Question----What do these airports have in Common?




as long as said person doesnt blow up the hawk 'n dove or dubliner, i'll be fine :)


I'll have to find you there some night and introduce myself. I'm a huge bosox fan as well.


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Hellah et al,

I did my time in the army also, worked in S3 in the 11th ACR before and after the cold war. Keep in mind that the folks who "whined" are the folks who help the airport/airline support staff keep a job. What is funny to me is that folks who work @ the airport who don't travel on a weekly basis bitch about the way that folks like me act. Belive me, I am the first person who wants to have a safe flight, because I am on the plane....not you. What peaves me is that security/airline folks are not the ones who are FLYING.....they get to get into their cars, buses whatever and go home (so far I have 66 roundtrip flights under my belt since 1/1/02). On a per year basis I have more air miles than I have on my vehicles. If you are not getting on the planes on a weekly basis then how can you have any say:shrug: I want to get home to my family too.

just my .02


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
acehistr8 --

are you a Niner fan? if so no wonder we click:D



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 21, 2002
Niagara Falls
hellah,your right.
I should not talk bad about palestinian extremists that like to blow up innocent civilians on buses and cafes because its the medias fault for not telling the whole story.
I do understand the plight of the Palestinian people but for you to spin my statement as a racial slur shows your ignorance.
Back to the main point.RACIAL PROFILING WILL WORK.
At least our skies will be safe again


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
lol you sure are a hell of a person hack. Maybe you shoudl go live there fora few days. Hmmm lets see here...what weapons do they have to fight back with...missles - no...rockets - no....tanks - no.....jets - no.....apache copters - no....TNT - yea

Pretty sure they would use weapons if they had any. Those people die there everyday anyways...why not take a few jews with them. But then again you have never lived there...its not like the Isrealis just dont do anything right?!?!?! Its not like they kill innocent civilians right? I mean you just know it all dont ya?!? Your just one of those special peopel arent ya. Oh by the ya ever realize who owns the media?!?! I`ll give ya a hint...they are supporters of zionism(are you smart enough to know what that word means)

Do people realize that the US gives something around 80 billion dollars to Isreal. I can remember being in the Army and every single one of those people hate Isreal...saying stuff like taking there money and equipment. Isreal has better trained soldiers then the US....from top to bottom. Even the Rangers said so.....

ryson - I was in 169th Eng. dreaded Ft. Leonard Wood blahh. I never complained about people bitching and stuff...I really didnt care cuz I wasnt working security....I found it kinda funny actually cuz people just go crazy waiting. I was usually busy all the time anyways to care...


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001

first off thank you for your service to our country. I just get a bit offended when it comes to the whole air travel thing, due to that fact that I travel often. Here is why I feel that I have a say in the air travel department....I am flying on 2 different airlines on 9/11/02 and both on one way tickets. Question: Is ryson going to get searched and shook down.....answer...yes.... Does ryson of the deal, Does ryson fly every week.........yes. I had a one way ticket on AA last week (turning FM onto Makers Mark BTW) and I had 2 lighters...(yes cigarette lighters) and they took one, plus my boarding pass and put me thru the wringer. I did not bitch, gripe or complain just part of the deal when it comes to air travel these days. Just like anything else...unless you walk in my goes the story. I have no comment on the dialog you & hack are having.

GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
so hey, got the solution to the problem right here..

Everybody flies NAKED!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D

Southwest is on the right track with their detering fat people from flying by making them buy two seats...


Forum Member
Jul 24, 2001
Marine good idea, now what country do beautiful females love to fly to most often? :D

1. Hack, you first post in this thread was uncalled for, I think an apology to Hellah 10 is called for here.....

No more flying, stay in your country, and if you don't like it, TOO BAD

The above statement was a joke!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
It seems that the politicians are chiming in on this topic:

NYC Mayor Bloomberg said federal authorities are not doing as much as they need to do."Its one thing to go & pass a law or allocate some funds to fix a problem", he said"It is quite different to go out there to do it & to maintain it".

Ny Gov.Pataki pledged the state would go beyond what is required by fed. authorities.He added that the News probe should serve as a lesson to the fed. authorities"We would just urge them to learn from this experience & do whatever they can".

Transportation Sect'y Minetta said since the TSA was formed in Feb.,guards have confiscated close to 2 million prohibited items & more than 500 illegal weapons.

