Pacquiao Vs Hatton - KOD


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

winning in Vegas is like bringing home the big fish



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
as of 4 PM day of the fight

Pacquiao to win by KO, TKO or Dq +115


that KO prop is scary for Vegas !


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 28, 2007
Rumour 1) Hatton finished his sparring on Wednesday of last week, two days earlier than usual, not because he and his trainer, Floyd Mayweather Sr, were happy they could not make him any sharper but because he had to have a cortisone injection in his left elbow.

Hatton shot that one down. He said he's never been fitter before a fight. While he nearly always says that, I could find no confirmation of the story, and he did not appear at all uncomfortable when he met the British press on Monday night. He was alert, relaxed, confident and slim.

"I gave the sparring partners a right hiding," he says. "That's the way you want it to be in your last session. Normally we'd do our last session on the Friday but we didn't need to. There's only one way you can go when you've got it just right, and that's backwards.":SIB

Rumour 2) This one is harder to pin down or stand up: Mayweather Sr is seriously put out by the way some members of the entourage are treating him. They ignore him in the gym and, generally, leave him out of the loop.

The story goes that when they went to Los Angeles for a press conference last week, they did not tell him they were staying overnight and he consequently did not bring with him the medication he needs for his debilitating chest condition. Instead, he turned up in his suit, with no change of clothes, and someone had to rush to a drugstore to get his medicine.:violin:

If Mayweather, a fiercely proud but vulnerable man, is put out, this might explain a story in the Daily Mirror this week, which quoted him as saying, "I taught Ricky to box. Ricky didn't know anything when I started with him. He had brute strength, that was it. When I first went down to England to see him, you know, it was horrendous. But you look at him today, he's totally different." This, of course, contradicted his earlier view that, "Ricky could win this fight without me. But he has a much better chance with me.":sadwave:

Rumour 3) Billy Graham, whom Hatton sacked as his trainer before the Paul Malignaggi fight, is going through with his threat to sue the fighter for 10% of his earnings in the 10 years he was with him. That cut might be as high as ?3m. Graham will remember that Kevin Rooney successfully sued Mike Tyson for a similar amount. Whatever, it's sad to hear Graham tell the Sun: "It's been a fairytale and the fairytale has now been ruined. For me it has, anyway. I loved him."

The truth of that story will be tested in the most public forum, the courts.

It might explain, also, Hatton's continued references to the good times with Graham. He peppers nearly every discussion about his switch to Mayweather Sr with phrases such as "Don't get me wrong, what Billy and me had was special." He refers time and again to Graham's failing health and inability to stand up to the rigours of training. What then, of Mayweather, who looks and talks like a man half his age but inside is struggling with lungs that cause him serious pain?

Rumour 4) Hatton was rocked a few times by sparring partners in the early part of his preparation in Las Vegas. Well, what can you say? To buy into this you have to believe that boxing is a no-risk business where the main man gets to throw all the punches, with none coming back. Fighters invariably take a shot or two getting ready for a fight. What the rumour didn't add was that Hatton held the shots.:00hour


Sorry but you do not get rocked by sparring partners in training for a big fight, if you are top of your game. What you want to read is that Ricky knocked a few sparring partners the fawk out.

Pacman aint no sparring partner.

:00hour :0corn :00hour

according to russ anber, a well known boxing name in canada, hatton wasn't just rocked during sparring, but was koed.

The Brainiac

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Forum Member
Mar 14, 2009
I am on NOT Will M. Pacquiao win by KO, TKO, D.Q. ?

but then again I was also on Nam Phan yesterday in Sengoku and paid bookies off . Hatton is tough and I cant take much from Manny's fight against Oscar De La PAYDAY .


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i`m a little perplexed by the overwhelming opinion on pacquaio...

why is this?....was it the dehydrated,i.v.`ed oscar beatdown?...beating a helpless david diaz?...going life and death with marquez twice?...a marquez who was getting getting beaten up by juan diaz until landing some beautiful shots?...

is it because hatton`s only loss was in an over-the-weight fight to the p-f-p best fighter of his generation?....

anybody remember hatton wrecking,roughing up and retiring kostya tszyu for good?...

this is at hatton`s natural,best weight...a weight that he`s never lost at...

i mean,i can see taking manny.....he`s a lefy...he`s quick.....i think we have an utter mis-match trainer-wise.... he`s moved up in weight,manny hasn`t been whacking guys in a round or two...his punching power is a tad diminshed,imo...he has to wear guys down....and that`s exactly what hatton does...

manny should have to go rounds...and unless hatton`s suddenly old at 30(manny`s 30,too)it`s gonna get pretty rough in there....

this is a different style than manny`s been used to fighting...he`s not fighting a measured calm boxer-puncher like dlh/marquez/barrera/morales....nor is he fighting a slow,lead-footed pug like diaz.....

he`s fighting a rough and tumble pressure fighting,elbow throwing,shoulder blocking,rabbit punching,quick champion who has said he`s coming after pacquaio...

i`m curious to see how manny fights backing up...

not dissuading anyone from taking manny.....he`s the favorite....but,at +210 i`m taking a flyer with hatton and those crazy brits that will be wreaking havoc in las vagas...

i think i have a real shot here......


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
kickserv has..........

Hatton wins in round 10-12 $12.00 (11-1) *1 cent

Hatton wins by 12 round decision $8.30 (+730) *2 cents

Ricky Hatton beat Manny Pacquiao $3.15 (+215) *4 cents

Yes, that is correct, the boxing guru, the god of all boxing capping, is on Hatton. Can kickserv name three boxers?.....ummm no he can't. Does kickserv know anything about boxing? No he knows nothing.

kickserv didn't even know boxing still exsisted:142smilie

So follow kickserv, he knows his stuff:liar:

Oh, also have Hatton by rear-naked choke in round 2kurby


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Well since I know zero zippo nadda about boxing I thought I'd cut back to cents. Ya know to respect Joe Rogan:142smilie


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Well ummm.....guess Hatton didn't win huh:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:

Hatton should have tried for the rear-naked choke:142smilie
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