Question----What do these airports have in Common?


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
Newark International
Boston's Logan
Washington's Dulles Int'l
Portland's Int'l. Jetport in Maine
LaGuardia in NY
The major airports in LA, Chicago & Las Vegas
Smaller airports in Ft.Lauderdale & Santa Barbara

In case no one saw the article, in today's NY Daily News,reporters from this newspaper concealed potentially deadly weapons(such as box cutters,razor knives,pepper spray) in their carry on bags.6 major airlines,11 airports,& 14 flights failed miserably a security test conducted by The News over the Labor Day Weekend.The first 4 airports that I listed above are the airports that the 4 murderers used on 9/11.The airports in Ft.Lauderdale & Santa Barbara are smaller commuter airports.

I find this outrageous & am surprised that other news media outlets are not reporting this indecent lack of security.

To the US Gov't.----------------------Wake Up!


poker brat
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Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
maybe so, but shoelaces can be used as a means to strangle someone

anyone wearing glasses can use them as a weapon as well... crack the lens and you have a good cutting edge.

a belt with a big buckle can make for a good swinging whip.

Do they say how or where they hid the foreign objects to get them smuggled in? I mean seriously, If you really wanted to try hard enough you could smuggle a lot of crap on a plane. There are just too many people going thru there for the medium level security they have in place. Unless they stopped everyperson and did a full body search down to their birthday suit they are not going to stop a hard & determined lunatic. And just imagine the public outrage that would cause if it came to that....

I would be interested to see how and where they hid all these objects to get thru the gates.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
There is such a simple solution to this problem.



Sometimes the most simple solution is right there for us to see.



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Nov 9, 2000
I just heard on the news that one of the airlines,United,accused the newspaper of breaking the law.
Talk about a company not getting it.

The gov't agency that oversees airport security more or less shrugged it off saying more or less that they review many people & baggage that it is almost impossible to catch everything.
To that I say bullshit!You do whatever it takes to get the job done.

I don't recall if the article stated exactly where they hid the items.But if you like to read the article yourself the site address is

I for one wouldn't like not being able to take a carry on bag on the plane.I am willing to stand for more extensive searches.But they should eliminate searches of older women.


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Nov 21, 1999
Syracuse,New York
On an old rerun of All In The Family , Archie says he can solve all the problems in the air by passing out pistols to all the passengers on board, that way they can protect themselves against what you call sky-jackers!:) :D :D :) :moon:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
AR182 said:

I for one wouldn't like not being able to take a carry on bag on the plane.I am willing to stand for more extensive searches.But they should eliminate searches of older women.

AR182 you sound just like the general public. They are appalled that knives can be passed through security but unwilling to give up their carry on stuff.

More extensive searchs will cost much more money and people and training. To fly to Las Vegas would run about $ 2,900.00 bucks round trip. And oh man you would be so safe. You could almost guarantee you would get to gamble another day.

Then if knives still got through we would all be pissed again.


if you cant put it in your pockets and pass a wand test then you check it.

Eliminate searchs of older woman ? Would you like to see Richard Harris in a dress , and under the dress size 12 nikes with little fuses hanging out ? In one breath you complain that stuff gets through and then you say we should eliminate some searchs. wow!

If we americans arent willing to sacrafice then we
need to just stfu.



Let me start this by saying that I have lost a very close friend in the attacks at the WTC, and additionally was living virtually across from the Pentagon at the time of 9/11/01. And I say this not to get into a pissing contest with anyone, becuase I have the most heartfelt sympathy for anyone and everyone who lost loved ones, but because I do not consider myself a callous person to this sort of tragedy.

In anycase, you guys have got to be kidding me about the suggestions you have made. I could really care less that the reporters took anything on board the planes. In fact, I think these jackasses should be prosecuted for what they have done. Number one, we are going to have every Tom, Dick, and Harry reporter trying to smuggle things onto a plane and use the excuse of 'journalism.' And I am the most liberal fool out there. But this is stupid.

Who cares? If it isn't a plane, it's a suicide bomber with 500 pounds of TNT strapped to his ass. If it's not him, it's shit in the subway system. Or blowing up a bridge. The plane was the vehicle, but airline security was not the cause.

