per request: US Troop Casualty Thread


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Here's a place where we can keep track and honor our soldiers who have died in the Iraq conflict.

This Week:

Staff Sgt. Jonathon L. Martin 33 1st Squadron, 32nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Bellevue, Ohio Died on November 22, 2007, in Regensburg, Germany, of wounds suffered when his vehicle encountered a roadside bomb in Jisr Naft, Iraq, on November 9, 2007

Spc. Melvin L. Henley Jr. 26 603rd Aviation Support Battalion, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division Jackson, Mississippi Died of injuries suffered from non-combat related incident at Camp Striker in Baghdad, Iraq, on November 21, 2007

Sgt. Alfred G. Paredez Jr. 32 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Las Vegas, Nevada Died of wounds suffered when his vehicle struck a roadside bomb in Baghdad, Iraq, on November 20, 2007

....Rest in Peace
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
in addition equally support those in the field in their efforts finish the job they want to finish---and don't forget those back home -recruiters included.
--and you might want to honor those that died in peacetime--as there were more deaths in 8 diff years of peace time from 1980 to 2002 than in the worst year (2005) of Afgan and Iraq wars combined .
casualty list

another list more pertinent to vets my age--there were 3 of these peace time years that had more deaths than 1971 kia's-the last full combat year of Viet Nam.
casualty list

from list of casualties
KIA Casualties Viet Nam

From a vets perstective: I can tell you with certainty from being there--there were no NVA (North Viet Nam Regulars) operating in Viet Nam in division strength by 1971 only their rag tag Viet Cong units. We were basically doing support for the South--the bad years of mass casualties were behind us as you can see from charts.

Then we had defeat for the south snatched out of jaws of victory by the same people who are trying it again--don't listen to those who would like you to believe we've lost or want to retreat "again"--

If you really want to honor troops past and present-Let these soilders/families of soilders who gave and continue to give the ultimate sacrifice be able to see the job to completion--and not to have given so much with victory finally within reach only to see "others" throw in the towel "again"--


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
in addition equally support those in the field in their efforts finish the job they want to finish---and don't forget those back home -recruiters included.
--and you might want to honor those that died in peacetime--as there were more deaths in 8 diff years of peace time from 1980 to 2002 than in the worst year (2005) of Afgan and Iraq wars combined .
casualty list

another list more pertinent to vets my age--there were 3 of these peace time years that had more deaths than 1971 kia's-the last full combat year of Viet Nam.
casualty list

from list of casualties
KIA Casualties Viet Nam

From a vets perstective: I can tell you with certainty from being there--there were no NVA (North Viet Nam Regulars) operating in Viet Nam in division strength by 1971 only their rag tag Viet Cong units. We were basically doing support for the South--the bad years of mass casualties were behind us as you can see from charts.

Then we had defeat for the south snatched out of jaws of victory by the same people who are trying it again--don't listen to those who would like you to believe we've lost or want to retreat "again"--

If you really want to honor troops past and present-Let these soilders/families of soilders who gave and continue to give the ultimate sacrifice be able to see the job to completion--and not to have given so much with victory finally within reach only to see "others" throw in the towel "again"--

I have no idea what you are talking about. I will do my best to keep this thread going with regular updates of Iraq conflict casualties. This is not meant to be any kind of political statement. Several people felt that it wasn't right to mention Sean Taylor's death while so many troops go unmentioned. I agree with that sentiment. These fallen soldiers should be mentioned.


Tent Maker
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Above the Clouds....
Excellent post. We have had a few local boys that lost their lives over there. All those that have died and those that are defending our country recieve my utmost respect and prayers!


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I have no idea what you are talking about. I will do my best to keep this thread going with regular updates of Iraq conflict casualties. This is not meant to be any kind of political statement. Several people felt that it wasn't right to mention Sean Taylor's death while so many troops go unmentioned. I agree with that sentiment. These fallen soldiers should be mentioned.
And even a bigger CHEERS to this one:00x27 :00x1 :11jackson :clap:

Sorry about all the a shitty letter from management via e-mail complaining about my lack of usage of the aforementioned annoying little things. Something about declining sponsorship blah blah blah.

Anyway, I truly appreciate the post, thanks again and in complete agreement with you on not making political. These men and women died fighting for the same freedoms we now enjoy. While I may not necessarily agree with our "political" decision making to be there, thats still our boys and girls there and our men and women giving their life for a cause, regardless of their veiws. Incredible act of bravery and patriotism.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
And even a bigger CHEERS to this one:00x27 :00x1 :11jackson :clap:

Sorry about all the a shitty letter from management via e-mail complaining about my lack of usage of the aforementioned annoying little things. Something about declining sponsorship blah blah blah.

