Just as I suspected. Dems pussied out and gave in as usual. It's just fine when the GOP does it but when the Dems try to do it all these tools come out of nowhere upset. Dems need a spine and for once tell the GOP to go fuck themselves. :facepalm:
You know I sit to the left when picking aisles but I do disagree with you here. I think this played out pretty well for us.
The last time we had a Government shut down, the GOP kept things closed 16 days. It had a true impact on the lives of Government Workers and the fight was over Obamacare, the same Obamacare that the GOP can't repeal because of the benefit that it is providing to poor hard working single breadwinner families especially here in the South. Most of the 1099 contract labor guys we see that are married and have children, especially those with stay at home moms love Obamacare and vote for Trump. These are the people you saw in the south going to town hall meetings and telling elected Republicans not to mess with their families health care. So doors were closed for 16 days over the GOP holding Obamacare hostage.
This shutdown.
The dems shut down the Government over the weekend and by end of Monday had the votes to get the budget passed. 3 days but really only 1. To me that is more of a warning shot than anything. And we were lucky to get that. Hell, Schumer caved in and gave Trump 20 Billion for the border wall and would have really looked like a punk had Trump not renegged on the Schumer deal and asked for more money. That gave him the chance to use the negotiate with Jello line and basically gave the Democrats the okay to shut down the Government.
I saw Gary mention Trump renegging on the first deal but I can't believe this wasn't a bigger story. PF used the term holding the workers hostage and he was right, Trump got a large amount of money for the border wall and was going to hand over the dreamers but then decided it wasn't enough money and changed the ransom to a higher amount after shaking hands and agreeing to the deal. That's a big story in my opinion but so cheating on your wife with a porn star, Calling poor countries shitholes and grabbing women by the pussy. Just to be clear on the last one, I was talking about Donald Trump, not Larry Nassar.
So the Government is shut down, PF's friends are worried about the Democrats not coming to the table and negotiating funding for the Government and what did Trump and the White House do this weekend for those Government Workers... Nothing. No meetings, no negotiations. They tweeted insulting messages to female marchers and said bad things about the Democrats.
Schumer and Mcconnell get the credit for getting things worked out today.
So I disagree that this is the time to fight. Help the Government workers, get Mcconnell to promise to have a Dreamers debate, enjoy the Olympics, take a Summer Break and then hope and that November comes quickly.
Everyday a new #NeverTrump is being born and it should be enough to help the Democrats in midterm elections. This was going to be a tough year election wise for us just because of the numbers but the President is making it a little easier for us I think. Speaking of elections. I was really proud to be an American when Alabama chose to elect a Democrat instead of a Republican Child Predator. There were some courageous Conservatives who chose not to vote for Roy Moore and I don't think they were given as much credit as they deserve. Especially from our Party. Those people that changed their votes didn't change who they are, they just decided that they would choose to do the right thing and not vote for that Monster. Now, there were still 650k who didn't make a stand but the few that did, made an impact on the election results. It won't happen but I would encourage Doug Jones to vote with his constituents in mind and not along my party lines. It's the right thing to do and the only way he'll ever get elected to a 2nd term.
If the Republicans took the "negotiating" strategy you admire so much they would have invoked the nuclear option (hey, if you have a chip use it, right?) then told the Dems to not bring up DACA again or they deport 100,000 illegals a day until they stop bringing it up.
It is a telling sign that with 25 Democrats & only 8 Republicans defending in this years midterm that the GOP quickly put an end to Trumps nuclear tweet discussion today saying they wouldn't even consider it. Does that mean that they think they'll get to 60 in November or are they worried that they could lose majority this year and hand the Senate power to the Dems at Midterm. We'll see.
I know that the frustration TU has with the Democratic Party is the same one I have. How in the hell do we not have a better unified response/attack to the crazy shit that Trump does and says. This guy was caught on tape saying that he can just walk up to a girl and start kissing them and do whatever you know grab em by the pussy and people still voted for this guy. All moral and ethical grounds for not voting for him along with his lack of experience was the same reason we were all shocked when he won. Since then we're finding out he has cheated on his wife, he might not be racist but he sure says a lot of racist things and has some racist homophobic weed fearing friends. Oh, he also has an ego problem and is the biggest liar I have ever seen. Just blatant lies. You're right that he is not doing a good job but I think for me it was pretty clear that things were going to go badly, very badly from the beginning. Very badly, hugely badly. I think we just want someone in our party to do a better job of calling out all the bullshittery coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Mar-Lago FL 90210