I am not a particularly religious person in the sense that my fate is pre-disposed. I take precautions when and where necessary, but flying on an airplane is not one of them. God Bless those men and women who passed on the fateful flights. But to think that anyone or any group can absolve airlines of danger is stupid.

I fly almost everyday for half the year. I can't even compute how many miles and flights it adds up to be. But it's alot. I live with two or three shirts and some underwear and maybe two pairs of pants. If I could get a dollar for everytime my luggage was lost on an airline, I'd retire and play beantownjims picks for the rest of my life and still be on top. But if I ever played the the chances of being blown up in a plane, or my plane crashing, I'd be broke.

As tragic as it was, and as close as it did come, I have never had second thoughts about getting on a plane. I was on the freaking planes the first day they were in flight again. I will be honest and tell you that we all were staring each other over, up and down, but at the same time, all of our asses were on those flights.

My point of this whole mess is that you lose a sense of reality when you start taking away our personal freedoms uncessarily. The percentages do not favor making everyone check bags or even worry about taking 14 weapons onto planes. Think about how many flights and passengers there have been. There is a better chance of getting struck by lightning twice. The media has nothing better to report so they report a bunch of dumbasses among their own.

So what if a guy takes a knife onto a plane right now? With the locked cabin doors and F-16's ready to shoot down planes, at most your going to lose 150 people? With all due respect (and the very chance that I'd be one of them) I'll take my chances.

Let's take some precautions, but let's use some sense. "Has anyone unknown to you asked you to carry any items?"

Um...... let me think.......

Live your life, or they've won already!


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
All this security bullshit is there to make you "feel safe". The fact is, there aren't a whole hell of a lot of planes being hi-jacked.....there never were, and never will be.

You could check every single airport in the free world, and get past security with something. Who fuking cares? I think there is safety in knowing that there will never be another successful mission by a terrorist group, as we had on 9/11/01

No one will stand for being fodder on a flight to death. It is one thing to ride on a plane with a hi-jacker who plans to take the plane somewhere other than intended, and he plans on living......but I think the overwhelming majority of people would rather "go down fighting" now, than die at the hands of some scumbag with a political/religeous agenda, who is bent on suicide.

To much sensationalism.
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Nov 9, 2000

In a TV interview one of the reporters stated that they put the items in the inside pocket of the carry on bag.At no time did security ever check inside the pocket of a carry on bag.They also mingled the items with the toiletries at the bottom of the bags.


Show me an incident where an old white women attempted to hijack a plane.We know the reason why they are doing this.So nobody can be accused of racial profiling.But if they would eliminate searches of people who we know don't pose a threat & concentrated instead on the people who fit the profile of people who hijack planes,the lines may not be as slow.
Some people use carry on bags to store medications that are needed,to carry glasses(ie--reading glasses),to store certain toiletries such as toothpaste & toothbrush,to carry books,paperwork,etc.

I definitely don't think that these reporters should be jailed.IMO they did a public service by exposing the efficiencies of airport security.It seems to me that the airports & airlines do not have to stand up to the same scrutinies that other businesses do to survive.If many private businesses flounder they go out of business.If an airline company flounders they could just ask Congress for more money(Reminds me of major league baseball teams).Instead ofhaving the crutch to fall on & being constantly bailed out, these companies should just shutdown,like companies in other businesses.

AR182,a member of the general public.


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Mar 14, 2001
I read that some of the reporters lined their bags with lead to keep from being disrupted by the XRay cams. I may have been misinformed, but I did read that. I don't know enough about XRay equipment to say if this is something that could actually work or not.


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

I would disguise myself as an old lady, if I wanted to disrupt a plane, under your plan.

Carry on bags: As far as people needing meds, and what not, they are few, and far between. But, there are tons of people who carry on bags that are as big as regular suitcases! That is unneeded.

If Congress would just toss money at the airlines, I am guessing none would ever go out of business. But, alas, they do.