Anyway, I truly appreciate the post, thanks again and in complete agreement with you on not making political. These men and women died fighting for the same freedoms we now enjoy. While I may not necessarily agree with our "political" decision making to be there, thats still our boys and girls there and our men and women giving their life for a cause, regardless of their veiws. Incredible act of bravery and patriotism.



please stop complementing murphy on his posts...he is going to be more unbearable to deal with then he is now...


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

please stop complementing murphy on his posts...he is going to be more unbearable to deal with then he is now...
I could do without the Jacko smilie, but the others are cool. AR does have a point, but I think I can maintain some humilty this time.

Sorry to DTB as I'm sure he's a bit edgy about the sincerity of my posts since he thinks I'm some kind of terrorist loving liberal or something. You don't have to believe me, but I think I've been rather clear about my support and appreciation for the soldiers as a whole. Remember, my father served 2 tours in Vietnam as well (of course he has an entirely different outlook on that war than you). It affected him and our family very much - mostly negatively. But I am proud of his service - as well as my uncle in Vietnam and grandfather in WW2 and so on all the way back to some farmer guy in Pennsylvania who fought in the Revolution and had 12 children who I'm somehow connected to.

Again - this thread is meant only to mention the names of those who have fallen. ...Nothing else.


Registered User
Forum Member
May 10, 2006
It really is sad how our citizens seem to be so
caught up in their own little self important world
that the daily death count overseas seems non-
existant. Our country truly has gone to hell in a
handbasket as my Dad used to say when he was
still alive. (Lived through the Great Depression
and fought in WW2).


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Depends on what the daily death count is used for--if for honoring soilders great--if for trying to use to drum up anti war sentiment ala CNN-thats a diff story.

--as far as Smurph I would say his intent was good as he was one of 1st to donate to Dawgball's request for packages for troops in Iraq.

Being against a war is fine--but to root against troops fighting there--are for politicians to say publically they have lost--when still fighting is quite another.

Soilders in the field might not believe in cause of war but that does not keep them from volunteering to serve--which many find hard or will never be able to understand--but it is committment to their country-fellow soilders--and bonding to those in war zone that count on them for protection.

Case in point--Smurph alluded to his father having diff ideas on VN than myself--yet served not one but two tours--that is a very special soilder--and I salute him.


yankee hater
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004
smurph, good job. thanks for posting...

fdc, is that really you? NICE...


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
smurph, good job. thanks for posting...

fdc, is that really you? NICE...

Yea baby thats me!!!!!!!
I toll youz guyz I liked ole Smurph, he just bags my britches sometimes but I am all about supporting our troops, patriotism, country, freedom and all that. Yea, I am a Centrist and wouldn't mind seeing G.W Bush pay $3.41 a gallon, for real out of his own pocket not the
federal Government and my tax dollars, for diesel just before some fed up citizen took a bat to his knees but that is a different story.

Hell Rip, I love my way of life and proudly served in the Marine Corps and would have proudly served again if I could have after those cowardly bastards took the innocent lives of thousands on 9/11 and appreciate anyone who would make such a sacrifice simply standing on the sword of freedom. God Bless America! and you too Rip, seriously, I am getting ready to go to the lake cuz I called in a vacation day and am going fishing. (Tournament coming up) I love this game, really do. Can't do that everywhere though and those men and women making the sacrifices that allow me to pursue my interests and freedoms are the real heroes of the day.

Cheers Rip, good to hear from ya but yea bro it is me. I am not always an ass ya know:00hour


Forum Member
Oct 10, 2007
Iraq never attacked us, so to say that our troops are "defending" us is false. Like a little tiny country with no nukes 8,000 miles away is really going to "attack" a superpower with nuclear weapons that has demonstrated time and again it is willing to murder people and interfere with foreign governments -- including Iraq's! -- based on the slimmest of pretexts.

"We" -- i.e., the Jews and traitorous elite who run our country -- have killed over a million Iraqi citizens. Virtually every family in the country is messed up because of our actions. WE ARE ATTACKING THEM. That's a big black mark on our name, and it is the reason we are now hated by much of the rest of the world.

Our troops, made up of good, loyal, trusting, naive Americans, as well as a healthy admixture of sadists, scumbags and mercenaries, are being sacrifiiced or used by the Jew-co-opted elite to remake the Middle East so that Israel feels comfortable.

That's the fact of the matter.
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yankee hater
Forum Member
Jul 1, 2004
and you had to edit this? what did it sound like the first time??? heaven help us...
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