It seems that the experts tend to agree with most of the posters in this thread.Airline security experts ridiculed gov'ts.attempt to keep weapons off planes.They said the task is impossible & that other than arming pilots,locking cockpit doors & profiling passengers are the answer to safer skies.Larry Johnson,former deputy director in state dep'ts. office of counter terrorism,an expert on airport security states,"You can't keep weapons off planes unless you have the passengers fly naked".

Maybe you could answer some questions for me since you seem to know what is going on in the Middle East,& I am really at a loss for answers:
You said that the US gives Isreal $80 billion.How many $ billion has the US given to the Palestinians?And out of those $billion,what percentage has Arafat stolen from his people & put in offshore accounts & given to his wife to live in luxury in a penthouse in Paris?And what percentge of the aid has been used to provide better housing for his people?
What percentge of the media is owned by supporters of Zionism?
What percentage of Palestinians celebrated in the streets when innocent Americans were slaughtered on 9/11?
If the murderers on 9/11 were young blond blue eyed men with a range in age of 20-40,& then blond blue eyed men fitting that age range were being profiled,would you think that it was wrong? This one I will give my opinion.Any intelligent person,& am sure you are an intelligent person,would think it would make perfect sense to check men fitting the above example that I gave.After all it was those type of men who did this horrible crime.So why is wrong to profile the people fitting the description & age range of the true murderers of 9/11?

BTW,I want to thank you & everyone else who served & presently serve our Nation in the military.The events of 9/11 have made me more aware of the people who try to help perserve our way of life.


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
AR182 said:
What percentge of the media is owned by supporters of Zionism?

Fox - NBC - CBS - CNN

dont know number wise...but those 4 do for sure.
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Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
AR182 said:
Maybe you could answer some questions for me since you seem to know what is going on in the Middle East,& I am really at a loss for answers:
You said that the US gives Isreal $80 billion.How many $ billion has the US given to the Palestinians?And out of those $billion,what percentage has Arafat stolen from his people & put in offshore accounts & given to his wife to live in luxury in a penthouse in Paris?And what percentge of the aid has been used to provide better housing for his people?

I dunno...but i`ll find out

Well the housing...what good is it to build something when a missle goes through it a week later...

It doesnt bother you that Isreal is better trained then us?!?!
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Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
AR182 said:

What percentage of Palestinians celebrated in the streets when innocent Americans were slaughtered on 9/11?

Zero....CNN even apologized that the tape was not from 2001...that tape was from 93. Iam sure alot of people all over the world were happy....because in all reality, nobody likes america and its soceity. Wether is jealousy of our lifestyle orrr the cost of living...orrrr the fact we can turn a switch and get light....some parts of the world have no electricuty, whatever it may be. In my years in the Army I went to Kosovo(not war...building stuff), Korea, India, France, Germany, and Australia....and all have the same opinion towards America....

Everybody believes anything thats either on the net or TV. Hell I remember when almost everybody on campus was like "Oh my god the world is gonna end..." Something about Nostrodamus...I dont know....something gay. If the news said Aliens are gonna eat us...over 50% would believe that shit...thats how stupid people have become.
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Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
AR182 said:
If the murderers on 9/11 were young blond blue eyed men with a range in age of 20-40,& then blond blue eyed men fitting that age range were being profiled,would you think that it was wrong? This one I will give my opinion.Any intelligent person,& am sure you are an intelligent person,would think it would make perfect sense to check men fitting the above example that I gave.After all it was those type of men who did this horrible crime.So why is wrong to profile the people fitting the description & age range of the true murderers of 9/11?

Come on now man...just because Iam arab - dont assume I think it was a good thing they did. If anybody did it...whether it was Arabs...Whites...Blacks...Eskimos...Whores...whoever...a crime of life is a crime of life...simple as that. Ya know..was it wrong that Tim McViegh blew up a Gov. building?!! Of course the end, we are all one. These crazy idiots that put a plane into a building are just that...crazy. Nobody in the arab world liked it...we all knew we would get major heat over it....but live and learn I guess.

Now I realize that every person thats on a plane that has a turbine or a longgg beard will get a wierd look and every single eye on the plane will be on him. To be honest with ya..I`d be a bit paranoid myself. But then again...if he says anything I would be able to understand him....

This world is going straight to the gutter. I dont want to jump off the topic...but I just wanna say something towards the world.