As for the reporters? What if they did get caught, and were sent to jail? Highly unlikely that they would go to jail, but if they did, would they say, "Hey....I was just doing a story. Let me go." What if these same reporters want to see how easy it would be to rob a bank? Or kidnap someone? Personally......I can use my own two eyes to notice that airport security is nothing more than a mental scam being run to give the perception of a safe environment in the air. The security does not really exist, does it?


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Jun 21, 2002
Niagara Falls
Use racial profiling.PERIOD
EL Al airlines out of Israel uses this method to weed out those palestinian cocksuckers who would blow up their own kids in the name of ala.
EL AL has never been jacked nor have there been any meaningful incidents aboard one of their jets.They also implemented the use of 2 armed sky marshalls aboard every flight.
**** the political correctness and take a page from EL AL so we can all fly safe.
IF someones is offended or their feelings get hurt.TOUGH SHIT.
Its time to stop ****ing around!!!!!!!!!!!


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Scott-Atlanta said:
There is such a simple solution to this problem.



Sometimes the most simple solution is right there for us to see.


You don't travel much do you, if the airline is willing to take liability for my laptop and the value of the data on it to ensure it will be in tact when I get to my destination then yes I would agree with you. It's not going to happen, keep in mind that business travelers keep the airlines in business not the person who buys a ticket once or twice a year.



I agree 100%. Until those damn airlines stop making thousands of dollars from me, you can be damn well sure I'm carrying everything I need onboard. Especially with how much they lose things that are checked. It's like being a carpenter and showing up to a job without tools. There is no guarantee that your checked stuff is making it to the airport that you're going to, so you've got to carry on everything that is important.

I don't feel bad for these airlines.... $1500 is a good or atleast average price for most flights, so to start crying that their losing money is ridiculous. I know the airline employees don't see it, but that money has got to be going in someone's pocket!



Aren't airline still by far the safest mode of transportation? I'd love to see the stats. I am more nervous on the winding roads of west virginia than on any airline flight, and I've been on some wicked flights....

I think the press is once again just looking to sensationalize something that isn't there.


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
Hack said:
Use racial profiling.PERIOD
EL Al airlines out of Israel uses this method to weed out those palestinian cocksuckers who would blow up their own kids in the name of ala.

lol like you fawking know what is really going on there right...??? I mean you lived there didnt ya?? Think before you talk dont know the whole story and you believe everything thats on TV. You wanna get racial...then we can do this..


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
I was walking past a cluster of cops the other morning wondering what was going on until I realized that they were arresting a guy with 16 guns in his car.

Who gives a shit what they do with airline security? I say that with tongue in check of course. But lets get real. Our highways arent checked. Our ports arent checked.

A hijacker could pull over on the 14th Street bridge (100 yards or so from and with a direct line of sight to the Pentagon) pull out a bunch of Stingers or a morter launcher or worse maybe some chemical weapons. Even with heightened security he could get of several shots before getting taken out. Any of these groups could load cruise missles onto a boat and saunter right up the Potomac into the heart of DC. Or they could drive a car filled with chemical weapons right into the city and detonate it. You cant control everything. Its just a fact.

Why the overfascination with airline security? I have no idea. But did we really need to create an additional level of 50,000 govt bureaucrats to solve the problem? Is that supposed to make me feel better?


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
I will tell ya MY experience with airports...

After I served my time in the Army, I got a job right away at Detroit Metro Airport doing many different jobs. First I was with American West Airlines and then I was with Delta mainly doing luggage shit. Anyhoo...we use to get REALLLLYYY busy. And these asshole travelers bitch and whine about how they gotta wait in line and how they might miss there flight because of all these checkpoints. Fact of the matter is this....these airports get so damn busy that they dont do a full check. Iam actually surprised there isnt more hijacks and stuff. If you ask me, I always worked being paranoid....was afraid some nut would pull an AK out and just start shooting it up. So I quit...and now Iam in school :)

P.S. Dont ever work at an airport....but it does pay good :p


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
I fondly remember living in NH when the Manchester Airport had no metal detectors, no security, just check in and walk right to the waiting area and right onto the tarmac.

I took the consulting job I have now 4 years ago with the express promise of no traveling ever. I take 4-5 weeks of vacation a year, that is enough airport hassle for me thanks.
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