Josh, thanks for the well thought out reply. I'd make a couple points, that maybe I've tried to make before and failed at. Bill Clinton DID get a blow job in the White House and DID cheat on his wife while in office, but it didn't make him any less able to do the job to, perhaps, the highest level in our lifetime so why would Trump SAYING something prior to getting elected and DOING the same cheating as Clinton make him less able to run the country? To be clear, he isn't able to do it, but you can't disqualify him based on the same (or worse) indiscretions of someone I'm sure you agree handled the job very well.
How did we vote for Trump? Simple, we didn't, we voted against Hillary. Had the Dems run Sanders, or Biden or any number of stomachable candidates the outcome of the election would not have been close. We were never FOR Trump, but you have to understand we couldn't tolerate an HRC White House.
The Dems are in the "Do better" chair for 2020, give us an option other than Hillary (or Oprah for God's sake) and Trump will be a memory.
Thanks PF - It is easy to see reading your posts that you are not off kilter or wearing blinders through this ride. We don't have to agree politically but there are some generalities I think we both agree upon. To that end I think you and I truly believe that President Trump & Former President Clintong is not/ did not perform at a standard we would term Presidential. Congress and the Senate are a joke proved by how often we have party line votes. That is a problem both parties have and I wish we had term limits to help more free thinkers represent their constituents.
My passion for Politics has waned over the past few years but President Trump has sure stirred a little fire under my tush. I don't mind talking about President Clinton and his wrong doings because the Paula Jones lawsuit and Monica Lewinski scandal was a huge ordeal and actions from those proceedings lead to articles of impeachment passing the House and failing in the Senate. The two charges filed were perjury and obstruction of justice.
I do have an ironic bit of trivia from these proceedings, as many will remember the prosecutor in the case was named Kenneth Starr. Starr presented evidence that President Clinton lied about the Monica Lewinski scandal under oath and championed the fact that fellatio does indeed relate to sexual relations. Fast forward 15 years and Ken Starr was fired as the University President of Baylor where 50+ counts of sexual misconduct were reported against 30+ Baylor Football players during his time. In other news, the Trump administration offered Ken Starr a State Department Job -
While fact checking myself on this post, I did come across this line
While Clinton's job approval rating rose during the Lewinsky scandal and subsequent impeachment, his poll numbers with regard to questions of honesty, integrity and moral character declined.[SUP]
As a result, "moral character" and "honesty" weighed heavily in the next presidential election. According to The Daily Princetonian, after the 2000 presidential election, "post-election polls found that, in the wake of Clinton-era scandals, the single most significant reason people voted for Bush was for his moral character."[SUP][35][/SUP][SUP][36][/SUP][SUP][37][/SUP] According to an analysis of the election by Stanford University:
I absolutely see your point on comparing apples to apples & Bj's to Bj's here and I will even throw in that I am 100% certain that Bill Clinton lied under oath in The Lewinski scandal. I am not sure that President Trump has lied under oath. The only reason I say that is, I am not sure he has ever actually made statements under oath. If he has then I would change my answer to I am 101% sure that Trump has lied under oath. The guy can't help but lie. I don't believe this is even a debatable fact that the Right will fight. He has changed what is acceptable as a President of the United States and it is not good. Every week there is an outrageous statement or tweet and he is a poor choice to represent our Country.
It would be easy to continue on. It would be easy to type about his: Racist Remarks, Lies, Ego, Lack of Adjectives, Assault on the 1st Amendment, Propaganda overload, More Lies, Favoritism, Cronyism, Nepotism, More bad isms, list goes on and on. A man with zero political experience sits at the head of our political table and has the worst table manners I have ever seen. I also know you agree with most of this and that he is not doing a very good job with his Public Relations. But it feels good to say it when you're sitting on my side.
So do I think Clinton did a good job in office? Economically he benefited from the mid to late 90's technology push. We went from AOL to ground breaking internet advancements and car phones to mobile flip phones. It was going to be hard to screw up that economy and who knows what would have happened during the Bush administration had Al Qaeda not attacked on 9/11/01. I don't think Clinton did a bad job but I do know that his affair is a permanent black eye and punch line of a joke during that period of time in our history. Bill Clinton survived impeachment and I wouldn't mind seeing Trump face some of these serious questions under oath. I think technology advancement gets the credit for the 90's boom.
There is no dispute that the economy is humming right now. I think we could debate that the Obama administration has some influence on the current economy but I am not naive enough to not see that President Trump is playing a big part in this stock market. The rich are getting richer but I'm not sure Trump's deregulation effort is something to applaud. Regulations were put in place to prevent future Enron's from defrauding the government. Regulations were put in place to prevent drunk captains from dumping oil in Alaska. Regulations were put in place to protect our beaches from offshore drilling. Who gets blamed when there is an accident that ruins a coastline? The company that causes the disaster or the agency that allows the drilling in the first place? Who pays for it? To my bigger point, does anyone from a land locked state deserve to have a say on a State's coast line? You talked about knowing people losing paychecks from the Government shut down. We have Syrian Refugees and I am sure we have Dreamers as clients who are busting their asses getting 1099's and W-2's out this week. Here's a breakdown of Dreamers by state -
I've typed so much I can't erase it but I got so far off track that I'm not sure what my original end game was to this post. So I'll try to Cliff Note it
I understand Hillary sucked as a candidate. Our side thinks Donald Trump was worse and at this point of the game we kind of feel like we have been proven right. He is doing damage to the image of the USA frequently and many people still defend him. We ask all of those people to please stop defending President Trump. Just admit you made a mistake, promise not to do it again and move on quietly.
I have a 3 year old son and I need him to have options for role models outside of our household. That cupboard is currently bare.