Hows come I cant go into downtown Detroit at 2 am without my stomach being turned?? Or why we all have to worry about a nuke gettng luanched here or there...This world is totally sick. Has a white person ever walked into the middle of Compton California before?!? I would assume not many....thats fawked up that we as humans battle with other humans whether its over land - religion - oil - power - or whatever it may be. Someone asked me "Where do you see the world in 1000 years?" I said it`ll be a great place to live...but with a price. I think all this arrogance with whites hatting arabs...and arabs hatting jews...and KKK hatting everyone....and Rep of Ireland fighting with whoever they are fighting with`ll end soon. Maybe it`ll take a HUGE world war to fix the logic in these peoples heads, that not every arab is a terroist....not every black person is a thug and wont steal your shit....not every white person will go to your house in white hoods and burn your house....not every chinese(whatever do they do wrong:confused: ) Maybe it wont happen in my generation...but it`ll happen...and money wont be the driving force in our lifes.....maybe we can finally live to just better ourselves....

Someone really smart told me that when the world runs our of will humans do then? Its silly we fight with eachother. No country is perfect....every single damn governmnet is curropted....we all know it, and that will bite us in the ass big time sooner or later....and I hope Iam not around to witness that...the fall of US? Who the Army we were all aware of the power that China has...too many people have there eye on one thing...arabs arabs arabs......Iam sure the Gov is loving it all the attention to the "assholes" of the world...right?!?! Economy taking a shit.....US Armed Forces is getting smaller and smaller by the year....nobody gives a shit about anything anymore it seems like....

I hope you have stock in Gold and Silver........
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001


Let's pause a moment and take the following test on whether or not we
> should engage in profiling at the airports.
> In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped & massacred by:
> (a) Olga Corbutt
> (b) Sitting Bull
> (c) Arnold Schwartzeneger
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40
> In 1979, the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:
> (a) Lost Norwegians
> (b) Elvis
> (c) A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40
> During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
> (a) John Dillinger
> (b) The King of Sweden
> (c) The Boy Scouts
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40
> In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
> (a) A pizza delivery boy
> (b) Pee Wee Herman
> (c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40.
> In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked, and a 70 year old
> American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard by:
> (a) The Smurfs
> (b) Davy Jones
> (c) The Little Mermaid
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40.
> In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, & a U.S. Navy diver was
> murdered by:
> (a) Captain Kid
> (b) Charles Lindberg
> (c) Mother Teresa
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40
> In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
> (a) Scooby Doo
> (b) The Tooth Fairy
> (c) Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid who had a few sticks of dynamite
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40
> In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
> (a) Richard Simmons
> (b) Grandma Moses
> (c) Michael Jordan
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40.
> In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
> (a) Mr. Rogers
> (b) Hillary, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women problems
> (c) The World Wrestling Federation to promote its next villain:
> "Mustapha the Merciless"
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40
> On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked & destroyed & thousands of
>people were killed by:
> (a) Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd
> (b) The Supreme Court of Florida
> (c) Mr. Bean
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40.
> In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
> (a) Enron
> (b) The Lutheran Church
> (c) The NFL
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40.
> In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
> (a) Bonny and Clyde
> (b) Captain Kangaroo
> (c) Billy Graham
> (d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 & 40.
> Hmmm . .Nope, no patterns anywhere to justify profiling.


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
hellah10 said:

I dunno...but i`ll find out

Well the housing...what good is it to build something when a missle goes through it a week later...

It doesnt bother you that Isreal is better trained then us?!?!

here are some stats on aid: the link


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
Pro-Isreal Contributions ??

You got anything on aid going to Palestinians? That link is about money going to Isreal...

This site is pretty interesting...thanks ryson....this is a good article

U.S. Aid to Israel: What U.S. Taxpayer Should Know

by Tom Malthaner

This morning as I was walking down Shuhada Street in Hebron, I saw graffiti marking the newly painted storefronts and awnings. Although three months past schedule and 100 percent over budget, the renovation of Shuhada Street was finally completed this week. The project manager said the reason for the delay and cost overruns was the sabotage of the project by the Israeli settlers of the Beit Hadassah settlement complex in Hebron. They broke the street lights, stoned project workers, shot out the windows of bulldozers and other heavy equipment with pellet guns, broke paving stones before they were laid and now have defaced again the homes and shops of Palestinians with graffiti. The settlers did not want Shuhada St. opened to Palestinian traffic as was agreed to under Oslo 2. This renovation project is paid for by USAID funds and it makes me angry that my tax dollars have paid for improvements that have been destroyed by the settlers.

Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel. For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon. The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel. It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

I am angry when I see Israeli settlers from Hebron destroy improvements made to Shuhada Street with my tax money. Also, it angers me that my government is giving over $10 billion to a country that is more prosperous than most of the other countries in the world and uses much of its money for strengthening its military and the oppression of the Palestinian people.
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