As for the sniper....I could care less if he's white,Jewish,Black,or Muslim.I just hope we catch and kill this waste of a human being!!!!!!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
I totally agree on all your points. In my opinion, there are few people in this entire forum that have rasicst agendas. Those that do don't last long or are never taken seriously. However, the mere fact that we discuss both sides of racial issues doesn't make one a racist or an apologist. People that tend to pigeon-hole posters for one viewpoint or another in any particular thread, are as guilty of intolerance as one they would rail against for intolerance. As long as people stick to a relative view of the facts available, there is nothing wrong with disagreement.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Ever since I've been a member of this forum, I've tried and tried to get some sort of real, true feel for what kind of person Kosar is in "real life". I've gone from thinking he was the biggest loser that this forum has ever seen to seeing that he is the biggest ASSET this forum has ever had.

I've never met Kosar, nor do I ever know if I will. But, if I do, I will shake his hand, look him in the eye, and tell him that I am pleased to have met him. His simple, yet powerful summation of the evil that Dr Mengele,.... er Freeze, spouts everytime he posts at this forum is nothing short of pure genius.

Any of you that think that "racial profiling" is not an act of pure, unadulterated racism need to take a step back and truly think about what it is that you are thinking. ANY time you single out a racial minority, it is an act of racism. Please be more intelligent than that............and realize that as caucasians, YOU are the minority in the world..........


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
In a perfect world we would each have to live with consequences of our beliefs----but unfortunately there are planes and skyscrapers full of people that are not afforded that luxury.:(


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
sorry folks, but this topic never does well here.

yes, the general forum is here for 'off-topic' discussions but politics, religion and race always create problems that will spill into the handicapping forums.

geez, close families even get mad at each other and break up over these topics, we're discussing these things behind a keyboard to faceless friends and it never works.

i try my best to leave topics open and i try to stay away from deleting topics as well, but when you have thousands of people to try to please it's hard. i can't please everybody but i can try.

race, religion and politics do not work here.

i would have closed this one earlier but i was at my son's football game last night and had to take him to the hostpital with 5 minutes left in the game. they thought he broke his wrist and he has a severe sprain. i didn't get home until real late (early in the morning) and didn't check the site.

freeze, if you start it up again, i'll close it again.
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