Quiz on Israeli Democracy


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
Re: Quiz on Israeli Democracy

Chanman said:
Israel killed over 20,000 Lebanese and Muslims (90% of whom are civilians) with American made and paid for weapons?

true again, however it was muslims and christians. and my grandfather was 1 of the 20,000


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Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
I married into a Lebanese family. My wife is the first generation born and raised in US. Her father and his brothers were born in Beirut. They are members of the Maranite Rite Church (Catholic). They are some of the most moral and decent people that I have ever met.

If the average American would understand how they have been treated...they would not be so quick to label them as the cause of terrorist attacks. Actually, if the average joe american would be educated on the subject...we would demand our government to support them.....Jews are the cause of all this.....why does our gov't not do a thing? Shame.


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Nov 4, 2000
Wilson you just need to look back 40 /50 years in America to see how blacks were still being treated. Many Americans just looked the other way. So it seems right that many look the other way now with this problem. You look at Iraq they were no real problem for us. But we invaded them. Now most the Arab world uses that as a hate point against us. We give then some of the reasons to want to cause us harm. They were close to getting this problem under control in Israel 2000. But with no effort from us to help since then. It's just gone down hill.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002
Wilson said:
I married into a Lebanese family. My wife is the first generation born and raised in US. Her father and his brothers were born in Beirut. They are members of the Maranite Rite Church (Catholic). They are some of the most moral and decent people that I have ever met.

If the average American would understand how they have been treated...they would not be so quick to label them as the cause of terrorist attacks. Actually, if the average joe american would be educated on the subject...we would demand our government to support them.....Jews are the cause of all this.....why does our gov't not do a thing? Shame.



Forum Member
Nolan- heyes XLNT post.

djv- I had no part of how Blacks were treated by whites, and I don't think this is quite the same . As w/KKK, Farrakhan, Mecha, etc.- playing the Race Card only works w/ppl who are insecure, of low ewsteem, uneducated, etc.

HR- Wilson obviously has a vested interest...he loves his wife and her family. He may be emotional, but I certainly don't think he is an Ignorant Fool-IMHO.


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Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
Maybe I am a fool.....But, I just have a sympathetic ear to the people that got their land, property and dignity stripped away from them.

Jews were displaced because of the atrocities during WWII...In 1948, it was declared that Israel would occupy 55% of land...despite only having 30% of population....a war broke out. At the end of conflict..the get 80%?? Why do the Lebanese/Palestinians have to pay the price? Somebody takes my land away from me in an unjust way..expect a fight.

We (US) take pride in righting wrongs in the world. Money talks...We did nothing but support this takeover. Its evil and we still continue to condone it.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i`m not jewish

i`m not jewish

but some of you guys need to check yourself....

"If the average American would understand how they have been treated...they would not be so quick to label them as the cause of terrorist attacks. Actually, if the average joe american would be educated on the subject...we would demand our government to support them....."""""Jews are the cause of all this"""""....why does our gov't not do a thing? Shame"

anti semitism is on the rise in the u.s. and in europe....i understand hellah`s personal feelings and involvement in the issue...no offense intended, bud...

but,this kind of statement is very scary...."blame the jews"..... it`s beginning to sound like the rationale that was bandied about when hitler was doing his thing....we are differentiating between muslim terrorists and peaceful muslims...

but,not "the jews?".....

some smart guys are making some knee jerk statements in this thread....

be careful,guys.......it`s a very slippery slope we are traveling down here....


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Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
You are missing my point.

Highroller wants to issue statements that these Muslims are strapping bombs to themselves and killing innocent people. Totally sidestepping the real problem.....

The superior and more powerful Jews have been pushing innocent Palestinians out of their homes and into poverty strickened environments for far too long. Now, we want to place emphasis on terrorist atacks as the contributing factor to this conflict?...PUHHLLEESE. If you are going to place blame...put it on the original aggressor. Period.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
you could

you could

argue for days about who is the real villain here....who is at fault.....and never resolve the issue...

what you can`t argue is that strapping unsuspecting children with pack bombs to do your dirty work is uncivilized and barbaric and there`s no way to rationalize that kind of behavior....

i`d say that`s a real problem...

if you can do that,then,i guess you can rationalize a bunch of fanatics ramming two jets into the world trade center...

another very real problem......i don`t think "the jews" did that...although there are some muslims and extermists that absolutely believe that this was a jewish plot....
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Snake Plissken

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Mar 21, 2000
The Island of Manhattan


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i think

i think

i`ll stay out of these issues from now on...i know some guys,guys that i like and respect like hellah,have very real ,personal involvement in this topic....

i don`t want to cause hard feelings by posting opposing points of view...

this is a gambling forum populated by decent guys....i see how a guy like hellah steps back from the issue,even with the deep personal feelings i`m sure he has....

i`ll take a que from him and back off....

no disrespect intended toward anyone in the thread....thanks for the discourse...

*******note...i typed this before i saw the shit storm that went down in another thread......i am sick to my stomach at the thought that hellah hates america......if that`s the truth,i`m pretty much shocked.....

hellah....if you really feel that way,why did you serve?....how could you serve?... i thank you for your service, but,i don`t understand such a conflict of interest.....and i wonder how many others that served felt the same.....

whoa....not a good day on the forum...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I dont believe H10 said he hates America. I thought he said he hates Americas policie in the middle east. That would move him into about 46% of the population that are not happy with our ploicies in the middle east at this time. Does that make the 54% right. Not at all.


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Nov 4, 2000
Not sure what or why I need to give it a rest. Someone It looks like you said your shocked H10 hates America. I guess I never saw it said that way. If not true then a statement saying he hates America would be very wrong.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


i think this whole hellah thing seems to have spiraled out of control....it saddens me......i wanted to bow out of this mess without causing further hard feelings,but....

hellah can speak for himself...i hope at some point he clarifies his stance....if not,that`s fine......i like the guy...but,from what i`ve read recently,he holds some anti-american views....given his heritage,i can sort of understand his point of view.....living in america,i hope he doesn`t harbor ill will for the people or wish us harm......after interacting with him for several years,some of his recent comments are somewhat provacative and i`m sure,took some of us by surprise...

i don`t know if he hates america...only hellah knows that....i`ll retract that .......it`s a free country....he has every right to his opinions...and i respect that right....

you,on the other hand, tend to act like a little girl and always want to get the last word in.......even though you rarely research what you comment on and many times get the facts wrong...

i was hoping this would die and we could all get on with more pleasant stuff...

my last word on hellah...i hope(and i hope he does also)that this stuff just goes away....the guy is a solid contributor to the sports forums...

i`ll give you your chance to get the last word in ....as usual.......knock yourself out...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I have nothing to add. If you had only said this the first time. But saying to me give it a rest made no sence.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"


that was a bit harsh on my part.....i should have taken some time before responding....sorry for the "tone" of my response....way to vitriolic considering the subject matter.....my bad...
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